MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Angry man smashes Trump's Hollywood Star...

Angry man smashes Trump's Hollywood Star... AGAIN! [I say a triggered lefty]

Austin Mikel Clay

Destruction 1: James Otis - October 26, 2016
Destruction 2: Austin Clay - July 25, 2018


Who said he was a lefty? I watched the video twice and no mention of his political affiliation.

And what do you mean by again? Was this a different act from what eYeDEF posted earlier?

Poor Melania in that video from 2007 holding baby Barron. That’s when he was having the affair with Karen McDougal according to her. And Stormy, too, correct?


Lol, who else would destroy it? You saying a righty would do this? Pretty self evident if you ask me. Else it'd be like saying ANTIFA supports Trump.

As for again, this was the 2nd time it's been destroyed besides the obvious other minor vandalisms. First time it occurred was during the presidential election back in October of 2016.

Yeah, I believe so. I think it was while she was having her baby soon after so maybe a bit before then before that photo op.


Lol, who else would destroy it? You saying a righty would do this? Pretty self evident if you ask me. Else it'd be like saying ANTIFA supports Trump.

I am indeed. I'm saying it could be a 'righty never-Trumper' (there's plenty out there), a righty Jeb Bush supporter, a righty Rubio supporter, a righty Cruz supporter, a righty Kasich supporter, a righty suffering from voter's remorse (there's plenty of those out there). It could also be an Independent or someone with no party affiliation at all. It could be a disgruntled former employee of the Trump brand who feels the company owes him - the possibilities are endless.

Not sure how it can be self-evident, or like saying 'ANTIFA supports Trump. You're jumping to pretty wild conclusions.


Ah you mean the types like Ana Navarro? I see what you mean. I wish we could wager a friendly bet for these fun types of things (too bad MC doesn't have a silly function like that) to see whose right. I still think it's a lefty as I haven't seen any right never trumps do something drastic as of yet that's been covered by the news.


I’ve never seen anyone doing such drastic actions ever be identified through their party affiliation either. It’s all assumptions. Different from when a white person calls the cops on a black person for doing nothing wrong ( such as the CVS manager in Chicago) and their background shows they were a T-rump supporter in 2016. Or they start quoting T-rump.


So you think the only people that exist are righties and lefties? That's kinda sad. That also implies you are labeling yourself a righty.


Anyone in between don't go to such lengths. Wouldn't make sense logically speaking. Again, self evident. Also I never labeled myself anything, you did.


"Anyone in between don't go to such lengths. Wouldn't make sense logically speaking. "

Again, you're making a huge assumption. In this day and age with T-rump, logic doesn't prevail.


Well imo in this day and age of Trump, it's only the extremes that have been showing the most emotions and go to the most extremes. I've seen enough of those types of liberals screaming, banging on pots and pans, and doing some other weird crap. Not so much on the right though although there are probably pocket elements I would surmise but I have yet to see that on captured film as of yet. Moderates usually stay out of all this garbaged fray else imo they wouldn't be moderates or classified as such.

I never said I was right and may be wrong hence the friendly wager for the fun/heck of it. Just my gut feeling anyway.


"Not so much on the right though although there are probably pocket elements I would surmise but I have yet to see that on captured film as of yet. "

Ummm what about that tiki torch rally? What about that piece of shit that ran his car into a crowd? You have "yet to see that on captured film as of yet" because you stick your head in the sand and hum when there's something that disagrees with your point of view.

Which is worse, smashing concrete or:
"Triggered righty murders innocent peaceful protester"


Again, pocket elements. 2 instances against a mire of videos of ANTIFA/BLM causing anarchy in the streets.


It's funny how you completely forgot about those blatant examples and pontificated on how there were no videos of the right doing egregious things.


You're right, I worded it wrongly. What I meant to say is that I've more damage coming from the left than I do on the right (supporter/voter wise). My intention was not to say I didn't see any from the right.


And people on the left think they see more bad (damage, violence etc.)stuff coming from the right. It's kind of like the red car phenomenon.


We can do comparison videos if you want. What I meant was video proof caught on camera acts (not people just saying they see more coming from said side). Lots of videos of ANTIFA/BLM in action than tiki torch bearing whities.


Not really interested in searching YouTube for random videos.


I think you have very selective eyesight if you don't see any "emotions and going to the extremes" from the right.


Never said I didn't see 'any' from the right. I see plenty from the right just by looking at the comment section on Breibart or Twitter in general.


Also I never labeled myself anything, you did.
I was deducing given your own logic. If there are only lefties and righties, and you are criticizing this man as being a lefty, then logic dictates you consider yourself a righty. I, on the other hand, do not. I could easily consider you someone in the middle. But as described above, you are the one limiting everyone to two groups. So are you saying you're a lefty now?


So you're saying someone in the middle is capable of doing this? And for what? There are no extremes in the middle hence why they're in the middle. I don't see the logic in your reasoning in all this.

And this is just my opinion so if you think he's not a lefty then by all means have your own opinion on who he might be. For me, I'm sticking with him being a leftist.

Happened in California and on the Hollywood Boulevard and we all know the vast majority there are liberals although I guess I shouldn't just jump the gun and make assumptions until more information is out about said person I guess...

Well there you go, even De Niro wants to give him a high five, Chelsea Handler etc. Everything about him just screams he's a leftist liberal.


You do know a Trump supporter got arrested about a week ago for riding around and spray painting anti trump graffiti so the left would get blamed, right?

Not saying this is the case here...but wanton destruction is more of the hallmark of the alt-right...


This? Yeah, I get your case in point. Again this is just my opinion and what I've seen so far. Heck if you want, we can make a thread of all the destructive acts done on each side if you want... I'm just saying I've seen more videos coming from the left than I do from the right.


Because the left is the Rebellion and the Alt-right is the Empire? You know if the Empire was run by a fat racist Jar Jar Binks...


How dare you! Jar Jar Binks is a true sith lord.



I do love that theory.

My niece ( a big Star Wars fan) was convinced that Han solo would reutrn in episode 9.....I had to point out he got lightsabered in the chest (probably heart), fell into a deep, deep chasm into the bowels of a planet that then blew up.


Why doesn’t he just build a wall around it?


It would need to be really, really, really, tall. :p




Bigly, even.


The additional info you shared (the TMZ video and the GFM page) tells me nothing more about his politics. In TMZ he did say he 'left politics' for a while, but now returned with T-rump in office. So....what's his affiliation, if any? Sounds like an angry "Never T-rumper" to me.


Well, that's your opinion and I respect it. :)

Even if he's just a so-called Never Trumper, all his motives and ideals align with the leftist ideology (climate change etc. etc.) so he might as well be one if you watch his personal statement.

"In closing I’m going to need a little more than four thousand dollars to defend myself in court. The chamber of commerce has stated that they are going to prosecute me to the fullest extent of the law. Not to mention when the previous vandal destroyed the star Donald Trump was not president. And being that I believe in my actions and am not going to stand down to the courts and let them walk all over me. I am going to need your support. Love you all."

The funny thing now is he's upped his money count needs to 50k. Ah the hilarity. Reaping the sowing. XD

And now Trump will get a new shiny coating for his star again tsk tsk.


The resident Libtards meltdown and deny only Libtards could be so deranged! "libtard = leftist" for all the village idiots.


Lol... more triggered lefties came to attack centrists social experiment guys when they were doing a take a picture with Trump cutout board beside his destroyed star.


Could be a Never-Trump-er. The good thing is that Russian soldiers are now guarding the star.

Nice. Way to keeping America Great Again.

