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Rumor: Lucasfilm reportedly eyeing him fir the role of Boba Fett.

there is a rumor going around that they are eyeing him for the role of Boba Fett in the upcoming Star Wars spinoff prequel film.,, Hasn't this guy ruined enough movies and one other franchise already with his smug and cocky attitude,(FantFailStic)? Newsflash, Boba Fett wasn't black!!! And don't tell me that they never showed Boba's face, because they did, by 2 different actors (Jango Fett and his "son) Hell, ALL of the clones were what Boba looks like underneath that helmet. I'm sick of these idiots in Hollywood casting actors who in no way are close the character they are supposed to be playing because producers think they are the new "IT" actor. What's next, Paris Hilton portraying Mother Teresa?


I am actually against this idea.

It's already been established in this continuity that Boba Fett is not African American. He is a clone of a man that is actually from New Zealand.

You want to make a spin off movie about what Boba Fett did before capturing Solo. Fine, but you already established his origin and race in a previous film.

Nothing against Michael B. Jordan, but this idea is horrible.

I didn;t care that he was cast as johnny storm in Fantastic Four - that was a new intreprtation of the material with no previous continuity established.


I know, exactly. I'm sure Daniel Logan would love to play this role again too, considering the last time he played it was in The Clone Wars CGI series. This is just like all those people who want Idris Elba to play James Bond once Daniel Craig quits the role. I have nothing against Idris Elba and really like him as an actor, but they are saying we should just ignore over 70 years of established canon and just make James Bond whatever race they want him to be? Why not cast a black female for the role then if that's how they really feel. Hell, why should Bond be British any more? Why not cast a French speaking black female in the role with no trace of a British accent at all? So sick of political correctness ruining long running established franchises.


im open for idris elba has James Bond, but you would have to restart the series and a new story line. You can't just make the next film spectre, continue the same story and have him be idris elba. that wouldn't make any sense.

Boba Fett is technically from new zealand, Even geroge Lucas went back to the original films and had temeura morrison re-dub lines so it would match the fact that, that is who boba fett is.


Yeah, I think this is a horrible casting idea. I'd just cast a nobody to be in the uniform, then have Temuera Morrison do the voice-over in post production. There's really no reason to ever show him without his helmet on. If it is necessary for him to have his helmet off, at least find someone who resembles a young Temuera Morrison.

Books and movies are apples and oranges. They're both delicious, but they don't taste the same.


He did say he'll be grabbing up all the white roles.


Temura Morrison and Daniel Logan are not White they are Maori(Which is the Ethnic group in New Zealand)

I'm gonna show you something beautiful everyone screaming for mercy


This came across my FB feed too and I think this is just some rumor spun off of the jokes going around when Trank was attached to the SW spin-off movie. A LOT of people were joking how he was going to cast 'his best buddy Jordan' as such-and-such character, including Fett. I wouldn't give this an ounce of credit at all until the studio itself makes a formal announcement. If it's at all true then they've officially ruined Star Wars and I won't bother watching whatever film this joke casting is for.

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.


Cast anyone, if you don't take off his helmet and have Morrison provide the voice.

If you take off the helmet, you either cast Daniel Logan, Jason Momoa or Manu Bennett. Problem being, they would have to have their lines dubbed over by Morrison to stay in continuity.
