
Oprah Winfrey is worth $2.5 Billion and Dwayne the Rock Johnson is worth $800 Million and these two have the audacity to asked the everyday citizens to donate to their fundraisers to help the people of Maui when we know those people would probably NEVER see that money!



The only way rich people have a right to ask us to donate, is if they say "I've donated ___ million dollars myself, and...".


Yeah right!!! Tax write off my friend.


That’s exactly what they did. Oprah and the Rock started the fund, and they each donated 10 million.


Personally, I don't give a rat's ass about the Maui disaster, and with the online QAnonTard brigades trying to obfuscate the disaster to fit their delusional victimhood complex, I'll be mocking it the more I see it trending here.


They are asking for charity donations, for a charity that they, themselves have contributed to. All charities work this way. And yes 10 million dollars is probably like a dollar to her. So go ahead and donate a dollar.

But I know you are just parroting morons on TikTok.


After announcing that he was starting a fund from his money with Oprah, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is now asking for donations to assist the victims of the Maui fires in Hawaii as he surveys the area.

The $5 million dollars that him and Oprah gave was only the startup fund which means taxpayers are being asked to help by donating to their fund.

The money that Dwayne and Oprah donated actually went to their company. Not one dollar has gone to the victims. In theory, what they did would be no different than a during a standard company start-up. They put funds up to create a system to receive funds.

Why do the victims of Maui have to wait on taxpayer dollars when $10 million dollars are in their ledger’s balance?
