MovieChat Forums > Stan Lee Discussion > Bill Maher Disrespects Stan Lee's Legacy...

Bill Maher Disrespects Stan Lee's Legacy And Questions The Importance Of Comic Books

OMG, Comic Books are for kids!

In a post on his blog, Maher slammed Americans for "using their smarts on stupid stuff," and pointed out fans he thought were overreacting in the moments following Lee's passing.

"The guy who created Spider-Man and the Hulk has died, and America is in mourning," Maher wrote. "Deep, deep morning for a man who inspired millions to, I don’t know, watch a movie, I guess. Someone on Reddit posted, 'I'm so incredibly grateful I lived in a world that included Stan Lee.'"

"Personally, I’m grateful I lived in a world that included oxygen and trees, but to each his own. Now, I have nothing against comic books – I read them now and then when I was a kid and I was all out of Hardy Boys. But the assumption everyone had back then, both the adults and the kids, was that comics were for kids, and when you grew up you moved on to big-boy books without the pictures."

In typical Maher fashion, the personality continued his tirade against comic books, saying the industry is only succeeding because "dumb people got to be professors" as they wrote papers and theses about comic book characters.

"But then twenty years or so ago, something happened – adults decided they didn’t have to give up kid stuff," Maher ranted. "And so they pretended comic books were actually sophisticated literature. And because America has over 4,500 colleges – which means we need more professors than we have smart people – some dumb people got to be professors by writing theses with titles like Otherness and Heterodoxy in the Silver Surfer."


Is Bill Maher ever respectful of anyone? Yes, for the most part, comic books are for kids. But that should be praised, rather than scorned! Stan Lee inspired many kids to care about social and political issues. His characters are also iconic. Just because Maher doesn't get it, that doesn't mean that he should disrespect the man's legacy.


Bill Maher has really been showing me the last few years why he was the only Liberal i ever enjoyed listening to


Bill Maher insists he didn't take a "swipe" at Stan Lee, says the backlash over his comments proved his point

The Real Time host responded to the backlash over his "Adulting" blog post that criticized Lee's legacy following his death. "I am agnostic on Stan Lee. I don’t read comic books,” Maher said in an interview with Larry King. “I didn’t even read them when I was a child. What I was saying is, a culture that thinks that comic books and comic book movies are profound meditations on the human condition is a dumb f*cking culture. And for people to get mad at that just proves my point.” Maher added: "I’m so glad that I don’t follow social media like that, every stupid thing that people lose their shit about. But talk about making my point for me.”


Bill is right in that comic books / movies are for kids..if you're an adult and you still thrive on these for entertainment then you might want to ask yourself if you're a man-child/woman-child.



Can you back your statement up with facts and evidence, or is it just an opinion you hold because you think it sounds good? Comic books are literature. Like other forms of literature, some are geared towards children, some towards teens, and some towards adults.


I was wondering how long adult comics have been around. Almost a century!

Tijuana bibles (also known as eight-pagers, Tillie-and-Mac books, Jiggs-and-Maggie books, jo-jo books, bluesies, blue-bibles, gray-backs, and two-by-fours)[citation needed] were palm-sized pornographic comic books produced in the United States from the 1920s to the early 1960s. Their popularity peaked during the Great Depression era.


When I was a child, comic books weren't supposed to be read because they were considered crass. As an adult, comic books aren't supposed to be read because they're considered juvenile.

My reading level was two grades above because of all the comics I read as a child including historical and satirical ones. How many seven years old are knowledgeable about the national political situation and current affairs?

There are plenty of "sophisticated" graphic novels like "Maus" about the Holocaust which won a Pulitzer or "Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood" about an Iranian child during the Islamic Revolution.

I still enjoy artwork by Alex Ross, Mort Drucker, Jack Davis and Al Jaffee.

There are plenty of movies and TV shows based on them like "History of Violence", "Timecop", "The Crow", "Walking Dead", "300", "Road to Pedition", "Persepolis" and many superhero themed ones.

There's absolutely nothing wrong or subversive about reading a comic book. They don't have the same stigma from adults outside of America.

Maher is just a pompous snob.


I was knowledgeable about the political situation and current affais when i was 4 years old and i didn't need comic books just a Grandpa that i admired


I knew what was going on at 2 years old. Major assassinations back then. I just don't believe reading a comic book is going to turn a child into a criminal or destroy their morality.


But they will turn somebody into a Man Child


I doubt it.

I just found an interesting article about how American adults and children read comics until they were heavily censored because of a psychiatrist who thought they caused juvenile delinquency. They had comic book burnings. There were Senate hearings and a Comics Code was created which destroyed creativity and many publishers went out of business. This was the origin of comics being stigmatized in the U.S.


Bill Maher and some people in this topic are extremely arrogant jerks. I am 33 years old and I still enjoy reading Marvel and DC comics and if you insist I'm a man child for that then frankly someone should shove a rock in your mouth!


I insist


Doesn't sound like ranting to me. He's just commenting on another infantile aspect of modern society.

I wonder at what age does modern society think people should grow up and give away the things that fascinated them when they were little kiddies.


When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.

I agree with Bill (whoever he is)
I agree with the poster who said "why say anything? stfu)
I agree reality tv is even more dumb than comics
I agree adult comic book readers arnt hurting anyone and should (and are) allowed to do it , just as I , as a 47 year old are allowed to play video games of little depth like Farcry.


All 3 of you are judgmental jerks. I almost want to put you all on my ignore list just for your comments there.


A thirty three year-old man spits the dummy because some naughty people say that adults should have grown out of children's entertainment by the age of thirty three.

No, society isn't screwed, uh uh, no way... (eye-roll)


Seems a pointless rant to me.

Who are people really hurting if they like reading comic books? Nobody. With all the crappy reality TV shows on these days, you'd think people would have better things to call stupid than comic books.

Besides, why bring it up at all? Stan Lee had just died, and a lot of fans wanted to pay respects. If you're not a fan, that's fine. No need to pretend you were. But seems there was no need to say anything at all. Why even bring it up?

Just seems a celebrity wanted to say something controversial for the sake of it.


Maher's whole act is that he's urbane, witty and oh-so-better than you. Of those, I'll give him a point or two for some occasional wit, but he's mainly an insufferable d-bag.


This was his finest career moment, to be fair.


I missed that one. Does he get devoured by cannibal women in an avocado jungle of death?


No, I don't think so.

