MovieChat Forums > Peter Sarsgaard Discussion > What on Earth is wrong with his penis!?

What on Earth is wrong with his penis!?

More to the point (or lack of one in his case) - why did the director of 'Kinsey' film him gallivanting around with his winkle out!? That was just bizarrely cruel why they'd do that to him! Surely the director could see it looked like an acorn and you'd think any decent person would've then spared Peter the embarrassment of filming it full-frontal.
It's almost as bad as that Chinky chap's teeny-weeny penis in 'The Hangover'!
o=3 (Actual size)


I haven't seen his Dick but I must correct you on your stat. 6 inches seems to be the normal size from what I've seen at least in my neck of the woods.


Not only is it possible he's a grower, rather than a shower, but under the circumstances of filming, he probably had total shrinkage going on. Unless you have an adult penis, it might be difficult for you to understand what I'm talking about.
