Favourite role?

I just wondered what everyone's favourite Shirley role was?

In film, it's probably going to be Frozen. She portrayed grief very realistically without resorting to full blown histrionics. She was captivating throughout the whole film. It's very difficult to choose though, because she always gives a brilliant performance.

In television, its got to be a toss up between The Way We Live Now and the Taming of the Shrew. The Way We Live Now was the first role I noticed her in and she was electric with David Suchet. Those two stole the screen in my opinion. Also, the recent Shrew production was brilliant. Shirley went from ferocious to calmer so naturally and it never looked like she was overacting at all-a difficult thing ot pull off but she managed it. I think she should have won BAFTAS for both.

I've never seen Shirley on the stage as I became a fan in 2001 and her last theatre appearance was in 1999. If she ever goes back to theatre I will definitely try to go and see it.

Of course, really it's very difficult to choose between her roles because they are always varied an different and always brilliant. She is a very underated actress, but I think the best character actress Britain has.

What does anyone else think?


Yeah I agree it's very hard to choose which role was her best. My favorite is probebly when she plays "Shirley" in Once Upon a Time in the Midlands. I loved her motherly character. Made me wish she was my mother.


That is probably one of the hardest questions you can ask to me. It's like saying which one of your children is your favourite (I'm not kidding, its as hard as that question). She is so excellent and wonderful in everything she's played in.

I would have loved to have seen her act on the stage. I do hope she does go back to the theatre one day. So I can see her. Even though I've been a big fan of hers since 1996 (ever since Hamish Macbeth) I was too young to be able to see her on stage.


I used to watch Hamish Macbeth as well, but I can't really remember it properly because I was only 8 at the time. So the first thing I noticed Shirley in properly was The Way We Live Now in 2001.


Wow your younger then me, I've thought you were in your thirties. I was 9 when Hamish Macbeth is on (I'm 19 now and i'll be 20 in May). So I'm guessing your 18 or 19.

Even though I have seen alot of things with Shirley staring in them, I have not seen The Way We Live Now (which I cant hardly believe since I have always been a telly addict and would have defo seen it if I knew she was in it). And if it ever comes on TV again, I will defo watch it.


I'm 19 too so I'm not actually sure how old I would've been watching Hamish Macbeth because I'm not too good at the maths. You definitely should watch The Way We Live now because it is one of my favourite Shirley roles. I don't know which country you're from but if you live in the Uk there is a video relase of it which is deleted but you can still buy it on amazon marketplace or ebay and there is a R1 dvd avaliable from amazon.com if you have multiregion. It's well worth buying in my opinion.



I dont want to buy it online (because I dont trust online shopping), but I would be willing to buy The Way We Live Now in shops, so if you know anywhere where I can buy the DVD (preferably in London) then PLEASE tell me, because then I will buy it.


Sorry I've got no idea. I live near Lancaster and mostly buy films through the internet these days because you can get more variety and the I think the dvd is region 1 anyway so I'm not sure whether retail shops wil have it. Maybe HMV or someone could order it from overseas for you?


Thanks for your help e j styles.
