MovieChat Forums > Ted Levine Discussion > I'm sorry, but Ted Levine will ALWAYS be...

I'm sorry, but Ted Levine will ALWAYS be Buffalo Bill

I just can't look at him the same. Anytime I see him in any other role, I can't help but see him dancing with his wiener tucked between his legs. What a great guy, but man, oh man, talk about an unforgettable performance. No matter what he will ever do, Ted Levine is always going to be Buffalo Bill.

reply puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again!!
How creepy man I was a teenager when I saw that for the first time and gotta admit it scared me haha
But ur rite it's one of those movies that when u think a certain actor bam! That's what comes to mind


I can't take him seriously in any other movie, because when I hear his voice, I immediately see Bill.
And I mean this as a compliment.


It's definitely his most famous role, but he looks so much NOT like Bill in the years since, I didn't even know it was him until I was an adult. He just looks so dramatically different and has for years.




He could play Rittenhouse's dad in the TV movie.


For a moment I thought he was the guy from Hardcastle and Mccormic.
