Lost weight?

Anyone else noticed that he looks a lot thinner lately? I'm watching him in the good wife and he looks quite ill.


Yes, I'm watching S6 and he's looking uncomfortably gaunt.


I noticed it too and wondered if Matt has gone vegan or something?


Yea as a guess, I would agree with you and say he just lost weight through changing his diet: Veganism or cutting out Sugar and Gluten, or maybe even all of these.
Also, his hair is shorter on the sides now 💈💇🏼‍♂️
He's 39 now though, and I think he still looks Great!



Well he's topless on Gilmore Girls and looks in good shape to me


Yup he def did look in Good shape, & Im so glad he featured so much in the Gilmore Girls Revival :)


He lost a lot of weight for season 6 of The Good Wife (his character's prison arc). He's seriously great in it and carries the emotional weight of the whole season. Thankfully he's starting to gain a bit back. But watch season 6 of Good Wife and you really see him look so thin and weary (though it fits with what the character went through)


Yes, I noticed thin, gaunt looking. It shows mostly in his face. I wonder if he had at some point succumbed to the drug use/addiction that is typical of so many who gain fame and fortune? Or, conversely, if it IS an illness? Whatever the cause, I wish him all the best. He is one of my favorite actors. My recommendations: plenty of sleep, a daily milkshake, and a bacon double cheeseburger added to the diet, quite often, please. Love ya', Matt. Be well.


He's not ill. He's not a drug addict. He just lose weight because the good wife and the season 6 storyarc. His character was arrested and went through difficult times in his life. And he changed his diet for it.
A direct quote from Matt:

We haven’t seen Cary in this dire of a situation before, and it must have been tricky getting into his head space since jail is a completely different environment for him. What’s his state of mind right now, and how did you prepare?

I watched a television show called Locked Up, which documented real prisoners. I found a blog by a former prisoner and read that and took notes on that. What I found was that when you have the clothes stripped off your back, there’s this huge loss of dignity. There’s loneliness, isolation, vulnerability. I was able to see what real prisoners felt like through that research. When I was at work I tried to mirror that loneliness and vulnerability by isolating myself on set, staying in handcuffs longer than I needed to, not going back to my trailer, staying in the actual prison we were shooting in and staying in the cell. I really wanted to create that vulnerability and get into that head space. I’ve never been arrested, so I had to tap into what the character was feeling and thinking at that time. Those were some of the things I did. I didn’t eat as much as I usually do to try and feel a little bit weaker. The food, from what I’ve read, is not great in prison.

And that's a recent photo of Matt. He doesn't look gaunt.

