MovieChat Forums > Michelle Rodriguez Discussion > what a sorry excuse for a so-called'actr...

what a sorry excuse for a so-called'actress'

she was one look - "angry" - wow, impressive.


In any case, she's in a better place than you.


Who the hell cares about her acting...I just wanna see her NAKED!!!GOD she is so freeeekin HOT


brilliant responses, guys.

1. "In any case, she's in a better place than you." - you know this how, exactly? do you know her? do you know nigradamus?? right, shut up please.

2. "Who the hell cares about her acting...I just wanna see her NAKED!!!GOD she is so freeeekin HOT" - FROM HER GOD*BEEP* IMDB QUOTES: "I don't want people thinking of me sexually. I don't want people to be like, 'She's hot-looking,' you know?"

well done, geniuses.


I would seriously puke if she would drop even her pants. Whats wrong with you???


OMG she is beyond hot. I think we need the Kelvin scale to quantify her hottness.

"The people at the bank call me Marty!


She'd probably whip ur ass and ask where ur sister

I don't mind.As long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine I'll be fine.


"well done, geniuses. "

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL How funny. An actress that doesn't want to be known as "hot" but parades around half naked in the movies.

That's like the parents of a teenage girl who get mad at guys that look at the "Pink" logo on their daughter's butt.


I can't tell whether this is sarcastic or not.. Given that the freezing point of water is 273 Kelvin.. Needing that scale would qualify her as rather frigid.. Now, if you meant you'd need to compare her hotness to the Higgs.. ;-) That would be around 5000 billion times room temperature (120 GeV, give or take)..
