MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Donald gives the exact same tired and bo...

Donald gives the exact same tired and boring speech as the last time after yet another high school mass shooting...

The usual from Donald:

"We're with you at this tragic hour."
"Lessons will be learned."
"Everyone must work together to keep our children safe."
"May God heal the injured."
"If only more people had been armed then someone could have taken him out sooner."
"If I'd been there I would have taken out the shooter personally."

I'd be interested to hear his views if his security staff were suddenly removed and he had to live like the common citizens and risk getting blown away every time he left his home.

He'd soon regret taking all those NRA donations.


Walmart, Amazon, malls, nightclubs, banks, universities, office buildings, private schools, airports, train stations, inner city schools, courthouses, prisons, all have one thing in common. Security.

But according to the zero ideas left, security is bad and Orwellian and can’t possibly be utilized in suburban public schools. Wonder why.



"zero ideas left"

Other than security???

How about thoughtful gun control??
Or is that too incompatible for the Bizarro world that is the United States?


There are roughly 300 million guns in the United States today. No amount of gun control will keep a gun out of the hands of someone intent on using one to kill people. Simply stop reporting the killers names and photos,and this will go away. It's become a trend,and today's generation has a desperate need to be watched. Quit making them celebrities.


That is a valid point, but unfortunately we also have a necessary Free Press and people naturally want to know details about the person who commits an awful crime. I wish we could censor the names of these shooters, but we do need to report what's going on in the world. Especially now that we have Fox And Trump trying to convince us all reportage that doesn't fit their agenda is false. People who want to believe this are legitimized and the needle gets pushed toward Fascism, which would make a sub-set of our culture very happy.


There are many factors behind the increases in school shootings. One theory according to the American Psychological Association is the modern obsession with fame due to the creation of 24/7 news, the internet, and social media.

For those interested in learning more here’s a link to the article.

My personal opinion is it’s a combination of this obsessive need for fame as well as the desensitization to violence due to 24/7 news and the endless violence in entertainment media including motion pictures, tv, and video games.


Just about every politician or media "expert" trots out the same comments after a school shooting.

I agree with your combination of reasons. I'd also like to add my own personal one in that the nation has turned away from God and morality in a very big way. Schools can hand out condoms to kids but if a student wants to start out his or her valedictory speech at graduation by mentioning God, they cut the microphone.

No government programs can substitute for a lack of morals.


Thoughts and prayers! And a special thanks to those young murdered kids who laid down their lives just to protect our 2nd Amendment!


Yup it's a lack of God that's the problem!
Not guns, guns are never the problem are they?


According to the left it’s never the gunmans fault. Apparently guns go off by themselves or they trick young white men into pulling the trigger for
them. If only we would have banned assault rifles this young man couldn’t have taken his fathers Shotgun and Pistol and shot up the school. Why didn’t politicians listen to those intelligent Parkland survivors at the town hall meeting? The blood is now on their hands.


Sadly, I find it amusing that people take the idea of banning assault rifles (a tricky concept itself) is negated by this shooter using more conventional arms to commit his crime. Since he didn't use an assault rifle, what would be accomplished by banning them? We still have shotguns and pistols, so nothing should be banned or controlled.
Makes perfect sense -- to everyone who worships gun culture.


It is not due to movies, tv and video games. Humans have always been aggressive and violent. Human sacrifice was common across all the continents of the world in the primeval era. All the wars in Europe from the past have happened regardless of any media influence.

Fame whores just go to Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to get attention. Perhaps these sociopaths do want attention, but they're not killing solely for the attention. The Parkland shooter was born with a mental illness.

These shootings will probably be a stagnant problem. No one wants to acknowledge the numerous factors/problems behind them. Honestly, I think there's truth on both the right and left wings about this issue.


Child abuse, peer abuse, infatuation with fame, but more importantly a degradation of values has led to this.


...& a 50% divorce for 75 years. You will not walk, nor run away unscathed from that.


Agreed. Also, the infatuation with instant fame.


Ya other countries don't have the exact same issues just minus the insane gun culture of the US.

Oh wait they do, and they don't have a gun violence epidemic. Must be divorce and not the abundance of fire arms. Makes perfect sense!🤔


Lol! Great post Joffrey.


And our president is thrice married (and counting) while being exposed as a spousal cheater and openly disrespecting of women's personal space, as well as people of other ethnicity and those who have physical disabilities. And he is championed by a sub-set of people who I cannot understand why they admire this creep. They are told what to think, and that's what they think, and next their actions.


I don't admire everything about him, snepts. He's not perfect. No man is.


As many have said, his “ alt right base” have been living among us quietly forever. Unfortunately, they gained fame and more followers once they saw a Presidential candidate/ President behaving in public the way they have done among themselves. It’s a sad corner our country has turned.


Right-wingers in a nutshell:

Tragedy during Obama's presidency: Obama isn't doing anything to prevent it.

Tragedy during Trump's presidency: Trump is still president. Suck it libtards.




And we get the same tired speeches from the left that pretend they care about our safety by advocating law abiding citizens be disarmed when gun free zones are exactly where theses massacres keep happening.


But . . . The sign said "gun free zone." We don't know what could have gone wrong.


I know its strange. The sign said no guns but some how.... A gun was used. I don't get it. ;)


Hey, come one everybody...let's blame everything and everyone except the worthless piece of shit shooter!

Some solid logic there. I can't watch the news anymore. No more reading posts like this either. Twist the words to your biased agendas, get political, shout back and forth, support your party no matter what, fuck you. I'm done.

Punishing law abiding gun owners will do nothing to keep guns away from psychotic wastes of oxygen like this one. Why do people think criminals and nut cases will obey laws??? Mind boggling.

I'm not saying I have an answer for all this, but some of you people out there really are brain dead.

START BLAMING THE KILLLER! Not Trump, not Obama, not the NRA, not video games, movies, and music...blame the person who pulled the trigger!


This is the guy you voted for, America. Thank God I didn't!


America elected him because they are a nation of gun-loving nut jobs.

They would have voted for Billy the Kid if he was still alive.


Hello there. You must be big brother.

Also, what the hell does people voting for Trump have to do with school shootings?

By your extreme bias, which sadly is normal for political nuts in today's world...I'm guessing you loved Obama, so just curious, what did he do differently after school shootings when he was in office?

By the way, my gun has killed one less person than Ted Kennedy's car, lol.


I heard that one about Ted Kennedy before. But don't blame Teddy's CAR! LOL It was the drunk who was driving it who made no attempt to rescue the young woman trapped inside.

And for the record, according to earlier posts, I (as a conservative) never blamed Obama for school shootings. I may have blamed him for a lot of things. But not that!! No government officials, with the exception of the IRS of course(!), can force the citizenry to do anything.

Taking away guns from law abiding citizens is like putting a band aid over a bad rash. It's a temporary fix which only covers up a deeper problem.

When guns are outlawed, hunters and people who want guns for self defense will have to go buy them from gangbangers and organized crime because they will be the ONLY ones who will be armed!


Wow. Everyone who brings up Teddy Kennedy ( who was indeed guilty) always forget about Laura Bush, who killed her ex boyfriend while drunk driving at the age of 17 in 1963, and allegedly fled the scene of the accident.

Always forget poor Laura.


better billy than hilary


he is a noble man,
he has not found the right answer but will in time
