MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Stormy was on drugs during the interview...

Stormy was on drugs during the interview.

Did anyone notice her huge pupils and they didn't dilate in the light. I wonder what she was on.


Yep, they noticed. It’s sad to see someone’s career go down the crapper so quickly after they’ve worked so long and hard to build it up.

Stormy didn’t do so well either.




Mark Dice, the Alex Jones protege who also peddles his baseless conspiracy theories to hapless alt-right dunces who are stupid enough to believe in shape-shifting lizard people.


Find those WMDs in Iraq yet?


Nope. I never went along with that conspiracy theory.


Yes you did. You’re defending it right now by calling it a conspiracy theory, putting it in league with harmless stuff like shape shifting lizards, “peddled” to poor people with zero political power. Don’t think we don’t notice where you place that in proportion to a multi trillion dollar war based on a lie. Lots of people died. Why didn’t you? Seriously. Alex Jones was right.


I'm defending a lie by not falling for it? Nice try, "BornRetarded."


I know, winning the presidential election is such a step down. 🙄


Most likely cocaine... Or Anderson's poppers. If it's her pupils or his anus they are both gaping


It is somewhat amusing to read people pushing the coked out pornstar stereotype. She didn’t seem to be on anything illegal to me. Maybe she took a klonipin which lots of people who don’t abuse drugs take. She seems to have it together through her appearances on Kimmel etc. I’m rooting for her she’s obviously the “David” in this situation.


How is a pornstar who is talking about something that has no reason to be aired publicly except to inflate her ego, gain her a few moments of fame, and obviously capitalize financially for being a whore, even close to her being a "David"?


Wasn’t her ego inflated. It was T-rumps.


She wasn't talking about it though.

She talked about it around 2011 and 2012, and then kept it quiet.

Right before the election Trump's lawyers paid her $130,000 to continue to not talk about it. Mistake #1.

When publications learned of the payment, they tried to verify it by asking her.

She continued to not talk about it because of the NDA.

Trump's lawyer recently released details to certain publications which violated the NDA. Mistake #2.

With the NDA now canceled, she was free to answer the media's questions on 60 Minutes.

As usual, the Trump team are their own worst enemies.


Nope. Didn’t notice. I did notice T-rump still inhales deeply while at a podium. Could be his coke habit?


Most likely her Democrap activist lawyer gave her something. Stormy would have been nervous telling that big whopper about that spook threatening her life!


Yet she was infinitely more prepared for her 60 minutes interview than Betsy Devos.


A porn star doing drugs? No way! But she’s credible. Lmao!!!!

How’s that DemoKKKRat platform coming along? Oh that’s right they haven’t had one since JFK.
