MovieChat Forums > Kevin Feige Discussion > Disney and Star Wars

Disney and Star Wars

There are talks of Kevin Feige in Star Wars. As Disney owns both Marvel and Lucas Film I put ideas in for a crossover movie trilogy of MCU and Star Wars. Kevin Feige is to do a Star Wars film. I have the idea for it below with links on various ideas.

There should be some kind of villain who plots to rule the galaxy. The old republic is formed and so is the jedi. There should be books and comics to be on the road to this film. That should be before the sith wars. The first jedi defeats the main villain. Other fans could write in other ideas. There are new planets introduced in this one as Kevin Feige planned.

I have links for ideas on Marvel and Star Wars. Do any of you have ideas to put in? You could then comment to those links. We leave it to the people with legal rights to profit.

Here are the various ideas below by other fans and I.

There are links by the founder of the TV ideas wiki with movie ideas on the ideas wiki by other people who posted those ideas in... (should instead be a TV show)

Some of the shows should become comic books instead like episode of the Clone Wars became books and comics.






I wouldn't want that idiot anywhere near Star Wars. Hasn't it been abused and humiliated enough?


Good news, he's not going to touch Star Wars, so I'm happy :)



• X-Men vs. Avengers Phoenix Force

Other fans could come up with the idea of X-Men vs. Avengers movie. This is the one of the Phoenix Force. The writers could write in the X-Men and Avengers roll call. Lady Thor was talked to having gone her own ways after defeating the mother of the Von Strucker siblings Master Izo defeated a member of the hand while the other heroes of NYC in the kitchen defeated Hand ninjas. Also talked of by the Avengers of defeating the Doom bots. Black Ant joins the Avengers team in this one. The X-Men roll call are Storm, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Professor X if still alive, Deadpool, Night Crawler and Shadowcat. The Avengers roll call are Carol Danvers as Marvel, Black Ant (Eric O’Grady), Wonder man, Black Knight, Now Jessica Drew being Spider-Woman and Captain America.

The Prelude comics should be side stories to the Secret Wars movie of the X-Men and Avengers with also the Marvel Knights team as Nighthawk with laser defeated Sabertooth.

There should be a beginning battle of Dr. Doom having escaped from the Vault once again. He takes on Magneto. This time Dr. Doom defeats Magneto. He’s possessed by the Phoenix force and ends up killing him. The Avengers become possessed. The X-Men take them on. There should be a battle of Sub-Mariner vs. Black Talon. Sub-Mariner defeats Black Talon as the Namor is on the Avengers team. Deadpool should be in this in the final battle against Doctor Doom. He defeats him without killing him. He’s taken for burn treatment. The X-Men and Avengers battle it out in exorcism. Doctor Doom in redemption defeats Phoenix. In the end credits Dr. Doom’s face is restored and just Victor Von Doom now. Storm is married to the Black Panther after this battle. It’s mentioned only of Storm married to M’Baku. M’Baku is a solider of Black Panther in replacing T’Challa as Chadwick Bosman died in real life.

Other wise Erik Killmonger comes back to life taking the place of T’Challa and in redemption one day gets married to Storm of the X-Men. If T’Challa is re cast then he’s the husband of Storm/Orroro Monroe.

If not this one maybe World of Tomorrow is about forming a New Avengers team in 2099 at the beginning of that year.

· World of Tomorrow Movie

Tiberius Stone should be the main villain of the story. Fiona is working for him. Mutagen is one of the villains of the story. There are Alchemex robots. Miguel O’Hara had become Spider-Man. There could be prelude comics to when that Spider-Man defeated the Hobgoblin of his time. There is now John Eisenhart is the Hulk of that time. Roberta Mendez had become Captain America in that time. Also teaming with them is Sonny Frisco the Iron Man of that time. They defeat those villains. Captain America takes on Fiona and she defeats her. The Hulk defeats Mutagen while Spider-Man and Iron Man of that time defeat robots. Spider-Man with his webs captures Tiberius Stone and he’s arrested. The heroes each go their own ways. This should start out on New Year’s Day in 2099 as of the beginning of that year.

§ Avengers 2099 Movie

On the team are Cecil McAdams a minister is now Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America and Hawkeye (not known of that Hawkeye but maybe descended f

Tiboro and Exterminatrix could be the main villains of the America Chavez movie. Mother could be the chief villain. Do you fans have the ideas for America Chavez solo movie and solo Miniseries of Sub-Mariner. You have my permission right away to post on my pages. Allot of updating on the ideas for the writers of the future Marvel movies and TV shows with books or comics.

Ideas for Avengers crossover of Star Wars Prelude comics.

There could be prelude comes of Amora and Skaar fighting other fear lords in the later 2020’s AD. Also during the Secret Wars Solo (James Bourne) fighting Lucia Von Bardas while the Avengers were fighting the Doom patrol in a gun fight. Also Red Skull revealing to still be alive and then killing Solo next revealing to James Born Lucia Von Bardas is alive still and nearly killed her during the Secret Wars. Amora the Enchantress in NYC is facing the Lucia Von Bardas with cybernetic implants.

Deadpool is that time on the Thunderbolts along with Black Widow, Baron Zemo, Songbird and teaming with Spider-Boy during the Star Wars crossover right when the X-Men is dealing with mutant hating villains. Deadpool slays Selene the Black Queen. Shadow Spider and the Thunderbolts teaming up is when some other jedi of that time battle ancient sith lords is in between the crossover of the Defenders with Star Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy with Star Wars. Wolverine defeated the Queen Brood but Shadow Spider not shown took on club soldiers while the Thunderbolts took out Black Queen, Shenobi Shaw, Sebastian Shaw, Harry Leland, Donald Pierce and Azazel. They should end with the back to back battles of jedi vs. sith while Deadpool with the Thunderbolts and Miles Morales as the Shadow Spider defeating the Hellfire Club brought back to life by sith magic.


· Heroes for Hire Movie

This movie is to take place in 2029 or 2030 as should be a 2029 released movie or in the early 2030's.

There should start out with Black Knight that was introduced in the Eternals. Black Knight joins the alliance by Daredevil. This is the beginning of the Defenders before hiring together Luke Cage and Iron Fist and 3 other heroes. Black Knight without killing is fighting Kingpin thugs. Bullseye and Typhoid Mary work for the Kingpin. The Hand brought back with a new leader. The Heroes for Hire learned the Kingpin survived after the Defenders recruits Black Knight team while Daredevil and Shroud as he’s a new member of the team and Thena takes on Typhoid Mary, Stilt Man (Turk took the costume from Season One of Daredevil) and Bullseye nearby the New York Bulletin. A woman named Angela Del Toro as White Tiger after her aunt is hires the team lead by Luke Cage and Iron Fist. She learns of her aunt murdered that had the White Tiger mantle and Kingpin Wilson Fisk is a prime suspect. Angela Del Toro with Daredevil together hire the team to take down this criminal alliance. Bullseye and Typhoid Mary are hired to kill the Defenders founding members and there is also the Hand lead by Roshi in league with the Kingpin. Bridge of Spiders Alessa, Scythe, Andrei Veznikov and Grigori take on Thena and Luke Cage. Nearby the Chaste headquarters is where the Hand is fighting other heroes in the return. The Beginning battle should be with Daredevil vs. Turk going by Stilt Man by a grade school. There should be shots of a boy doing a report on Daredevil with his enemies and allies and Turk falls out of the suit into the classroom window. He defeats him. Turk is arrested. Turk being arrest gives Daredevil the hit list information of the Kingpin and hired Typhoid Mary and Bullseye.

Jessica Jones is elsewhere while Luke Cage and Iron Fist started a Heroes for Hire agency. Turk is now known as Stilt Man. Also, Those are all ideas not shown in the movies. In the beginning of the movie there is the Hand lead by Roshi with survivors brought back to life. Somewhere else Gargoyle Isaac Christians comes to NYC and meets with Daredevil and Luke Cage. Dexter Bennet is working for the Post. The Kingpin of Crime Wilson Fisk hires other villains. The Kingpin Wilson Fisk is running a crime syndicate. The Kingpin has on the hit list for being killed on the NY PD Nick Manolis, Angela Del Toro and Brett Mahoney. There were in the very beginning reference to Daredevil issue 202 in the original Man Without Fear series. There could be villain cameos but other villains could have Road to Heroes for Hire origins novel. There should be a cameo by Franklin Nelson whos’ a target of the Wilson Fisk hits if he survives Daredevil Born Again.

Iron Fist teams with the heroes to take down the Kingpin. Also there Hand is lead by Master Roshi with a brief battle. Daredevil and Deadpool meet up with Master Izo the leader of the chaste. White Tiger is with them. Angela Del Toro is on the NY PD. Thena a member of the Eternals takes on the Hand with Master Izo and Claw. Teaming with them are Luke Cage, Thena recruited on the team and Iron Fist. Master Izo slices down some ninjas. Deadpool is a gun fight with Tyler (red head woman from Daredevil Season 2 finale) and Specialist in cameos as this time they should stay dead Angela Del Toro as White Tiger slices down Specialist with her sword. Luke Cage and Shroud defeat Scythe, Andrei Veznikov and Grigori knocking them out. Master Roshi kills Claw in battle with ninja stars. Iron Fist in return defeats Master Roshi with his roundhouse kick. Deadpool shoots and kills Tyler who killed Jerry a Vietnam Veteran that was a Marine.

The beginning battles should be back-to-back of the Heroes for Hire to when Master Izo hires them to take down the Kingpin. Tyler and Specialist went to work for the Owl as he expected those 2 hand members to stay dead by Master Roshi brought them back to life as he brought back the Hand but that’s not talked of as once before Tyler was killed by The Punisher Frank Castle. Bridge of Spiders Alessa, Scythe, Andrei Veznikov and Grigori have also returned to the Hand as they could be in uncredited cameos with Tyler and Specialist. Master Izo goes his own ways but hires the team to take down the Kingpin as the Kingpin is to hire other villains and talks Gargoyle Christian Issacs went his own way while Thena talks of her team going their own ways. He talks of burning up Tyler and Specialist so they stay dead. Those villains are arrested just as Iron Fist defeated Roshi and he’s arrested by the NYPD along with other members of the Hand who survived. Sometime later on the Daredevil, Shroud and Iron Fist meet with Master Izo bringing with him Thena, Deadpool, Luke Cage and Black Knight. A reference to the Sinister Seven The Kingpin has working for him Typhoid Mary, Bullseye, Ikari, Impasse, Goldbug and Chemistro. T-Ray is in league with those villains.


There’s a hit put out on Daredevil along with the other team members that he hires and Foggy Nelson building a case against him along with the good cops. It’s Ikari, Impasse, Chemistro and Goldbug come to work for the Kinpgin after the death of mobster Biggie Benton talked of as he was talked of being killed by Elektra.

They with Iron Fist and Luke Cage forming a Marvel Knights team recruit Deadpool, Thena and Shroud. Master Izo is present with Black Knight and White Tiger showing up. Daredevil spreads the information from Turk as the Kingpin is alive still and they are informed by Turk of the Kingpin hit list. Daredevil finds out that Claw is dead from Master Izo. It is talked of it that Claw went his own ways before the Chaste was wiped out by the Hand and order of the crane mother that Claw was a part time member of with the Chaste and before discovering Master Izo the founder of the chaste and mentor to Stick still alive. There are talks that the hand at war with the Chaste that Stick was killed as the Chaste was defeated by the Hand.

Daredevil and team learn the plans of the Kingpin and the Sinister 7 by Master Izo as they run into him. White Tiger hiring Deadpool, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Thena, Shroud and Black Knight go to Central Park after the Insidious 7 while Daredevil goes to the News place after the Kingpin as he’s after BB Urich if she's still alive and Dexter Bennett. It’s at night time there’s the heroes vs. villains. It’s Iron Fist, Luke Cage, White Tiger, Shroud and Thena are teaming with Black Knight against the Insidious Seven. They go out at night. Daredevil asks them not to kill. They defeat them. Bullseye throws objects onto Luke Cage without doing him harm. Black Knight in a martial arts fight takes on Chemistro. Black Knight in not killing defeats Chemistro and holds him with his sword. Luke Cage throws Bullseye to the ground while Thena defeats Impasse with her powers as he tries to shoot the member of the Eternals. White Tiger is fighting Typhoid Mary in martial arts fighting. Daredevil defeats the Kingpin with tying him up just as BB Urich appears just as the veteran cops arrest him. The Kingpin talks of a hit out on Nick Manolis and Angela Del Toro without knowing she’s now White Tiger after her aunt Aayla to kill them but he’s the arresting officer of the Kingpin after defeated by Daredevil. T-Ray is a mercenary working for the Kingpin. Deadpool meets Daredevil just as Daredevil asks Deadpool not to kill even mercenaries. Maybe Shawn Michaels of pro wrestling if still alive as T-Ray or Dolph Lundgren as T-Ray. Maybe even if still alive Mathyus Hues as T-Ray.

Brett Mahoney a veteran of the NY PD is on the hit list of the Kingpin with hiring Typhoid Mary and Bullseye. There is the team when they meet in civilian forms. The Kingpin is in prison for the rest of his life. This should end with Daredevil swinging off into the night with Master Izo jumping out into the night. Nick Manolis arrests Wilson Fisk and talks that Jessica Jones killed Purple Man just as the other cops like Brett Mahoney arrest other super villains. Karen Page has a news report on them just as she’s Matt Murdock’s longtime girlfriend. There are talks of the Kingpin arrested going away for life. There should be Goldbug lunging at Shroud. Shroud uses his powers to defeat Goldbug. There should be someway Iron Fist with his powers defeats Ikari in a martial arts fight. Donnie Yen as Ikrai. There is martial arts use by Bullseye as he gets back up. Luke Cage throws a punch onto Bullseye defeating him. Those villains after they are defeated are arrested by Angela Del Toro of the NY PD. Iron Fist fights Ikari in a martial arts fight. He defeats Ikari with his hand and powers. It's a sword fight of Deadpool vs. T-Ray. Deadpool on a teleport defeats T-Ray without killing him by a small slice on his arm. Deadpool aims his guns at T-Ray prior to the defeat.


There could be references and the Elektra movie on a long-time war of the Chaste vs. the Hand. Maybe after the defeat of the Hand Master Izo and Daredevil tell the others joining the Heroes for Hire team of the Chaste being killed by the Hand and that Stick was killed by the Hand ending the Chaste. It was the founder members of the Defenders who took on the Hand after the Hand’s win against the Chaste. Others to be talked of is that Claw owned a gym & dojo with the pool playing hobby. Master Izo owned the places with Claw when into playing in casinos nearby as Claw was playing pool in nearby pool halls. Others talked of in the Chaste were killed by those hand warriors long ago that grew up in New York City. It is Claw as co-owner of the gym and dojo. It’s known Master Izo was the mentor of the late Stick.

Matt Murdock talks of going blind before his teens and that Stick was born blind. The Chaste ninjas always living in New York City or growing up there are Claw, Arrow, Trahn, Wing, Star and Flame. Trahn was a woman while the others were men that came from NYC. Those talked of killed by warriors of the hand are Shaft, Stone, Flame, Arrow, Trahn, Wing, Star and Flame. That’s talked of by Master Izo and Elektra was also killed by the Hand in the ancient war of the Chaste vs. the Hand. There are talks of Hand leaders killed like by Stick. Daredevil talks of with Iron Fist and Luke Cage defeating leaders of the hand. Also there are talks of other villains Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Daredevil have defeated. There are talks with Daredevil to NYPD officers on the Kingpin’s hit list that The Kingpin is responsible for the murder of reporter Ben Urich. Luke Cage tells Daredevil that Jessica Jones is possibly pregnant. This should lead into the birth of Danielle Cage.

(other fans could write in more ideas)

7 on 7 Battle Plan

Thena vs. Impasse

Luke Cage vs. Bullseye

Iron Fist vs. Ikari

Shroud vs. Matthew Gilden/Goldbug

Black Knight Dane Whitman vs. Chemistro

Angela Del Toro as White Tiger vs. Typhoid Mary

Deadpool vs. T-Ray

Daredevil then faces the Kingpin. Those are battles that should be back-to-back as the final battle just like Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Yoda vs. Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious in Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith. Sources are saying that Kevin Feige doesn’t consider the Marvel Netflix shows canon. There should be petitions to canonize. Otherwise they could reference Netflix Marvel shows. There were movies proposed as a Daredevil reboot, Iron Fist and Luke Cage before the Netflix shows. This film should be based on them all and reference the TV shows.

This should not be any more than 2 and a half hours long. 2 to 2 and a half hours and should be PG-13 rated.

If Karen Page and Foggy Nelson die on Daredevil Born Again maybe, then there should be Heather Glenn to take the place of Karen Page while at the law practice Matt Murdock’s new business partner is Rosalyne Sharpe. Also, there could be Hector Aayla killed by the Kingpin with Angela Del Toro replacing him the in the White Tiger mantle. Thena should talk of her surviving race/team mates taking on Atlas and Zomm during this.



This is what if not a movie be a book or comics.

There are ideas for movies in phases 4 and 5 that fans could come up with in the MCU. Other fans could write in more ideas for the movies that the contributor of this page has written in.

· Young Avengers Movie

Eli Bradley the grandson of Isiah could make appearances on the Young Avengers miniseries. He’s known as Patriot. Young Avengers team on the series with Stinger/Cassie Lang joining the team on an episode when Patriot defeats the Wizard and America Chavez defeats the Controller on that episode as they should be a one-episode appearance. That should be on the Young Movie Patriot defeats Aquarius and before Miss Marvel with Kate Bishop as Hawkeye defeats the Wizard and the Controller in the movie. The Avengers youths are mentored by Sam Wilson Captain America. Others on the roll call are Harley Keener/Iron Lad, Speed, Hulking, Patriot and Wiccan. Rattan has them hostage after the recruiting. Stinger defeats Rattan.

America Chavez, Miss Marvel, Hawkeye and Stinger Cassie Lang join with other heroes. They each go their own ways after the series ends but Miss Marvel joins the Avengers team lead by Captain America. Iron Lad Harley Keener takes on the Rattan a male assassin just as Captain America takes on the Wizard. Other fans could put in more ideas for this.

· Here are ideas for Silver Surfer TV series. If no Annihilius in the next Fantastic Four movie then he’s the main villain of the Silver Surfer series. Also, there are Fireflord and Tyrant the Silver Surfer goes up against like a beginning battle against Firelord and Tyrant in the final battle. Those are ideas put in for the solo Silver Surfer series. That’s when Frankie Raye and Firelord are the heralds of Galactus. Silver Surfer in the beginning battle takes on Firelord and that villain has redemption and he and Frankie Raye the heralds of Galactus all together face the army of Tyrant. Silver Surfer kills Tyrant. Maybe there could be Annihilius pop up and be defeated by Silver Surfer somewhere in the show. The Fantastic Four should be defeating Mole Man and his minions in the sequel after bringing the Puppet Master to justice. The Fantastic Four sequel beginning battle should be Mole Man and his minions defeated. Invisible Woman turns Puppet Master over to NY PD. Molecule Man earlier on meets with the Puppet Master as he’s controlling the city as there are talks that Silver Surfer defeated Tyrant. There should be Frankie Raye as a Galactus Herald who turns to helping him as she defeats Galactus and the truly evil villain is Tyrant. Maybe in Silver Surfer series Molecule Man somehow kills Frankie Raye also known as Nova. Tyrant should be the main villain of the Silver Surfer series who he faces after bringing down Mole Man and Molecule Man and the Puppet Master. Ben Grimm the Thing is in love with Alicia Masters the step daughter of the Puppet Master in the Fantastic Four sequel. Galactus is a villain the Silver Surfer series. Silver Surfer could have Fantastic Four appear on some episodes as him defeating Mole Man the Fantastic Four bring Puppet Master to justice. This should consist of 6 to 7 to 8 episodes.

There are others fans that could write in West Coast Avengers TV show ideas. Do anymore of you have any ideas? Machete could be a villain for the West Coast Avengers TV series. If it’s not Bruce Banner anymore than Amadeus Cho on those Hulk shows for Disney Plus. Also the West Coast Avengers taking on Oddball and Lobo defeating them. Admedus Cho could be a Bruce Banner student before becoming the Hulk. Also Bushwacker played by Dolph Lundgren on the West Coast Avengers show. There should be She-Hulk before she joins the Lady Liberators team fights Bushwacker who comes to California and has an artificial arm shape shifting. On the West Coast Avengers team formed by She-Hulk are Wonder Man, Vision and Scarlet Witch turning out to survive Doctor Strange 2nd film. Also there’s the MCU Spider-Woman on the Avengers team. They are fighting the West Coast brought in by She-Hulk. Also War Machine if still alive and active at the time. They could come to NYC going after other villains.


His Star Wars movie was cancelled.



There are ideas for the X-Men vs. Avengers miniseries that is proposed in between Avengers Doomsday and Avengers Secret Wars.

·      Avengers and X-Men for Disney Plus

This is based on also Rogue/Gambit TV show too should instead be a limited comic book weekly issues series.

There should be before Nekra, Mandrill and the Hellfire Club in the 1s episode together defeat Ajax and the Omega Gang while in the Hulk prelude comics as It’s Gambit teaming with Strong Guy and Polaris. Rogue and Gambit are when they meet in the beginning but then take on Damage, Mister X, and Bloodlust. Maybe the 2nd episode.  

This should start off with Captain Marvel taking on Rogue as she has redemption.

The New Avengers roll call should be who ever are in the Avengers 5 & 6. Hulk and Captain Marvel are looking to form a new Avengers team and they meet Wonder Man and Black Ant. The X-Men should be Jean Grey, Cyclops, Storm, John Proudstar going by Thunderbird and Beast. Shuri is the Black Panther and offered to join the new Avengers team Hulk takes on Harry Leland while Storm takes on Holocaust. There are talks that Madame B was killed by General Ross just before the Thunderbolts team being formed when she was visiting the USA. The Hellfire Club consists of Azazel, Black Queen and Riptide. Cyclops defeats Riptide just as Rogue defeats Black Queen and Azazel is defeated by the Hulk. That should be 3rd episode.

At the end of the show Thunderbird goes his own ways. There should be talks of Alpha Flight or maybe then introduced in the Wolverine vs. Hulk series. Maybe even introduction of that team. There are talks they defeated Master of the World with Tundra and other monsters as the origin of the team should be in prelude comics to the first Alpha Flight movie with defeating those villains. This should lead into the Alpha Flight movies and Weapon X miniseries that’s either before or after it. There should be Rogue vs. Shenobi Shaw. They defeat the Hellfire Club without killing them. It’s when Rogue joins the X-Men with Gambit’s help on the team taking down guards of the Hellfire Club. It comes to the later episodes when there’s the new Hellfire Club and Rogue is offered to join the X-Men team. There are talks of of ending up killing Sebastian Shaw. Nekra and Mandrill have offers to join the Hellfire Club by Shenobi Shaw. This could consist of 6 to 7 to 8 episodes.3 to 4 Hellfire Club episodes. Captain Marvel and Hulk defeat Mandrilla and Nekra but there's talks of Magneto killing Sebastian Shaw.
