MovieChat Forums > John Francis Daley Discussion > He has one of those faces I just want to...

He has one of those faces I just want to punch



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"Seriously"..You are a f---ing loser.

Get over it pal...Yeah, he's much more beautiful than you could ever be. Just get over it. Girls probably look for other qualities in protection, maybe? Well, maybe not that because you sound kind of like a wuss.

We're getting very bored with people like you.



I could almost predict your highly predictable response...dick, useless dick.
Even though it is vain to argue with your kind, let's just clear up a few things anyway:
1) Yes, I'm a guy (are you?), but I'm not gay and actually have quite a pretty girlfriend ( HA! ...thankfully there's still girls out there who are cute and have an intellect)
2) though I wouldn't call myself buff, I'm in good shape, chiseled and toned, at an average weight for my height( HA! ). I workout on a moderate, regular basis to stay healthy, unlike you who probably believes that being a man is based soley on how muscular you are and how much you work out. Fecking Sad.

So are you someone who bases the value of your empty life on how much "action" you get?(Anyway, I bet i've seen more action than you of ALL KINDS!). And do you know how backwards you sound when you say things like "fag"? I hope that your 80 years old, or a middle-aged republican.

I don't think your laughing little buddy, it sounds like you actually have quite a bleak and abysmal existence. Anyway, advocating violence because of the way someone looks is not cool (kind of like you: not cool). The vast majority of the fans of this show and the creators would more than likely agree with me....simpleton.

Btw, I'm completely indifferent to emo music, as is my girlfriend, but from what hear, it sounds crappy. One thing we probably agree on!


DarthAngelus, your response tells more about you. Grow up. If you really act like that in real life, no doubt you're the one who's already been punched in the face, multiple times.

i feel root vegetable. am i dead? or buried alive?


Just ignore this idiot troll. Who else would take the time to go to the message board of someone he supposedly hates to make a thread about how much he wants to punch him? That's pretty damn sad. Seriously.


Hey Sheldonshells I must say I am quite impressed by your level of maturity.People who talk as much are usually liars.

I've had a pain in the a$$ for the past 45 years! You got any soup for that?
