MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > 12 Russian intelligence officers charged...

12 Russian intelligence officers charged with hacking DNC, Presidential campaign and Hillary Clinton and releasing it under Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks.

In a hastily scheduled announcement today, Deputy Attorney General announces indictments of 12 Russian intelligence officers charged with hacking DNC, Presidential campaign and Hilary Clinton and releasing it under Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks.

New indictments:



I'm watching it live here:



Don't mess with people.

It's here:


Man, shit really happens on Fridays these days....


With Trump out of the country and the stage set for him to meet his handler next week this should really set him off.

Hope he doesn't blow gasket and cause further embarrassment in front of the royal family.


It sounds like you're a big believer in conspiracy theories. Do you believe the moon landings were fake too?


It looks like you've really blown a gasket yourself.


It sounds like you are trying to sabotage diplomacy and don't actually believe this whole Russian conspiracy theory.


looool. Now what would make you think I could sabotage the president's subservience?


Another grandstanding indictment of Russians who have no way of defending themselves. Yawn.


More ignorance from you as usual.

Tell that to the 13 Russians indicted earlier and the firm Internet Research Agency which hired lawyers and is currently fighting charges.


So you believe our American Intelligence Agencies are manufacturing evidence against these Russian officers?


Rod Rosenstein is a lifelong Republican who was handpicked by Trump. He's giving a press conference going into quite some detail about the Russian methods. So why is Rosenstein lying?


But-but- but muh deep state.


Lol oh right sorry!


More progress. Only a matter of time till it gets back to Trump.


Hahaha. Been hearing that for 20 months! I'm sure you guys will be spouting it's inevitability for another 6 years!




Yeah I'm sure if Putin had intervened to install Clinton as president you'd be beating the vanguard to lead a new cold war.


And that’s where you Libtards fail, Libtard.

None of us rioted when Obama won twice.

Which is more than I can say for the gasket you Libtards blow DAILY.



Your logic fails miserably. Obama wasn't installed by a foreign power.



You're hilariously crying right now snowflake. 😂



About what?

I got nothing to cry about unlike you.

For the next 2 or possibly 6 YEARS.



You trumptards are crying all the time. Like like the epic whining you're doing right now. It's hilarious.



Boohoo! Boohoo! I’m gonna lie to myself and claim HE’S whining and maybe others will be dumb enough to believe me! ❄️


Hey I'm just here reporting facts on the new indictments.

The only one crying here is you.

You're just not doing a good job pretending like you're not crying, all the while crying about "libtards" in every post. It's quite hilarious really. 😅



No need to lie when your posts prove my point. Just scroll up. Here's you:

"Waaaaah. you wanna start a NEW COLD WAR wah"
"Clinton bad wah"
"I love being a trumptard wah wah wah"

You've been repeatedly crying this silliness in at least a half dozen posts so far.

I just stick to the facts and call you out for your crying. You're acting like such an epic tool and it really is so hilarious!

Thanks for the entertainment value.



No there's a difference.

I'm responding like an adult to your childlike posts and pointing out how hilarious you are trying to deny you're crying. 😊

I also said AT LEAST a half dozen. So that means the number is likely larger.


This is what he does. Copies and steals you're shit because he lacks the intelligence to be original himself. Best to ignore the crybaby.


12 Russians by name are indicted with hacking into the DNC and Clinton campaign. They are Russian Military. It is Friday the 13th..They hacked everything from campaigns to state boards of elections to voting machine software companies. This presser is attempting to force Tramps hand to confront Putin with evidence. If he doesn't, it's going to be suspect. Roger Stone communicated with Guccifer 2, which was Russian Military. Money Laundering is also a charge in their indictments. They are going for asset forfeiture (they coming for money and property of the criminals). All of this was paid for with crypto-currency . Let's see what Tramp does...your move tangerine.



Russians are investing BILLIONS of money into US real estate. With asset forfeiture, we can take their money!! Investigations are long. Be patient!!



"None of us rioted when Obama won twice."

You may not have but did you catch Trump's meltdown on election night 2012 where he was calling for a revolution and a march on Washington. Also he was under the (wrong) impression that Obama lost the popular vote. These were his tweets that night:

He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

More votes equals a loss...revolution!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

Our country is now in serious and never before.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012


Typical hypocrisy, Trump sure did love the electoral college in 2016. No more concerns about democracy and popular vote.

Thanks for those tweets.


Might as well? I mean what would you do? Sit there and take the beating? Seeing how this is the digital age, I would say this would be a cyber warfare if anything as most of this is about hacking. Lets not forget the cold war-era nerve agent used in the UK or is that all a ploy too? You seem more adamant to defend the enemy rather than your home country (if you live in the US).




What the Fuck does this have to do with Trump? Russia has been doing this for decades, remember KGB front group CPUSA? Libtards were big supporters then.



Russia intervened on Trump's behalf genius.

And the internet wasn't around when the FSB was formerly called the KGB.



Like I said, if Putin had intervened to install Clinton as president you'd be screaming about nuking Russia right now. You know it's true. 😏



Nope. The words are your own professed hatred of Clinton blinding you from any care at all that our elections were attacked and manipulated by a foreign adversary to install their candidate of choice.

That tells me that your hatred would have you doing the opposite if they had installed the candidate you hated into office. You've already demonstrated you've tossed any and all of your rational faculties out the window in this debate.

You're clearly not a rational actor.



Which is your opinion not supported by fact.


As you would say, yawwwn.


Holy shit dude, that's not the point. The point is they hacked accounts and worked to interfere in our election. Left or Right side of the aisle you should be against this and want anyone guilty brought to justice and also should want steps to prevent this in future elections. The point is that our Intelligence agencies are speaking with certainty that Russia interfered in our election and our President is calling their work a witch hunt. This should disturb everyone.



Are you yawning from Russia??



Stop projecting from your immediate surroundings. You're making it far too obvious.

What I find amusing is how you continually have to delete past posts to keep your post count at 666.

Just curious, does that make you feel special?


CPUSA influenced the Democrats, unions, Hollywood, radicized the universities. Big recruiter for the KGB too. Didn't use the interwebs.

Far more damaging than Trump's election. Just vote him out. Comrade Sanders is a sure bet!


It wasn't ok then and it's not ok now.

What's your point?


For those who prefer credible sources:

“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime," Rosenstein said. "There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result.”

Rosenstein added: “The special counsel's investigation is ongoing.”


I linked in my OP to the indictment itself posted by the DoJ.

That's as credible a source as you can get. No noise filter from Fox Noise.


only Fuxheads click on FuxNews links...


Stupid Commie!


"Stupid Commie!"

You voted for him - you own it. Sounds like you have voters' remorse these days.



You're so triggered right now it's hilarious.




Well yeah.

Isn't that always the proven problem for you? That you don't read?


Rosenstein added: “The special counsel's investigation is ongoing.”

Yeah, let's all savor that one for a moment...


I'm savoring how apoplectic the trumptards got over this announcement. 😁


The T-rumpsters are going out of their minds. Can't wait for Tucker, Sean and Jeanine to spin this one into another orbit. And blame Hillary, of course.


I love how this broke two days before Trumpie and Pootie have their little canoodle together in Helsinki...

I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing Trumpie has to say about this to him is..."Thanks again!"


God these indictments have SO MUCH JUICE!

Just going through them right now is a treasure trove.

There's apparently an unnamed congressman who in August 2016 requested and received intel from Russian intelligence GRU officer on dirt his congressional opponent and BLM.

Hmmm...Nunes? Gaetz? Rohrbacher?


Yeah, there's been murmurings all along that the RNC was implicated in this mess, mostly about donations from Russia that were laundered through various "legitimate" sources (*cough* the NRA *cough*), but it wouldn't be surprising either if the hackers were assisting other campaigns aside from just Trumpie's.


They need to indict the motherfucker before the coming elections as it was in all likelihood someone in the House who is up for re-election.


The only problem with those 'credible sources: no mention of 'Pizzagate' and tying it to Hillary. If they did that, then the sources would be more credible. But since there's no mention of Pizzagate, then your sources aren't credible at all.

Try again, chump.


The deputy attorney general:

"there is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime."

“Today’s charges include no allegations of knowing involvement by anyone on the campaign and no allegations that the alleged hacking affected the election result”

Ie jack squat evidence of Trump/Russian collusion. And zero evidence Russians affected the election results.

The Mueller witch hunt confirmed the biggest demokkkrat nothing burger in US history. 2 years of illegal wire taps. 17 demokkkrat donor prosecuters. A corrupt FBI. Hundreds of millions spent. And this is the worthless result.

The demokkkrat party of no ideas or solutions.



Only because the unnamed co-conspirators named in the indictment haven't been indicted yet.


Hundreds of millions spent. And this is the worthless result.

Since you posted this twice, I'll reply to it twice.

Your summary is TWO LIES.

#1 - Not hundreds of millions spent. You inflated the figure well over 10 times.
#2 - This is not "the" "result" of the investigation, it is just another indictment.
