MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Is Page's transition upsetting people? I...

Is Page's transition upsetting people? If yes, why?

I dislike trans ideology as much as anybody else, because it seems to make things worse for everybody, including trans people themselves.

But what exactly is it about Page's transition that makes people feel compelled to criticize him/her like s/he did something wrong? Is Page encouraging others to transition too? Invading other people's rights, just like Lia Thomas? Preaching trans ideology to others, and dismissing critics as transphobic? Forcing other people to obey the norms of trans people just to prove they are not transphobic?

Or is Page otherwise just minding his/her own business, and really not bothering anybody else?


It doesn't upset me, because it doesn't affect my life in any way. She can do whatever she wants to do, even if it includes mutilating herself for life. But it's terribly sad that mentally ill people like her are enabled and encouraged to do radical things to themselves by the psychiatric and medical professions. And it's frustrating that there's a large segment of society that celebrates it as if it's a wonderful thing, and hates anyone who questions it.


I personally think that transgenderism is a nonsensical First World thing and am almost 100% certain that, for example, there are no trans people in Rwanda or Tivalu.

The LGB part makes perfect sense and I am an ally thereof because there are plenty of examples of LGB in nature. Anyone who says homosexuality is unnatural is woefully ignorant because I have seen dogs, birds, dolphins and a whole range of other animals in nature participating in same sex mating. However, the rest of the letters (except for "I" or intersex) are just lunacy.

That said. Elliot has every right to do whatever he wants with his body and it's none of our business. He's a human being like the rest of us, he has feelings and talking shit about him all the time is low level scummy behavior. Honestly, people, find something better to talk about.


Historically there have been a tiny minority of men who were transexual, but never women. It's obvious why if you think about it, men undergo a much more dramatic change during puberty. Women retain childlike features. Female to male transgenderism is basically a modern day hysteria.


She can identify as a male as long as I can identify her as a female. That way no one is bothering anyone else, right?


This is a website for gossip, comments, and critiques of movies, tv shows, and actors; you must be kidding with this question.



People can do whatever they want and I don’t care at all as long as they aren’t hurting anyone, but I will not be forced into accepting their new “reality” as fact. I will not live in their fantasy land. That doesn’t mean I will be rude to them. That doesn’t mean I think they are bad people.

It’s also ridiculous to dismantle the entire English language and remove everyone’s identity over this tiny portion of the population who doesn’t know what their identity is.

“Birthing person?”, “chest feeders?”, “birthing center?” How about eat shit.

I can cut my dick off and super glue it to my head, but that will never make me a unicorn. 🤷🏻‍♂️

And stating what I said does not mean I hate anyone, for you political extremists on this site who go right to that defense mechanism. Mental health is a very serious issue in our country right now, and it’s never been more evident.


I think it's largely because Page will never "pass". People who appear convincingly feminine or masculine after the transition take a lot less shit, they're widely accepted, whole-heartedly or grudgingly, but for those who can't pass no matter how much surgery they have... well. Lana Wachowski (left) gets no abuse on this board, and Lily Wachowski (right) does.

Even now I feel a bit of cognitive dissonance when dealing with those whose biological sex is as obvious as the transitional measures they've taken, but since I have the basic social skills so many here lack, I address them the way they wish to be addressed and do my best to treat them with courtsey and acceptance. But this is an anonymous board, full of people with no social skills, they're taking that cognitive dissonance and using it as an excuse to be abusive assholes.


"I dislike trans ideology as much as anybody else, because it seems to make things worse for everybody, including trans people themselves."

This is not true.
There are many medical areas that make crazy profits by convincing young people to mutilate themselves.
They are the benefited ones.


Yeah, and THEY are the ones making things worse for everybody, including trans people themselves.


It's true, there are cases of people that have transitioned, spent an enormous amount of money, became medical patients for life... And then they realized they were just gay and confused.
