MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > What roles can she play now?

What roles can she play now?

i wonder


She's great as a titless chick dressed like a boy.


An alien.




He could play a lot of different roles in a number of different type of films.


Too easy - we need a "for instance". Suggest her for a role everyone knows and we can discuss whether she could have pulled the role off.


Peter Pan




This person is not "he", no matter how many drugs and hormones she takes, how many body parts she has removed, and how many fake male body parts she has attached.


So if we took your brain and put it into a female body, would you be a woman?


Your brain would be biologically male, and the rest of you body biologically female. Based on mass ratios, you would be approximately 97.5% biologically female.


So if we did that to you, you'd be a woman?


You'd be 97.5% woman, given that a woman is a biological female.


Nice dodge there. 'You' are your brain. If your male brain was born into a female body, you would would still be you, a male.


What if a demon possessed you and the demon was female? This is assuming an exorcism didn't work, which surprisingly enough happens a lot. Hollywood has everyone believing that an exorcism always gets rid of the evil spirit but the truth is they are only 60% successful at best in real life.


There was no dodge. Each cell nucleus has sex chromosomes defining whether you are male (XY) or female (XX). If you take a male brain and put it into a female body, the number of female sex chromosomes that that individual has is roughly 97.5%. So that individual is 97.5% female and 2.5% male.

You can 'feel' whatever you think you are. That doesn't change your biology.


they didnt dodge anything. they gave you the objective answer.


They completely dodged the point that I was making that your brain is who you are, not your body. Yes, obviously you would have a different body, that has been well established. Reiterating that over and over is pointless. Nobody is arguing that.



they didnt at all. they answer your question direct you just didnt get the one you wanted to suit your narrative.


What's my narrative?

The fact that you don't understand my response speaks VOLUMES.


Your response does not require understanding but brainwashed believing in BS.


So actual scientific research is bullshit but your 'opinion' that you haven't presented ANY evidence for isn't? 🙄


In the 1930ies the Nazis funded then "actual scientific research" claiming that other races are inferior. In between it is known that this scientific research was just bullshit. The very same will happen to your "actual scientific research".
You are just the result of Reagan's "deinstitutionalization of patients from state mental hospitals", which was indeed a horrible idea.


lol the Nazis, it always comes back to the Nazis. . .

Don't look at the articles by any means, the scientific research done by several independent research groups. Don't look at the evidence, Oh no! Evidence doesn't matter when it makes me uncomfortable and have to reconsider or examine my beliefs.

reply always comes back to the Nazis

Sure. At least YOU should be aware of your roots. In Nazi Germany it was also inappropriate to doubt the science then. And fools like you fell for it as easy as you do today.
Little hint: Science is always about the dialogue between two or more different theories. Never about the one and only and not deniable truth.


And what do you have to back up YOUR beliefs?


How about some scientific education?


Give me some that says I'm wrong then. I would sincerely love to read it.


no i get it, just he didnt dodge.


Sure you do buddy. 🙄



Your brain is literally developed around your gonads. In fact, one of the very first organs developed in a fetus is its gonads as part of the biological distinction between male and female -- you literally do not develop a consciousness until AFTER your gonads begin development. So your brain is literally formed around your sex.

If you tried placing a male brain in a female body it would simply shut the system down. If the system did not shut down, the brain would eventually acclimate to the body due to neurotransmitters, which is what stimulate the synaptic responses to manage cognitive functionality. Simply put, eventually the "male brain" would acclimate to the female body due to the neutrotransmitters that affect the development and changes inherent to the female anatomy.


So give me your scientific articles that say this. I will accept anything but I would like your evidence to come from the National Institute of Health or a Science website like mine.


Essentially, the brain's synaptic responses are hewn around the stimuli provided by the neurotransmitters formed by the somatic host. This happens after the hypothalamus is properly developed, which controls the limbic system, which is how we perceive and receive external stimuli that manifests in our thought processes:

(further reading:

Changes in the host will change how the neurotransmitters are sent, and in turn, how synaptic responses are triggered, and in turn, how neurons develop cognitive responses to internal and external stimuli.

Ergo: your thoughts are borne out of your physiological makeup, which is why you can't be born with a "male brain" in a "female body" or vice versa.

If you have any further questions do let me know and I'll see what I can do to answer them to the best of my abilities.


Thanks, let me read these and get back to you.


If it weren't for those damned ethical constraints on science, we would already know the answer to this.

We would also know the answer to what would happen if we shot James Corden out of a cannon into a concrete wall at point blank range.




What's your thought process on that? I don't understand what you're getting at. If you can please expand upon it.

For sure, I've read what others have written, and I have questions, but I don't want to project their thoughts onto your comment.


The science shows that transgender people have the brain of the gender they identify with. I can only imagine how much it would suck if I was born with a female body. I have compassion for people who have to deal with that.


But is the science correct? Or is the science drawing an arbitrary line and just concluded: "male bodies with female brains" (and visa versa)?

If it were the case, then there would be no need for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, as the brain is what produces such things -- if I'm wrong, or incomplete, please correct me. That would mean, a female brain trapped inside a male body would be able to produce female hormones and the like, wouldn't it?

If not, then what we're really talking about is a psychological issue, right?

Whatever the case may be, I do agree with you regarding the situation of having the perception of being trapped in the wrong body, have it be about sex/gender or other issues. It would be most likely a constant struggle.


Here are some articles if you are interested. There are a LOT of them but this should get you started:


Thank you!


I have compassion for this kind of mental illness too.


would their genetics and chromosomes show XY or XX?

do trans males have XY or XX


What does it matter. If you are XY but your BRAIN is female, the essence of who you are is a female. It doesn't mater what your body is. If you were just a head in a jar like on futurama, you would still be a man.


Your brain shares the chromosomes of your body, a male brain is designed to regulate male anatomy. You cannot have a female brain in a male body.


Science tells us that you can.


No it doesn’t, for the reasons I’ve just explained.

Fake ‘science’ with a political agenda will say anything, but actual science says no such thing.


Disprove the articles I've posted then. Jesus, Why is that so difficult for people? You didn't even read them so you don't know what they say or how they are affiliated politically.


It doesn’t matter how many propaganda (not scientific) articles you post, it doesn’t change the FACT that a person is either XX or XY in terms of chromosomes, and that a male brain is hardwired to regulate male anatomy, same principle for the female brain.


If its a fact. Where is your evidence?

Give me a link, I don't know why I have to ask again but I would love to read it.


If we took your brain and put in into a dog, would you still be a human? If you identified as a human, should a human still sleep with you?


You aren't getting it. . . If you put my brain into a dog? My God. This is what you think I'm trying to say?


What's the difference?

Go ahead and answer your own question. So if we took your brain and put it into a female body, would you be a woman?

Then answer mine. Shouldn't be difficult.


The fact that you think that putting your brain in a dog is in any way related to what I was talking about shows that you have no clue what I was talking about.

But here goes:
If you put my brain into a dog, I would still be ME. I wouldn't think like a dog. "I" wouldn't be a dog, my body would be a dog but not who I am.

Should a human still sleep with me? That would be beastiality, that is not related to gender so it doesn't compare to this situation.


If you put my brain into a dog, I would still be ME. I wouldn't think like a dog. "I" wouldn't be a dog, my body would be a dog but not who I am.

Should a human still sleep with me? That would be beastiality, that is not related to gender so it doesn't compare to this situation.

You acknowledge that sleeping with you in a dog's body is sleeping with a dog. So why not acknowledge that sleeping with you in a WOMAN's body is sleeping with a woman?


You just keep wooshing my point. Which requires something you aren't able to do apparently and there isn't much of a point in explaining it over and over is there?

If that woman has a man's brain they are a man. All you can think of is the body. The body is not the person. YOU are not a body. You are a man WITH a body.


Here's a question for you. If somebody with a woman's body, but a man's brain, identifies as a WOMAN, what will you say to that person? This?

If that woman has a man's brain they are a man. All you can think of is the body. The body is not the person. YOU are not a body. You are a man WITH a body.


Well I'd have to take their word for it wouldn't I? I don't know if they have more grey matter or white matter.



You said that if a person has a man's brain, he is a man. Did you NOT intend for this to be a scientifically absolute fact?

Why shouldn't THIS person take YOUR word for it?


Is this English?

Read that again . . . Am I supposed to understand this gibberish?



So your answer is?


you are going to have to explain your question better, I don't know what you are asking.


"If that woman has a man's brain they are a man".
"The body is not the person. YOU are not a body".

That's what YOU said.

But what if this person has a woman's body, a man's brain, but identifies as a WOMAN? Why won't you tell her exactly what you just said above? That she is a MAN.

Is what you said true, or not?


How do I know that they have a male or female brain? Unless a scan is done, I have no idea and I'm going to take her word for it. I've already said this so, I really don't know what you are getting at, why don't you explain?


Fine, I'll make this even shorter and simpler for you. Read it slowly and carefully.

You said: A person with a woman's body and a man's brain, is a MAN.
She said: A person with a woman's body and a man's brain, is a WOMAN.

Who is right? YOU, or HER? That's the question.

PS: Don't forget. You're the one who proposed a 'what if' scenario about a male brain in a female body in the first place. So you don't get the right to say you can't confirm it. Go with the story, and assume it's true.


Oh my God.

I'm not proposing a 'what if', Science tells us that this occurs. The science tells us that EVERYONE is subjected to different hormones while we are developing in the womb. There aren't cookie cutter boys and girls, we are individual enough to have our own fingerprint, the same applies to our brains.

So a person with a male brain in a female body identifies as a female. Good for her! Why do I care?

Are you trying to ask what are they as a fact a man or a woman? I don't get to determine that. The 'SELF' is different from the "Brain". Mentally this person would process things the way that a male does because this person's brain is male.


You're still not answering the question. Who is right? YOU, or HER?

Your refusal to answer this question shows that you lack conviction, and it makes you a hypocrite. You're making the same mistake that a lot of trans advocates make. Boasting about truth, and then turning it on or off whenever they want, sometimes even proving they don't actually believe it themselves.


I did answer it. Mentally that person would process things the way a male does. I'm also not a trans advocate. I'm sharing scientific information that is important to this discussion. If peaople are stuck in the way they believe and don't want to accept it, that's not my problem.


Who is right? YOU, or HER?


Right about what? This is so stupid. You want me to tell you who's right about if that person is a man or a woman when YOU SAID that they have a man's brain. If they have a man's brain they are a man, but if they want to live life as a woman then that's a decision that they get to make obviously. What point are you trying to make.


Are you really that obtuse, or just playing dumb at this point?

You two have OPPOSING beliefs. If you truly believe YOU are right, then you have to confirm that the other person is WRONG.

That they are a MAN. They could "live as" a woman, but they are not a real woman. They are a MAN.

That's what you need to say.

But because you'd rather beat around the bush than say that, not only do you fail to revalidate your own argument, but you call into question just how much you believe it yourself.

You have to defend your argument, AND prove how much you really mean it. That's the point I'm trying to make.


Those upcoming roles are listed on the IMDB link at the top right of the page.


Thanks god, only in 3 episodes of the next Umbrella Academy season...




do men get their period?


Sorry, if it wasn't born with a dick, it's still a chick.

You can't change your sex no matter how much pixie dust you toss over your head.


"Sorry, if it wasn't born with a dick, it's still a chick."

"You can't change your sex no matter how much pixie dust you toss over your head."

Wow your comments scream Insensitivity Quit Deadnaming Elliot you Bigot


My comments only seem insensitive to those who don't understand biology or deny it for personal reasons. To the rest of us, what I said is a medical and biological fact.


Science says that you are your brain and that you can have a predominantly male brain in a female body or a female brain in a male body. So my question for you is that if 'your' brain was put into a female body, do you believe that you would then be a female? Interesting to think about.


Which "science" is that?

There is no science to support what you are saying.


Pretty bold of you to straight up say that there is no science about this. Here are some links for you:

This is just a few but will hopefully help in your understanding of the general consensus in the scientific community.


All of those articles can basically serve as proof that these people have health issues, mental issues. That they simply believe something that is not true.

Even the WHO stopped advertising this as a health issue recently, but said that one of the reasons for this change was to stop these people from being bullied in the society.
I agree they should suffering from stigmas, but that is not a reason to stop labeling this as a disease.


You didn't read ANY of them if you think that they are talking about HEALTH issues or mental issues. I'm not trying to win an argument. You can educate yourself or not, I'm just providing the scientific information.


Who is funding those studies, RockAway? What do they have to gain for that intended result?


Why don't you look into that?


Spider-man. :)


James Dean


