MovieChat Forums > Caitlyn Jenner Discussion > The Down Side of Being a Woman

The Down Side of Being a Woman

I noticed Caitlin and Lilly Wachowski trending here. I had a question about how each of them would feel if they got to experience some of the negatives of womanhood along with putting on make-up and prancing around in dresses.

This is for any man who "feels" like a woman.

If medical science was able to give them PMS, I wonder how long they'd want to be women. I know some women have mild symptoms. Some women just feel a bit bloated or their skin breaks out. But unfortunately in my family, the women all had horrible PMS. And I do mean migraines, terrible cramps, backache, nausea, etc.

I was diagnosed with the severest form, PMDD-Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder. It was misery twelve times a year.

I looked forward to menopause which turned out to be another horror show with hot flashes that felt like a furnace was inside me, night sweats that kept me up half the night and groggy from lack of sleep in the morning.

So for all of these guys who want to be girls! Well I wish I had a magic wand to tap you with so you'd experience some of the "fun side" of womanhood. They only seem to want to experience playacting and dressing up as if womanhood is a costume party.

I wonder how long they'd stay women if they were required to swallow a pill that allowed them to experience the fun of PMS every month.

I'm just curious.


Yeah, I don't think they would really like the monthly cramps, having to wear pads (which sometimes leak) and avoid swimming once a month (or worse, shove a tampon up their butts), the zits that sometimes still come during PMS, the crankiness and mood swings of PMS, painful ovulation that makes you think someone stabbed you in one of your hips, your breasts sometimes hurting or being sensitive during PMS, not to mention issues with pregnancy and how painful birth is. Cervical, Ovarian, and Uterine cancer symptoms would be quite an interesting experience for them.

They probably would regret the real changes very quickly.


I'm pretty open-minded and tolerant, but I don't understand this whole "trans" thing.
People can identify as anything they choose.

If a guy wants to wear panties, a bra, and makeup, he should just do it, WITHOUT claiming he's a woman -- and expecting the rest of us to swear to it. That's just HIM living out his desires (or delusions?)

Same with a woman who wants to be a guy; just BUTCH up.

Let's not even get into "their" equal rights: Should your 8 year-old daughter be forced to share a bathroom or locker room with someone who has a penis? (assuming they didn't get the downstairs surgery) (I'm told few do.)

Their "rights?" Since when did the rights of a minority usurp the rights of a majority?

The world has gone mad -- and the Libs are leading the parade! 🙄


You realize there’s a difference between crossdressing, transgenderism and transsexualism right?


Yes, I know the difference. But, I think it's impossible for one to "transition" from one gender to another. It's smoke & mirrors and a lot of surgery and hormone doses. I think it would be like living "in costume" every day.

As I said above, people should identity however they choose and feel comfortable, but they shouldn't expect everyone to agree with them or applaud their decision.


You realize there’s a difference between gender and sex?


Sorry, Bud, but to me they're the same thing.

One is either male or female. And, anyone who says otherwise is simply pandering to the PC crowd. Let's just call things what they are.

Sexual attraction, on the other hand, is on a continuum.


They’re objectively not the same thing. Just because science doesn’t fit your agenda doesn’t give you the right to make up your own definitions. Unless you live in a cave or something.


If anyone is making their own definitions, it's the trans crowd, Dirk.


The sociology/psychology/sexology fields are not the “trans crowd” but nice try poopcorny.


And you're no sociologist, psychologist, or "sexologist", Dirk.


And I never said I was? Good one Captain Obvious. Also are you so illiterate that you think “sexology” isn’t a real field?


The trans men ALWAYS resort to name calling - “poopcorny, Captain Obvious...” because they have nothing else besides insults, abuse, and gaslighting towards women.

Why do you wish to claim to be us when you hate us so much for no good reason? Hmmm... could it be mental illness? I think so!


You should really try turn your penis inside out, it’s liberating. The way you go on about trans people, something tells me you’re a closeted trans man.


Haha! Thank you. That made me laugh and you really took a surprising turn by calling me a man instead of a t.e.r.f. shitbird or some other insult containing an excrement reference, haha!

But how apropos would it be for women to start claiming they have “male brains that feel like women’s brains” and so while actually women, they are trans men who are “real women.” LMAO!


Are you Trans, Dirk? Is that why you are so interested in this? YOU seem to be the one with "an agenda."

I have calmly and politely stated my opinions, and they don't seem to fit into your narrative. You have your opinions, and I have A RIGHT to mine.

That is as it should be.


If my “agenda” is being scientifically correct, then yes. I’m just pointing out that you can’t change the definitions for common terms when you see fit.

Also you can’t say you “politely” stated your opinion when you feel the need to trash “libs” and use trans as an insult.


Ah, Dirk, go bother someone else, please.
This conversation is over.


This conversation was over before it began. I wiped the floor with your transaphobe ass.


Since the electoral college? XD

This has more info on the tranny stuff. Too complicated for me to want to really dive into. It's as if we're evolving into those animals or insects that can change sex on whim or don't need a partner to get fertilized.

Personally I think trans are mutations/abnormalities of the brain be it genetic or other, like having a 3rd leg or whatever that didn't develop correctly. Like inbreeding then you see the outcomes. Won't affect the daily life stuff one does but others notice it and can tell something isn't the 'norm'. Either that or we humans are starting to devolve into something else. < - I just consider this degeneracy. Don't know how to put it into 'proper' words of what you would call THAT.


I'm told gender is completely a social construct and a trans woman is a woman, full stop. And your an ist and a phobe and anti science if you even question this.

I will say I don't envy people with vaginas who have periods (I think we can still acknowledge the existance of vaginas and that not everyone has them. I think.).


So, does that mean if I identity as a tree, a dog, or a cat, that is what I am?


Hmm. Not sure about that.

There is a guy who grew up being raised white in a predominantly white community who now identifies as black who seems to have the support of the more far left types. They hire him to write and talk about race issues anyway. Sean King. Race is not fixed, it would seem. Not sure about species.


Well the day a 'trans woman" can get pregnant, then I'll agree she's a REAL girl! lol


Born with XX chromosomes and a vag, you're a woman. XY chromosomes and balls, you're a dude. No matter how much you wish otherwise, that's the way it is. Sorry, science deniers, it's a fact.




Can you get pregnant? I don't believe so. I would need to do some tests of my own to be sure ;).


All I can say is, if one can change gender on whim, why can't I use any bathroom I want on whim since gender is after all, fluid? Why even have a Boy/Girl - Man/Woman bathroom?
