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American meddling in elections

Italy's 1948 general election is an early example of a race where U.S. actions probably influenced the outcome.

"We threw everything, including the kitchen sink" at helping the Christian Democrats beat the Communists in Italy, said Levin, including covertly delivering "bags of money" to cover campaign expenses, sending experts to help run the campaign, subsidizing "pork" projects like land reclamation, and threatening publicly to end U.S. aid to Italy if the Communists were elected.

Levin said that U.S. intervention probably played an important role in preventing a Communist Party victory, not just in 1948, but in seven subsequent Italian elections.


America's 2016 Presidential election is the latest example of a race where Russian actions probably influenced the outcome.

"For example, in June of 2016, Russian operatives began talking with an American "affiliated with a Texas-based grassroots organization. During the exchange [the Russians] learned ... that they should focus their activities on 'purple states like Colorado, Virginia and Florida.'"

This insight, which might appear obvious to Americans, was treated as a major gem by the Russian influence operatives. Remember, these were foreigners trying to understand how to target a foreign land. It also helps explain another avenue through which they tried to influence the presidential race: cyberattacks on state elections systems.


You are a nutjob if you believe that.


You're watching way too much FAUX NEWS. Time to turn the channel.


The fact that these people were so incompetent and lacked basic knowledge about the American electoral system only proves that they weren't state sponsored. Professional spies don't purchase Facebook ads. LMAOOOOOOO


" Professional spies don't purchase Facebook ads."

Says who? Sean Hannity? Tucker Carlson? Or "Judge Jeanine"? Which clown at the FOX Circus?


Mueller indicted Putin's chef. LMFAO! This is comedy.


T-rump's National Security Advisor doesn't find it as humorous as you (thank God!) . HR McMaster said this morning: " The evidence is now really incontrovertible. ".


Time for DoggyDoDo to stop watching fake lefty news (CNN,NBC,WaPo)!
FOX & WSJ are least biased and most trusted. Clean your brain!


This explains in detail how FOX NEWS won the right to lie in a court of appeals. The lawsuit stems from a former FOX reporter who would not change her report to 'fit the narrative' (re: lie) for FOX NEWS. She ended up winning, FOX appealed.

"They argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves"

What a classy bunch.


Yeah the mainstream media isn't above criticism but pointing ton Fox News as a beacon of truth isn't going to win any arguments! I remember a study a while back that showed Fox News viewers were the most uninformed out there. Not sure when the last time it was conducted but I'd like to see an update of that study done.


And don't forget Cuba and Iran.


We've spent billions meddling in elections all over the world. Compared to that, the "Internet Research Agency" is a joke.


T-rump's National Security Advisor doesn't find it as humorous as you (thank God!) . HR McMaster said this morning: " The evidence is now really incontrovertible. ".


They're going to indict Putin's housekeeper next week. LMAOOOOOOOOOO


It didn't take long for T-rump to go on a Twitter rant against his own National Security Advisor McMaster this morning. Let's hope this was before he had his bowel movement, and that's what caused his idiotic rant.


They don't have elections. Neither do Russia, Nork and Venuseaula.
