MovieChat Forums > Jussie Smollett Discussion > Can we all agree that at the very least ...

Can we all agree that at the very least Jussie Smollett is a moron?

Just say he did mistake two black Nigerian brothers already known to him for white MAGA supporters talking about 'Trump country' in the middle of Chicago, how frickin stupid would he have to be to believe that?

At this stage I might be inclined to say I was part of a conspiracy and risk a criminal prosecution, simply to avoid coming across as the biggest frickin moron in the world.

Cue a hundred 'but fear of racism/homophobia incapacitates a person's mental faculties' excuses, but as I keep saying, how dumb do you have to be to believe that the Odundairo Brothers were white Americans? Clearly they're better actors than the professional actor in this scenario.


Jussie belongs in a whole new category of stupid


I agree he's a moron. He's also a smug-faced, lying weasel who richly deserves a big dose of comeuppance.


I've noticed some people are so racist in their views they may think they're doing the right thing. In their own minds they've been oppressed their whole life so they believe they have the right to play the race card.


He's a race baiting felon who should be in prison.


Jussie Smollett is a phony baloney.
