I'd DO Him!!

Seeing him clad only in his drawers in Benjamin Button really pushed my buttons!! (I wonder if they're up for auction on eBay. )

...which should be no surprise, since his father also would have made my To Do list, had I been around in his heyday--especially after seeing him buk nekkid in A Man Called Horse. (Now that's a Horse I'd ride any day!)

...and now, The I'd Do Him Dancers!!


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amen. i'm disappointed there isn't more traffic on his boards, i thought after benjamin button came out people would be posting in droves.


Those Tattoos,manly behavior...WOW!!!

(Greetings from Rio de Janeiro,Brazil)


I'd do him too!

I've been following his career for yrs and recently enjoyed his performance in BENJAMIN BUTTON.

I don't know why people give him such a hard time about his looks. He's not that bad looking.

No, he's not a "pretty boy". Most wouldn't call him classically handsome. But he does exude a certain offbeat charisma. He has one of those faces you're compelled to look at.

In certain angles his face is very handsome. Sensitive eyes, strong chin. His mouth is especially sexy. And some people really love his voice.

His Capt Mike was comical, macho, and sensitive all at the same time. I was glad to see him in such a big picture. Hopefully BENJAMIN BUTTON and his recent TV work will get him bigger roles in bigger movies. He's a brilliant actor.


Hopefully BENJAMIN BUTTON and his recent TV work will get him bigger roles in bigger movies.And if not, he can have a Big role in one of my home movies.

The Nimble, Limber One


Bravo, nimble-bird.
