

First of all, God is a fictional character. Second, no woman was ever born with a man's brain. The current trans fad is a mental disorder.


I'm an agnostic/atheist, but I once asked a Catholic priest about something similar many years ago - I think it had to do with some sort of physical birth defect in a child that didn't seem fair. His answer was God creates the soul, the physical universe simply exists as we perceive it.

He said that physical suffering doesn't really matter because at some point, we'll all be physically dead anyway and our souls will be freed from these self contained limited bags of meat. I think most religions pretty much agree that we have a soul and for now at least, is contained in a meat bag for a short amount of time.


The physical suffering might not matter to him, but it sure does to us bags of meat. Couldn’t he just have made us happy meat-bags.


God put accidentally NO brain inside of a woman's body...




last night i saw a man's head inside a woman's body

yes, pornhub premium IS worth it


Not sure why you’re bringing Chuck Norris into this, but he doesn’t make mistakes.


Which God? Odin? Zeus? Yahweh? Shiva? As soon as you put a name on it, it all falls apart, doesn’t it? That’s because THIS universe is governed by natural law, not a theistic being. Just sayin’.
