MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Wow! Another key part of The Dossier is ...

Wow! Another key part of The Dossier is proving to be accurate!

According to the dossier, Michael Cohen allegedly had a secret meeting in Prague as Trump's envoy in collusion with Russia with a man named Konstantin Kosachev.

This has always been the most problematic part of the dossier that Cohen had always denied. He provided proof he never traveled to Prague by giving his passport to Buzzfeed to photograph.

But in doing so, Buzzfeed reported last year that Cohen's passport also revealed he had visited Italy from July 9th to the 17th. Cohen had always explained he was vacationing in Italy during that time.

It turns out, the Russian figure Cohen had secretly met with Konstantin Kosachev, was actually in Italy while Cohen was there as confirmed by TASS news agency!

Still waiting for the PEE PEE tape!


...I'll just bet you are.


The article is dated July 5, and describes Kosachev's visit to Rome in the past tense. That means it occurred prior to July 5, and therefore prior to Cohen's trip on July 9. Try again Sherlock.



The TASS report says the author spoke to Kosachev "after his visit to Rome," the fact that the report was filed from Rome makes it unclear whether he was still there as of July 5, 2016.

Regardless, what a remarkable coincidence he had been in the area within 4 days of Cohen arriving. Cohen insisted he had visited the island of Capri when in Italy but refused to make his receipts available for scrutiny. He knew if he did reporters would be able to track his movements in Italy just like they tried to do by confirming whether he was in Prague by doing the legwork of checking with the numerous hotels in Prague to see if he had ever stayed there.


Cohen is so Dirty , I need a bath just thinking of him


No you need a bath because you stink.


So Cohens a choirboy?!
Are we on the same planet?


Nah the kid's just delusional. He's one of those that lives in Hannity's alterverse.


It's already over for Cohen. He's done, but thanks to Stormy Daniels.

Everyday the dossier becomes more and more verified. At first, the pissgate tape was rumored to be a 4chan creation where people were claiming they created the fanfiction out of fun similar to pizzagate. The problem with those rumors are the dates don't match up. 4chan's Trump supporters tried to use that platform to discredit the dossier by taking blame for pissgate. Instead, it backfired. 4chan ended up making pissgate much bigger than it would've been had 4chan not been involved. So a pee pee tape really wouldn't surprise me either.


Haha. Yeah that sounds exactly like 4chan users. What a bunch of tools.


"Pissgate" - LOL! I love it. 'Water' brought down Nixon and 'Piss' will bring down T-rump!


Brilliant analysis once again.
