MovieChat Forums > Michael B. Jordan Discussion > Rumor: Lucasfilm reportedly eyeing him f...

Rumor: Lucasfilm reportedly eyeing him fir the role of Boba Fett.

there is a rumor going around that they are eyeing him for the role of Boba Fett in the upcoming Star Wars spinoff prequel film.,, Hasn't this guy ruined enough movies and one other franchise already with his smug and cocky attitude,(FantFailStic)? Newsflash, Boba Fett wasn't black!!! And don't tell me that they never showed Boba's face, because they did, by 2 different actors (Jango Fett and his "son) Hell, ALL of the clones were what Boba looks like underneath that helmet. I'm sick of these idiots in Hollywood casting actors who in no way are close the character they are supposed to be playing because producers think they are the new "IT" actor. What's next, Paris Hilton portraying Mother Teresa?


It's not political correctness. Making a character another race has little to do with being pc. Especially in the case of the FF movie. It's just poor casting decisions made by the higher ups. I have no idea how you get it's pc. Do you think they sit around saying, "hmm, african americans are under represented in our next feature. we need at least 1 for every ten white people we have."
Seriously, it's not like that. At best they're sitting around thinking "Damn if we make him black maybe people will think he's cool"
They're wrong but so are you on this one.
