What is a man?

Can anyone actually define it?

What's the point of transitioning if we can't define it?


Biologically it's an adult Homo sapiens with male gonads, testes. Beyond that it's a social construct.

The problem is that fools like Page are mutilating their genitals so they can transition to a social construct.


What is a "social construct"?

I agree with most of what you said, but I'm still exploring how the "social" part applies into the topic.


What Is a Social Construct?

A social construct is a concept that exists not in objective reality, but as a result of human interaction. It exists because humans agree that it exists.


There is an objective definition for an adult male or man - a human with testes. A woman is a human with ovaries.

But beyond that there is a subjective concept of how a man must live and act.

Page mutilated his body to conform to a social construct. He still has ovaries.


Then it isn't a social construct. It's informed by biological reality.


If transgender theory is correct, and Page can be a man if he so decides, then mutilating his genitals is unnecessary for him to be a man. It's a classic catch-22.


99.99% of the time,it's someone born with a dick. There are freak exceptions, but only lunatics make the rules for the anomalous rarity.


It's balls which make a man.


An adult male of Homo sapiens sapiens.


An adult human male. That covers biology, psychology, and language. All recent nonsense to the contrary is a woke social construct with no rational or scientific credibility.


A miserable little pile of secrets.


Dang, you beat me to it, Robocop.


Not this fucking thing, and she will never be a man.


Well, one member of the supreme court can't tell us what a woman is. So, why not the same question for man?


A human with a Y chromosome.


I wonder if he's transitioned to leaving the toilet seat up now? It's something he'll have to remember if he wants to be seen as a man.
