MovieChat Forums > Yoko Ono Discussion > Poor Chuck Berry

Poor Chuck Berry

You have to wonder what John and the band is thinking?


His facial expressions are priceless! No one else flinched. How is that possible?? Maybe John bribed (or threatened) them 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yoko has a history of screaming in songs. Remember Walking On Thin Ice?


On YT, one poster mentioned her singing was the inspiration for the horrible dial up modem screeching sounds of yesteryear. I am a 90's young person, I remember that. I have to wonder what an elderly Yoko thinks when she sees the clips?


That's so funny but honestly it makes sense! 🤣🤣

Not sure what she could possibly think when she sees them but I have a feeling she's proud of them and thinks Chuck has no appreciation of good singing 😄


You are probably right.


Oh, man, Chuck's eyes when she starts up the first time...! I love that he maintains his performance while his eyes try to pop out of his head like a cartoon character. He held the performance together, though. Mostly.


Yeah, he was very professional throughout but his expressions were hysterical. You could really feel for him. I wonder how John didn't see it?


If I recall correctly, John's kinda rockin' out all over the place. He was having such fun being with Chuck Berry that he probably barely noticed anything about what was going on. In an interview, he said that, upon meeting Chuck for the first time, he couldn't help it and just blurted out, "Chuck Berry! My hero!"

He also dug Yoko in ways that basically everybody else just didn't. So, the possibilities are, a) he didn't notice because he was too transported with the fun of the moment, b) he noticed but thought Yoko was awesome and his brain "translated" reactions to her "art" as positive responses, or c) he noticed and couldn't react on-camera because he was playing the song.


Very good possibilities. I'll go with #1 that Chuck was his hero so he could do no wrong and #2, he was so mesmerized by Yoko, she could also do no wrong. At any rate it made for a hilarious video!


An all-time great video, yes.


JL, one of the biggest simps in history.


When she had to use the restroom, Chuck turned the cameras off.


On YT, when the two legends are singing Johnny Be Good, fans stated the sound engineer lowered the volume on Yoko's mike.


What I meant was...maybe you already know...Chuck secretly filmed woman using the toilet. But he wanted no part of seeing Yoko :)


Wow that was perverted of him, it causes me to lose respect for him.




Are you sure that is true, was it a cruel rumor to smear him?


Google it. You'll see it was true. And if that wasn't enough, he had a rep as being an overall rude and nasty fellow.




As much flack as Paul gets for being a "lightweight", you've got to give him credit on one thing; at least he knew better to keep Linda in the background (relatively speaking), as opposed to John constantly putting OH-NOOOO front & center!!


True. Linda did not have a great voice either. Cynthia has a few videos on YouTube she did in her latter years, her voice was OK. You have to wonder how Maureen and Patti would have sounded if they had sang. Patti sang backup on " Birthday"".


Not great certainly, but Linda was good enough though, and the tone of her voice was almost sweet. When she sang on Wings, she wasn't buried down in the tracks, and this was a time when autotune and other electronic magic could be done to vocals as they can do today.


Linda did not have a great voice either

I remember Howard Stern playing a clip (the day after she died IIRC] of her isolated background vocal during a live performance of Hey Jude, where she wasn't even close to being in tune!!😱


Heh. First thing I did seeing this thread the other day was to search YT for that. Certain people contribute to society by commemorating historic events like that, Winnebago Man’s outtakes, Buddy Rich chewing out his band, Casey Kasem losing his temper, Orson Welles pea commercial tantrum or being drunk doing a Paul Masson wine commercial… I could go on…


Maureen sang backup in The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill and though not singing, her voice is quite noticeable at the end of the rooftop performance of Get Back.


Paul - “Thanks, Mo!”


Original with interview. They cut her mic during Johnny be Goode.


Hysterical! One commenter said "The person who disconnected Yoko, there’s a special place in heaven for him" She kept singing, it's like she didn't even know it was cut off. The whole thing is really hysterical!


I can't recall where, but I remember reading something to the effect that Berry recalled after that performance that he saw a tunnel of light and his grandmother was yelling "not yet boy!!"




Despite how fans feel about her, I assume she adored him as well. I never knew he was her 3rd husband. Her first hubby was a Japanese banker I believe.
