MovieChat Forums > Buttsavitch

Buttsavitch (23)



The one where he plays the fake somebody instead of the real nobody. Business Insider is cribbing from Tucker Carlson. Bernie Sanders supports a lot of Republican ideas, like getting rid of the Import/Export bank. Yeah that last Trump tweet was so much worse than the trillion dollar Iraq war. I understand your analogy. I think this law criminalizes the dealers rather than the users like in the drug war. Blacks, women, young people, poor people... these are the groups associated with being uneducated. They're also the main constituency of the Democrat party. As for old money, well I don't think you can find a better demonstration of inordinate corporate influence than in the response to this act of democracy. Corporations are boycotting the state over this. Has any corporation ever boycotted Washington DC for starting all those foreign wars? Has any corporation ever boycotted NYC on account of bank bailouts and inequality? No. Do you really think they care about abortion this much? Alabama is also considering making it a crime for a woman to make a fraudulent rape accusation. Alabama's governor is female. Condoms are available in every convenience store. Birth control pills (which are horrible for your health) are much harder to get and much more expensive because you're required to have a prescription filled by a doctor. That goes the same for the whole country. Ironically, it's Republicans who have tried to make birth control pills legal over the counter, and Democrats who keep voting it down. Democrats have their own ways of controlling women, you just don't hear about them. You said government is trying to dictate what people can buy with food stamps. Read that again. Dictating what people can buy was the entire purpose of creating food stamps rather than just giving people cash. Next you suggest there should be maternity leave and day care subsidies. Tell me again who is trying to dictate what we can buy. I say give them the money and you're going to discover very quickly that no one would willingly spend it on your overpriced child warehousing operation. Humans have been around for millions of years, and they've been wrong about everything until now? Why did men suddenly decide to liberate women from their own oppressive grip? I think spite is a very dishonest reason to be pro-abortion. I suspect I'm much more pro-abortion than you are. For example, do you think a woman should be allowed to sell her fetus? Do you think a woman should be allowed to screen her fetus and selectively abort it if it happens to be undesirable in some way such as having Downs Syndrome? How about screening for something politically incorrect such as homosexuality? How about just plain old population control? Should a man be allowed to financially "abort" if he doesn't want it and the woman does? Anytime you catch yourself being angry at men, just remember this. You do own your own body. A man doesn't. A man gets circumcised, and sent off to die in war. That could be you. You're lucky. You see, men don't "subjugate" women. Men are in competition with other men, for women. View all replies >