MovieChat Forums > Amy Ryan Discussion > Most exaggerating nom in recent film his...

Most exaggerating nom in recent film history

Ok,I don't have anything personal against her,I think she can be a good actress,she was good in "Keane",but...nominated for her (brief) performance in "Gone Baby"?Just because she plays a junkie mother who lost her child?Come on,seriously,I saw the movie an hour ago and I've already forgotten her (and the movie).
If someone should get nominated for this film,that should be Ed Harris.He and Freeman were the only REALLY professional actors in it.


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she had a good size role in gone baby gone! she is nominated for supporting actress not best actress! judi dench was nominated awhile back for being in shakespear in love for a whole 5 minutes! so this is deff not the most exaggerated nomination in history. she was great in gone baby gone and she should be nominated.
