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Mueller already blaming Russians for the 2018 midterms

Russian intelligence agencies are trying to meddle in the 2018 U.S. midterm elections much as they did two years ago, special counsel Robert Mueller’s office asserted on Tuesday in a court filing.

LOL! Will this idiotic witch hunt ever end?


The POS.


I guess the FACT that it's actually happening makes it "idiotic", right?

You're a waste of space.


Russia did not criminally "meddle" in the election.


lulz. You can't wish away a fact by saying it's not a fact.

Remember when you were saying your dad didn't criminally meddle with your mom?
Turned out that wasn't true either. 😂


Even if there could be such a thing as facts about the future, Mueller would not know about them. He is not a spy.

But they are playing a joke on you. Don't you notice that the word meddling is used to avoid describing what they are talking about? If Russia buys a Facebook ad, Facebook itself is in the tank for Democrats. Russia could buy a hundred million Facebook ads and still would not even be on even footing.

Russia conspiracy theory is a convenient fiction liberals tell themselve to explain why people vote against them. I vote against them because I am against war. I am called a Russian agent for this. Consider the consequences of radicalizing your opponents.


It is not the future, the 2018 election period has already begun. That is, the strategy and preliminary work is being done and the advertising and marketing are already present (in my state, I saw a political ad for my current governor's campaign just a few days after the primary concluded in May).

And the only joke being played here is that all branches of the Intelligence community are in agreement that Russian meddling (it's a specific enough word for what we're discussing) in the US electoral process DID occur in 2016 and will CONTINUE to occur for subsequent elections unless more preventive and defensive measure are taken...but what has the Executive branch done to support this prevention, or even acknowledge it's prevalence? Nothing. The joke's on us. Again.


You are saying Russia already bought Facebook ad for 2018? Show it to me.

It's no use. You still trust intelligence agencies who lied to cause Iraq war.


I don't know what Russia has done with regard to the upcoming 2018 election...but I sure as hell want my government working on preventing them doing what they did in 2016, ok? Anyone who considers themselves a loyal American would want that, don't you think?

And it wasn't solely the intelligence agencies who got us into the Iraq war: the Bush Administration WANTED that war and so they also wanted data that would support their claim that an invasion was necessary.


No evidence has been publicly produced to link the Russian government to any criminal "meddling" efforts. None. ZERO. Thanks for playing.


Game ain't over yet, sport. The Watergate investigation took over a year before the scum started to get charged, and that was only a DOMESTIC scandal. This one is dealing with international corruption, and it's proceeding slower because there's more dirt to sift through.

You'll get your evidence when Mueller is ready, not before. And then you'll have plenty of opportunities to eat your words.


Do you find Putin more trustworthy than all of the United States Intelligence agencies?


I'll take a false dilemma fallacy for $200, Alex.


How is it a false dilemma fallacy? United States Intelligence Agencies have stated that Putin directed Russian operatives to interfere in our election and Putin says it's untrue. I'm just trying to clarify who Thrillhouse (and you if you'd care to answer) believes. No fallacy, just a straightforward question.


What's really hilarious is hearing you accuse anyone of pushing a conspiracy theory when just yesterday you were claiming on another board that Einstein was a communist. 😂

You're clearly not someone who has a strong handle on facts.


Everyone knows Einstein was a filthy Commie. Except Libtards!


Your ignorance is Hilarious. Hoover had Einstein under illegal surveillance for 22 years believing he was a communist. He could never peg him as one because he wasn't one. Here in the real world, an accusation require evidences to be true.

But then again, seeing how just yesterday you were exalting trickle down theory, it's not like what you say has any bearing on reality either.


Einstein was openly communist. He wrote essays about it. He even specifically wrote a love letter to Stalin.


Prove it.


Still zero evidence of collusion. 2 years of illegal wiretaps. Illegal spying. 17 demokkkrat party contributors making up the Mueller witchunt team. Zero evidence produced.

Can’t wait for the November. The tsunami is coming.


The Blitz-Tsunami.


20 indictments so far. You better count them now while you can because with the next one you're gonna run out of fingers and toes.


Only two charges had any remote connection to the Trump campaign, and those were for false statements regarding perfectly legal activities. Try again.


You don't try and land a 500 pound monster fish before you first catch some tiny fish to use as bait. And those tiny fish help you catch bigger fish...


Nothing in the article you posted suggests it is an idiotic witch hunt.


The fact that nobody associated with the campaign has been charged with criminal meddling or collusion suggests it is a witch hunt. Anything else?


It makes no sense to charge people who are helping the investigation by singing like canaries. At the end of it, we just want the truth so we can prevent it for next time.


When will Mueller start an investigation into this?


He will release the true vote count from the midterms.
