MovieChat Forums > Kevin Feige Discussion > Kevin Feige KILLED the MCU...

Kevin Feige KILLED the MCU...

Kevin Feige is often considered to be one of the best movie producers of the modern day, and the goat of comic book films. But as of late, things have taken a turn for the worst. The MCU is falling into misery and despair, and questions need to be asked of the man at the helm. Is it Disney's fault, or has Kevin Feige simply fallen off?

00:00 Intro
02:01 The MCU in Shambles.
09:06 What does Feige even do?
11:20 Feige on Fraudwatch.
29:24 Blame Disney, not Kevin Feige.
36:17 Is it too late for Feige?


Seems like action movies in general have really gone south lately. More so than other genres. They used to make up the largest number of top grossing massive hits, maybe half of them or so.

Maybe modern audiences aren't into some of the things they are doing, like making the male characters kind of pathetic at times and inferior to the women and being talked down to, which they take quietly, no giving as good as they get, which would actually be interesting. It made for a fun dynamic between Leia and Han in SW, for example.


He's the man at the top of the MCU. If he's been happy to take credit for when it worked he's gotta take it on the chin and accept blame when it doesn't.


