MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Sticking feathers up your butt...

Sticking feathers up your butt...

doesn't make you a chicken.

Just sayin'.


Don't give her any ideas! 😏







This reminds me of that weird rooster fetish that some people have. There are some people out there that like to dress up like roosters and do sexual stuff. lol...

Humans are so odd. haha...


I guess some people are just obsessed with cocks!




Everyone knows she's not a man and that it's a mental illness, even liberals. They're just afraid to say it because they don't want to hurt feelings.


They don't give a rat's ass about anyone's feelings. They don't want to get kicked off the team and cancelled.


It's not a mental illness if she just wants to live a different gender role. It's only psychotic if she genitally mutilates. As far as I know she hasn't done that. Most transgender fools don't.


It definitely is mental illness to think and insist to others that you're the opposite of what you are.


I really think it depends on the trannie.

If they're self destructive and want their penis spliced down the middle and sewn to the insides of their thighs, yeah, only a sick freak would want that.

If they accept their body but just believe they are better suited to live as the opposite sex, how is that mentally ill?


If they accept their body but just believe they are better suited to live as the opposite sex, how is that mentally ill?



You're so small, I can't see you!

For example, there have always been girls who were tomboys, and boys who were sissies. Are tomboys and sissies mentally ill?


If they accept their body but just believe they are better suited to live as the opposite sex, how is that mentally ill?

Because they're living a delusion and insisting others accept that delusion as reality.


Believe me, I think it's as weird as you do.

I'm just wondering, if there is a girl who always liked "boy" things as a child; and she's always been a tomboy and is very masculine; is it necessarily a mental illness if she wants to dress and look like a man? What's her alternative, to be a very butch ugly woman?

It might just be practical acceptance on their part that they live and behave more like a man than a woman.

Is being a tomboy a mental illness?


Not everything is about looking pretty. Nobody is saying every woman has to dress in pink frilly dresses, and every man has to be the toughest guy around. People just need to accept what they are. As in if you're a woman it's your duty to birth and tenderly nurture the next generation. And if you're a man it's you're duty to get off your ass, man up and provide for them. Even when it's difficult.


It's only psychotic if she genitally mutilates. As far as I know she hasn't done that.

She still lopped off her breasts. That's still mutilation in a sick way. These people need help, not encouragement.


What are her other options besides sticking stuff up her butt?


Well, I'm not sure about the integrity of other places that stuff could possibly be stuck so I can't give an informed opinion.....


Using the whole chicken makes you a pervert though


I gotta use that soon


I don't think we should ridicule her. I think we should show her some compassion. She is clearly drowning in an ocean whirlpool within her own mind.
