I met Michelle...

... a few years back when she was filming Lost here in Hawaii. I was at North Shore, at a beach called Waimea. My friend just came down from the mainland and we were at the beach with some of my other friends.

Anyways, me and a local friend of mine went up to Michelle and told her "Hey one of our friends is visiting from the mainland, we're gonna walk by in a minute with him, can you pretend you know us?"

So she played along and when we were walking by, she called out our names, and came over to us and started chatting. It was pretty funny, my friend from the mainland was shocked. It was hilarious.

Then we just all kind of hung out at the beach with Michelle, her brother, and her dog for the rest of the day, it was pretty fun. She was really nice.

I'll post a little more of what happened later...


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So anyways, Waimea Bay has a rock that you can climb up and jump off of into the ocean. It's not really that high... maybe 15-20 feet. So she climbed up there with us and we were all jumping off into the water, except for Michelle.

Seriously, hours went by, and she wouldn't jump. Eventually it was dark and EVERYBODY left except for me, my friends, my girlfriend, Michelle's brother and dog, and Michelle. She was still on the rock, too scared to jump. So finally she climbed down to a much lower spot and jumped off. She was kind of embarrassed, but my girlfriend told her that she's too scared to jump off the rock too. But Michelle said that it's okay for my girl because she's much smaller than Michelle. Now it was dark and we were all gonna go home.

Michelle and her brother parked kind of far down the road from the beach so we gave them a ride in our truck. We were sitting in the back of the truck talking and stuff, and Michelle's nipple was hanging out of her bikini from when she jumped off the rock, haha. No one told her though.

Michelle and her brother were REALLY nice, I hope she has alot of success in the future.


Do her and her brother look alike?
Good story btw, she sounds so cute :D



Yeah it was kinda funny that she wouldn't jump, because she plays such a bad ass in all her roles. Waimea is a really popular beach and it was probably like 3pm when she climbed up there. By the time she jumped it was dark out and EVERYONE left already. It was fun.

Her brother was cool. He doesn't really look like her, atleast I didn't think it was her brother until he said so. He was nice and talked with us for a long time while Michelle was stuck on the rock. He seemed a little worried about her...

He talked to us about alot of stuff and told us Vin Diesel is a really nice guy and down to earth. And Paul Walker he said... "well if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all." hahaha

Man, they were cool. I don't care what anyone says about her acting or the "typecast" roles that she plays, Michelle is really pretty, and she (and her bro) was really nice and she deserves all the success that she gets.


Loved that story!!!

It's so hard to find actors and actresses who can be so down to earth these days...I hear Will Ferrel refuses to sign autographs for his fans.

It's so great to hear when an actress or actor can just sit down with their fans and just have a chat or just be friendly with them. From her movie roles, I would never have expected her to be like that haha but that is so awesome!! She did so much more than she had to, I love her just because of your story. :) Thanks for sharing.
