MovieChat Forums > Michelle Rodriguez Discussion > Too Naturally Hot to be Straight

Too Naturally Hot to be Straight

When you are as hot as she is, women will think shes hot too. And you have a sexy woman pawing at you, it doesnt matter if you are a guy or a girl, GO FOR IT.


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This is just too dumb for words.


This makes no sense at all.

viva La Revolucion!!


The most idiotic part about your this incoherent and possibly homophobic post is that you think Michelle Rodriguez is hot.


It has nothing to do with being hot.

The media hounds Michelle about her sexual orientation because of her masculinity, not her beauty. There are many Hollywood starlets who are more attractive than her, but most aren't asked the same question because they don't give off man-vibes.


She keeps that part of her life private. Despite that, she's had boyfriends in the past. Anyway, why are you and others so interested? Would her being gay or straight do anything for you? Would knowledge about which side she bats for take care of your ails? Would you somehow stumble onto the fountain of youth?


thekino, Michelle ISN'T hot? 8310556

Okay, if you don't think so, to each his own, she's fvckin' hot!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Why not? I think OP's post makes perfect sense, if you're such a hottie, it is only reasonable that both men and women would attracted to you, what is so offensive about it? I would take that as a compliment

And there is no denying there are some movie stars who just give off that vibe and most of them are rumoured to be at least bi, including your beloved Keanu, so what is wrong with it if she enjoys best of the both worlds? Sexuality is a very fluid thing anyway, I do believe a lot of people experiment with sexuality but little percentage of them has the courage to come forward especially if they are in the show biz which is a shame…Why treat a gay dentist or lesbian taxi driver differently or gay or bi actors for that matter as long as they did justice to their work?
