Favourite role?

I just wondered what everyone's favourite Shirley role was?

In film, it's probably going to be Frozen. She portrayed grief very realistically without resorting to full blown histrionics. She was captivating throughout the whole film. It's very difficult to choose though, because she always gives a brilliant performance.

In television, its got to be a toss up between The Way We Live Now and the Taming of the Shrew. The Way We Live Now was the first role I noticed her in and she was electric with David Suchet. Those two stole the screen in my opinion. Also, the recent Shrew production was brilliant. Shirley went from ferocious to calmer so naturally and it never looked like she was overacting at all-a difficult thing ot pull off but she managed it. I think she should have won BAFTAS for both.

I've never seen Shirley on the stage as I became a fan in 2001 and her last theatre appearance was in 1999. If she ever goes back to theatre I will definitely try to go and see it.

Of course, really it's very difficult to choose between her roles because they are always varied an different and always brilliant. She is a very underated actress, but I think the best character actress Britain has.

What does anyone else think?


You're welcome. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

