MovieChat Forums > Michelle Rodriguez Discussion > What did James Cameron see in her?

What did James Cameron see in her?

I think I saw a Cameron interview where he praised her and said he really wanted her in avatar. What? The man has tremendous vision, so you'd think he'd know a good actress when he sees one. I don't know, I just don't agree at all with him.


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I loved her as Trudy Chacon. I hope they find a way to bring her back for the second Avatar.


James Cameron, like Joss Whedon, likes to think of himself as a feminist. Unfortunately, this means that a woman has to be as ornery as possible and take every opportunity to despise anything that can be portrayed as feminine. Michelle fit that bill.

At least with James Cameron, your character doesn't have to be a rape victim to turn into a Mary Sue.


Wait, you might be on to something. Both Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton were women in action roles, but were totally unfeminine. Almost like somebody mainlined testosterone into them. And both those roles were directed by Cameron. It's like he thought a woman can't be kick ass and feminine at the same time. Yeah, I can see what you mean.


Cameron likes butch women, I think he's secretly a lesbian himself.


You may be joking but you're right. Think about not just the women he casts in his films but the women he's been romantically linked to. All have that masculine vibe. Nothing wrong with that but he definately has a type.


Weaver was very feminine in aliens! she was tough and bossy yes, (all women are bossy) but she was a complete mother figure - it doesn't get much more feminine than that. a woman doesn't have to wear pink and be all giggly to be feminine.

in alien 3 and alien resurrection - yeah she went butch then.


That happens in all of Cameron's films with the obvious exception of True Lies & The Terminator, unless you count those final scenes. All of Cameron's leading ladies take charge and they have confidence, Sigourney Weaver was in Aliens & Avatar, Linda Hamilton was in T2, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio & Jamie Lee Curtis ended up that way in True Lies LOL! So of course, Michelle Rodriguez would be someone he'd want for his film, her movie persona is that of a badass woman that doesn't take any sh!t. And of course, she was a badass in Avatar.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.
