MovieChat Forums > John Francis Daley Discussion > He has one of those faces I just want to...

He has one of those faces I just want to punch



hey medNytestorm, or whatever the hell you want to call yourseld.

My online personna on this particular website says NOTHING about my level of maturity.

And no I'm not a liar. I have a girl (in fact, i'm with the same girl)...and don't be put off by the way I talk, I'm smarter than you (i can tell by your lame quotation you use at the end of every commetn; seriously, why would you keep using that at the end of every comment; it's so plainly stupid.) so get over it.

Was this thread about someone? OH yeah, sam from Fs and Gs. He has a face that.....well, kind of pale, with big olive boy eyes (whatever that means) and a demeanour you would want to punch.......but not a face.
