Lost weight?

Anyone else noticed that he looks a lot thinner lately? I'm watching him in the good wife and he looks quite ill.


forgive the lowercase... i'm typing one handed... my other hand is holding a sleeping kitten.

i have no reason to doubt the truthfulness of the above statement. however, consider these two things, please.

1. his character was not in jail/prison long enough for those physical changes to occur (even if you take into account the stress of the situation, it would not have had that dramatic of an effect in that short period of time)
2. he still looked too pale and thin in season 7

as far as the picture, there is no date or website associated with it to tell when it was taken. he is a handsome devil in it, to be sure. he is also still on the thin side in it.

maybe he is just growing up... growing out of that baby-face... but he could still stand a milkshake with dinner

i wish him all the best

