her face...

I saw FF6 the other day and Michelle surprised me... in a bad way... she aged badly, typically for south american girls... she was always cute and had a great body (ok, body's still great)... but now, her face looks like the one of ordinary middle-age housekeeping Mexican woman... too bad...


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Yeah she aged early. She needs to take care of herself


I noticed the same thing...still a pretty woman though


No way! She looks great. I dont see a difference.


nothing wrong with being 35 and looking 35, enough with the deification of youth.


Also blame make-up and fashion!


Michelle - you let me ride your bike between takes a few days ago. Said you wanted to hook up with me. Well, I have some free time this weekend -
A stock broker and don't work sat/sun/mon - plus I own a quick get away island near Makinaw, MI. We could take a really nice cruise and I could eat the corn out of your *beep* you said you were really horny. Sound like a plan?

Call me 800-853-0282
