MovieChat Forums > Michelle Rodriguez Discussion > Gina Carano vs. Michelle Rodriguez in 'F...

Gina Carano vs. Michelle Rodriguez in 'FAST + FURIOUS 6'

LOL, Anyone who thinks that Michelle Rodriguez could even hold her own against Gina Carano.....SERIOUSLY has something wrong with themselves.


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Well yeah she is a trained fighter but go michelle.

Do you know who kicks both their asses

Cristiane Cyborg since she beat the piss out of Gina Carano and retired her out of the sport. If you haven't watched the fight watch that fight my god cyborg is a monster.


Wasn't Cyborg busted for using performance enhancers?


Oh great. Another dude advertising his desperate virgin status on the Internet due to confusing an actress' roles for real life.

Can't believe I'm going to say this, but Michelle had the better performance in F&F 6. If that's the best Gina could do, she should just drop weight, go back to MMA and take her medicine from Cyborg and Ronda.


Carano could destroy everyone in the cast of Fast & Furious 6, including that big hulk who was on the villains' side. She's a former UFC champ, HELLO!! Rodriguez may be tough but she wouldn't last three seconds against Gina in real life.

People have to remember to watch movies objectively and see Carano as the double-agent she was portraying and not as Gina Carano "the UFC star". Of course thats hard to do when the stars are as big if not bigger than the movies they star in. I admit, I had a hard time believing Michele could last as long as she did against Gina or that she could even jump back up after some of those wallops she was getting.


Who cares? I love em both, those scenes were hot!


Well, I had a hard time believing.......JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING in this movie, haha... But actually, I think they did a good job of doing a back and forth between them (really Gina's character seemed to be getting the upper hand until they fell down the steps.)

I enjoyed their roles overall (though, yes, if anyone wants to make fun of Michelle's acting...they need to see Gina's....)


Gina can't really act. Even in Haywire, I didn't find her that believable in her intimate scenes. If she wants to stay in this business, even if her acting gets better, she will always be seen as a kick ass woman. There isn't much she can do about that and it's not her fault. Unless she wants to disappear for awhile and try to reinvent herself. Otherwise, she should be happy to be able to have a career as an action star for as long as she can. Female action movie stars are rare and someone who can actually kick a guy's ass is very rare indeed. She will undoubtedly corner the market. Her best bet is to continue co-starring in movies like this where she can get high profile rather than as a lead in a bunch of direct-to-dvd movies like all the other action stars who end up stuck as C-list actors.

I'd love to see her in a Bond movie as a villain's henchman (henchwoman) or as an undercover US agent. She'd make a great Wonder Woman, She-Hulk or Elektra in a Marvel movie.
