MovieChat Forums > Amy Ryan Discussion > Thank God She Got Kicked Off Office!

Thank God She Got Kicked Off Office!

She was sooooooooooooo unfunny on that show. That character is like when the show dropped the ball. Sooooooo unfunny! I was so glad Carell went back to that other hottie boss, Jan! Yayyyyyyy!


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Your taste in humor is awful. AWFUL! You don't know what's funny and I hope I never have to listen to you tell jokes. Ugh. You people are the people who think Dane Cook is hilarious.


She was fantastic on The Office, and in Gone Baby Gone... and what's even more amazing is that those characters a from different planets. TOTALLY different characters. Even their body language is different (aside from voices, intonation, timing, accents, personality etc...). I'm blown away by how good she is.


she's coming back, and i couldn't be happier.


What show are you watching joeblow? He doesn't go back to Jan. And Amy was a great addition to the show and Entertainment Weekly named her playing Holly as one of the best performances of the year, so I hate to burst your bubble but I think it is you who has poor taste in comedy.


Epic Fail OP! Jan hasn't been on the Office since she told Michael not to date Holly and then asked her out anyways.
