MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Really sad what the Rightists did to her

Really sad what the Rightists did to her

I knew as soon as I saw the headline the scumbags Rightists would be on this message board spewing their politically correct bullmanure.


This is a woman named Ellen, now she's just a sissy wanna be man.


And I'm sure that you are John Rambo and John Matrix combined.


It just takes some Y chromosomes to be more man than her.


and someone with two Y Chromosomes would be twice the man as someone with one Y chromosome!


I think I have never seen someone with two Y chromosomes. So maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong.


Maybe you have two Y chromosomes.




Regardless of wishes, fantasies, claims, delusions, hairstyle, clothes, hormones, drugs, or surgery, this person is a woman, and always will be. That's not bull manure, that's a scientific fact. Deny away.


I agree, but we have to respect a person's choice. I have never seen any of Elliott's films, but I hope to see Juno someday.


We most definitely do NOT have to respect her choice.


To each their own.


What kind of a bigoted, hateful leftist are you!?! Calling her a her!!!


So sick of right wing political correctness telling us how people should and should not be when if effects them to a ZERO degree.

Now people with guns, they threaten our lives.

People with gas guzzlers, they increase the oil price

Whom we all have to subsidize.

People who kill innocents in the middle east but won't defend innocents in the Europe east, they must have been demonized.

You see Rightists, Republicans and trolls like yee, you have all being brainwashed by the devil and do his bidding.

You are scum, destroyers and killers of all.


You are so lost.


"People who kill innocents in the middle east but won't defend innocents in the Europe east, they must have been demonized."

Do you mean the democrats? They started or continued the latest wars in ME and last I checked we have a leftist as a president and a congress dominated by the left now, during the war in Ukraine.

Confused? Trolling? Sarcasm? I surely hope it's not stupidity ...


Newsflash, I know you people love to project but political correctness is not a "right" thing.


Ukraine is all Biden's call bro.

Weird how he's not over there considering his son's business interests.


I think you need to look up what political correctness means.


when it effects them to a ZERO degree.

Actually it does inevitably affect others in several negative ways. Of course what these people do with their money and time is their business. The problem arises when citizens are forced to finance and even celebrate such misguided endeavors. For instance, the military paying for sex change operations are paid by taxpayers. Then there are proposed laws that would make taxpayers fund children’s “sex change” surgeries, like in Vermont.

Not to mention, when loony Lib identity politics are preached at our learning institutions as legitimate attitudes/lifestyles it negatively influences our kids, grandkids, their friends & our neighbors. In other words, this kind of lunacy can really screw them up, mentally & spiritually, with the corresponding societal domino effect.

So gender identity politics are far from an individual issue. There are many legit reasons why citizens who aren’t perverse LIEberals should care and reject this kind of social insanity. They’re not “bigots” — as loony Lefties are prone to slander — they simply have common sense in regards to obvious reality (the way it really is).


Hey look, another thread about the leftists vs the rightists.

I thought this place was to discuss the merit of individual films, but all of you have to infest literally everything you come upon. And I mean that both figuratively and literally.


Speaking of which, perhaps Page changed upon realizing that Hollywood had more Republicans than meets the eye.


He's a strong man. He can persevere and live his truth. That's no excuse for the right wingers though.


There's no such thing as "his truth" or "my truth" or "your truth". There's only THE truth. And the truth is no matter what she does to her body, she'll never be a man.


You are right, truth is truth, unfortunately people like you have their own version of what is true, be it Christianity or some other bias. This person has a male brain. You are what your brain is, if someone cut off your dick, you'd still be a man. Your DNA describes your blueprints, it doesn't determine who lives in the house.


That is so conveniently simplified with so much stuff kept under the rug that you are in no position to blame others of "bias" and "their truth".

You should read Dr. Debra Soh's book, The End of Gender.
But I guess she's just some evil right wing chick that hates trannies or something...


You are right, it's extremely over simplified. There is so much nuance in the science but it creates a nice visual for the concept. I've always appreciated it when people use visual explanations with me. A mental picture says a thousand words :)


The only thing you said that was true was "if you cut your dick off you'd still be man". Just like Page is still a woman even though she cut her breasts off.


You missed the point I was trying to make, you would still be a man without your penis because your BRAIN is a male oriented brain. Page isn't a woman if she has a male oriented brain.


How does she know she’s a man if she’s never been one? How does she know how a mans brain functions if she’s never had one?


That's a very good question. Physically men and women's brains are different and they operate differently. Over time you would begin to realize that you identify more with men than women or vise versa. I would definitely know what gender I identified with. Don't you think that you'd be able to figure it out if the way you thought, behaved and saw yourself was in a feminine sense?

Whatever happens it has got to suck and be confusing as Hell, the most basic thing that we can do for these people is to be kind to them and figure out why they feel the way they do. Science has come a long way in discovering how the brain functions and why these people feel the way they do.


It's really this simple. If you're born with a penis, you're a man. If you're born with a vagina, you're a woman. If you're born with one and yet think you're the other, you're mentally ill. If you're one of the incredibly rare people born with both you're not "intersex" you have a birth defect like conjoined twins or someone who has any other extra body parts. Nobody has two functioning sets of genitals. You can't change what you were born as.
If you're born a man, you'll die a man.
if you're born a woman, you'll die a woman, no matter how much you mutilate your body along the way.


I get it, you just want to believe you're right and you hate science, everyone can see that, thank you. I'm not interested in discussing anything with someone who ignores the best way we have to determine truth in favor of not having to consider new ideas.


Bitch my worldview stems directly from science.


Dick then why are you ignoring what current science says about transgender people?


What science did Befus not consider when he made his latest argument?

And what's the "best way we have to determine truth"? Sorry if this question has already been answered.


It's cool of you to ask, the best way we have to determine truth is the scientific method.

Most recent science on transgender folks agrees that these people have a brain that functions like the gender they feel they are, it really doesn't matter what you have in your pants, you are what your brain is.

Really interesting stuff! Transgender brains are more like their desired gender from an early age.


Thank you for providing the links. The second link is a little much to sit through, but if you don't mind summarizing it for me, I'd appreciate it. However, the other two are still mostly inconclusive, and don't provide more than what we all already know.

According to them, there are neurological characteristics that are predominantly present in males or females, and some of them are crossed. IE trans people have predominantly male characteristics in a female body, or female characteristics in a male body. But a few characteristics in the brain is not enough to conclude that they are genuinely male or female. Especially since not all of those traits actually change or motivate the person's behavior or sense of self.

There ARE feminine boys and tomboy girls. Their characteristics do not prove that they are genuinely what appears on the inside, and not what they are on the outside. Especially if we are to believe the many would-be trans people who outgrew their phases, and continued life as simply gay.


There ARE feminine boys and tomboy girls. Their characteristics do not prove that they are genuinely what appears on the inside, and not what they are on the outside. Especially if we are to believe the many would-be trans people who outgrew their phases, and continued life as simply gay.

One key element of gender dysphoria is persistence. It doesn't go away. That's why therapy is useless in those who have it.

Being a feminine boy or a tomboy girl doesn't mean you have dysphoria. Indeed, many people who have dysphoria go the opposite way: they can become very masculine men or very feminine women to repress it, until one day they give up That's why you have people who were in the army transitioning in their 30s or 40s.

This is a very good summary.

A different problem is some people mistaking something as gender dysphoria. One common example (sadly) is young females that mistake being tomboys as gender dysphoria. It usually goes away after a while. Real gender dysphoria doesn't.


Thanks for providing the link, but it's also a little much to sit through. Are there any points in it that you want to single out for attention?

Does it explain the cause of gender dysphoria? I especially would like to know if it is caused by the state of the brain or the person's psychological state.

Anyways, I read the conclusion at the end.

Gender identity issues can be a life-long condition for those who find it too difficult to deal with directly. Each life stage presents new dilemmas and decisions in relation to this core issue. In general it can be said that the more the individual struggles to rid themselves of gender dysphoria by increasing social and physical investments in their assigned sex, the greater the generalized anxiety and the harder it becomes to restart life sexually reassigned. For those individuals who, despite all obstacles, can transition to a new gender role, it has been shown that gender transition that includes psychotherapy, hormonal therapy and--in most cases--gender reassignment surgery, significantly reduce and eventually eliminates the anxiety entirely.

The dilemma with this statement is that gender identity is a highly psychological, egocentric, and social concept, and is supposedly not directly caused or maintained by the brain or the body, but by the individual's feelings and experience. And such things can cause nigh-unchangeable effects to the mind that may never go away, just like grooming, existentialism and trauma.

This is further reinforced by the fact that the methods to combat gender dysphoria mentioned in the conclusion, increasing social and physical investments in their assigned sex, do NOT change the person's identity at all, since there are very few such things exclusive to any sex, just some more popular with one than the other.

My conclusion for the time being is that, feelings and gender identity are not truths, no matter how difficult to change, and especially when in dubious emotional states.


The second link is to an actual study, those do tend to be hard to understand especially if you aren't in that field of study, that's why I sandwiched it between two articles that, while older, do try to relay the topic in a simpler way.

If you want to get a handle on real science then you have to go to the actual studies themselves. There are more that provide some good charts which are helpful, the main thread in all of these studies is really about the uniqueness of the human brain!

It's not just transgender people who have a different brain, it's ALL of us. There are no cookie cutter brains, no boy/girl brains, every individual is a unique version of what hormones we were introduced to at the different stages of development in the womb.

Yes there are tom boy girls who are still girls and effeminate boys who are still boys. That's what makes it such a fascinating study! We still rely on what people 'tell' us that they experience and people experience gender confusion. We are just beginning to figure this out.

Something that we DO know at this point is that your sexual organs may not match your brain and who you are, everything that makes you YOU is your brain. If you were just a head in a jar (like in Futurama) would you no longer be a man? I would still be a woman as a head in a jar because my brain doesn't need boobs to still be a female. Am I explaining this okay?

The role of hormones in the transgender brain:

Sex differences in brain morphology, the patterns of sexual brain differences in transgender women – male sex assigned at birth – with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria:

Whole-brain dynamics differentiate among cisgender and transgender individuals:


Thanks for the links, but do you mind summarizing them for me?

Something that we DO know at this point is that your sexual organs may not match your brain and who you are, everything that makes you YOU is your brain. If you were just a head in a jar (like in Futurama) would you no longer be a man? I would still be a woman as a head in a jar because my brain doesn't need boobs to still be a female. Am I explaining this okay?

No, what makes your sex is not your brain, it's your genetics. If you were a head in a jar, you'd still be woman, not because of your brain, but because of your genetics. Just like Ellen Page is still a woman, no matter what state her brain is in, or what she does to her body.

If you were to ask a heterosexual man what he's attracted to, he will not say it's a person with the brain/mind of a woman. Neither will a lesbian who is not bisexual.

In addition, what you just said about all brains being unique, and that there are no boy/girl brains, makes it even more implausible that there can be such a thing as mismatched brains and bodies.


On this subject, THE TRUTH usually comes from a biology book.


You're right about that. You should read up on the most recent science on the transgender community.


facts do. truth is an individual's take on facts as they know them and is therefore subject to the distortion the human mind almost invariably brings. we do imo have our own truths




Repeat after me, boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.

All else is mental illness.




Facts are hard.




Hey RalInfinitum, you're fucking nuts mate, keep taking your medication.


does it have a penis yet? wake me up when it does


Still won't make it a man. Can't change those old chromosomes..


True. Not until scientists come up with some type of nanosurgery in which they can add or remove the Y chromosome. I can't see this ever being feasible.


Even if it will have a penis it will be manually inflatable (or maybe some electric pump???)

But for a while would be weird to date her. A straight woman would not be happy with her having a pussy, a lesbian will not be happy with her pretending to be a man ... plus a straight woman might want to have babies ... not gonna happen.


Ascribing "political correctness" to the Right. Wow, lol.
Reminds me of when the Left tried to commandeer the term "snowflake."

Crack a history book before it's too late.
