MovieChat Forums > Amy Ryan Discussion > I miss her on the office =(

I miss her on the office =(

She was so amazing on the office. The michael/holly storyline is probably my favorite moment on the show. From Michael's hilarious "courting" her phase, to the moment he first asks her out after Jan told him not to. I honestly felt bad for Michael when they were breaking up in the van and he begged her "please don't leave! I'm to weak i'll go back to Jan and I HATE Jan!" Could really see that Michael knew he had his perfect woman and was devastated that he was losing her. Like the scene a few episodes later where Michael's on the phone with wallace about why he sent her away, her character really added new layers to him that we havn't seen untill now.

I've been waiting all season for her to come back and after the episode a few weeks ago where he finds the letter she wrote to him, I'm really hoping that she'll be back soon for a much longer stay. She was only on six episodes but she made a huge impression on the show for me and it just doesn't feel right without her. Amazing actress! and the perfect companion to michael's character.



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She is back for the season finale!!


May 14th!

I wonder if she'll become a series regular.....

It also says that Justin Timberlake and Will Ferrell are the last 2 SNL hosts! Sweet! I can't wait for Celebrity Jeopardy! "Our Categories are: Potent Potables, ......"


She completes Michael, and he needs a little hope/happiness in his lonely existence.


Yeah, she seems like a awesome actress. But I hated the way they wrote her character on The Office. I kinda felt like they didn't really give her a lot to work with and she was capable of so much more depth. It kinda seemed like they wasted her on such a 2 dimensional type of part. Her character always seemed kind of lost and divisive.


Oh, I LOVE her in The Office. Hey, I'm from Des Moines, too! (holly is from Des MOines in the show.) DH and I both LOVE the HOlly story line. She'll be back, she's too good to be gone forever, and besides we know she is Michael's one true love.

I watched Gone BAby Gone for te second time and woah--I didn't know she had a major role in it. Wow, she is GOOD. And now I read that sh'es been nominated twoice for Broadway roles. Very talented.


I miss her too!


I think Holly needs to come back to The Office too. I think the way she left was so abrupt and sad, I felt cheated. Like they opened the door for what could have been great things for Michael's storyline and just put it to an end out of no where. Return! Return!


They were pretty much the perfect couple (with the same flaws/quirks!)....come back now Holly!
