MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump is not going to like Bob Woodward'...

Trump is not going to like Bob Woodward's new book...

The book is called "Fear: Trump in the White House" and the snippets that have been released do not paint a flattering picture. This one is really fascinating, according to the book John Dowd and Jay Sekulow put Trump through a mock interview of the questions that Mueller would be asking. What happened after Trump failed this test by his attorneys according to Woodward:

"Then, in an even more remarkable move, Dowd and Trump's current personal attorney Jay Sekulow went to Mueller's office and re-enacted the mock interview. Their goal: to argue that Trump couldn't possibly testify because he was incapable of telling the truth.

"He just made something up. That's his nature," Dowd said to Mueller."


Unless it has a lot of pictures and a scratch and sniff cheeseburger smell, Trump will never know it exists.


He’s been in office for nearly 600 days and has not gone one day without embarrassing America.


600 glorious days! May the Trump be with you!


Yes glorious for Russia. May the T-rump be with Putin.


Are you Russian as well comrade?


Why do you ask?


Твой секрет в безопасности со мной, мой дорогой товарищ. Все приветствуют Путина.


^^^^^^^^^^^^ Such indisputable proof PresidentAckbar is a Russian troll Doggie? You should have cited this more.


Great catch! I skip so many of his posts I must've skipped this one at the time. Everything he posts is nonsense.


That was some creepy shit in a moment of clarity.


fwiw, I know a lot of Russians. They all LOVE Trump. I've got nothing against Russians at all but I'm not too PC to say that I stay the Fu¢k away from them.


Do you live in Brighton Beach?


No, LOL. What a microcosm though.


Trump doesn't know how to read does he?


...or speak properly, either.


I believe it, Trump is a compulsive liar. His followers just ignore the parts they dislike and cherry pick whatever suits their emotional needs.... ignoring all contradictions.



Thrillhouse 3.0?


Another sock account from him. Yawn.


lulz. Thrillhouse can't even get past 10 posts with his new sock before ejaculating over Iraq/WMD and exposing himself. Too hilarious!


Looks like he went and deleted all of his posts so he could try again without creating another account.


It's hysterical how he goes through all the effort to try and cover his tracks AFTER learning we're onto him.

Clearly one of the dullest blades in the drawer.


He's gone ALREADY? Damn, that was fast!




There are a lot of books out about Dumpy revealing all kinds of his political wrong doings. Either nobody reads them or nobody cares. The Trumpistas will stand by him no matter what. They'll be sorry.


Did you read this one? I started it, but I could tell I wasn’t going to get a smoking gun, so I lost interest.

In earlier days, what the OP quoted would have been enough to blow a big hole in a Presidency. But we lived through “Fast and Furious” and Benghazi with the last President — and other lesser scandals. Our tolerance level has gotten to be sickeningly high. Trump never should have made it through the primaries. Once upon a time, a man who’d quote the National Enquirer to smear a man’s father — then praised the integrity of the National Enquirer — would have been considered too much of a slimer to live in the same House where Lincoln once did. But that was back when we at least pretended integrity mattered.


You forgot the idiots in Washington DC that re-elected their former mayor when he got out of prison for getting caught on camera buying and using crack... The fact is nothing Trump has been accused of is nearly as bad as what has been shown to have already been done by existing politicians. Remember the "if your rich you can grab them by the pussy" comment? Funny thing is Trump simply stated it was possible, Biden has apparently been doing it for years and none of the democrats seem to care. So maybe if the democrats want any chance of taking back the White House they need to find someone that is cleaner than Trump because at the moment they haven't put up a single candidate that isn't as dirty or dirtier than Trump.


Marion Barry was never president so your argument is pretty silly. We should have higher standards for who we elect to the presidency.


No he wasn't President but he was an elected official that shows just how pathetic the democratic voters are.


So you understand Forbes refers to Trump as the white Marion Barry right? The equivocation is legit.

So if you're calling democratic voters pathetic because DC voters re-elected Barry as city mayor 25 years ago, what exactly does that say about national republicans today who are two years removed from electing the white Marion Barry as President of the United States?

I'd call that far more damning. The imbecility of 66 million Republican Trump voters today dwarves the 63K DC democratic voters that voted in Barry 25 years ago by a factor of 1000.

You've also got this problem of Texas Republicans electing and re-electing someone as pervasively ignorant as conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer Louis Gohmert to congress who has literally tried to argue gun control will lead to beastiality along with many MANY other very stupid and crazy things:

So if you want to get into why Marion Barry was re-elected 25 years ago as DC mayor after serving his time and repaying his debt to society, you've got far more explaining to do to justify why republicans are still sending a Rep as stupid as Gohmert to congress for the last 15 years while nominating the compulsive liar AKA "white Marion Barry" to represent your party over other republican candidates who had far greater integrity.


Except neither "Fast and Furious" nor Benghazi were scandals that involved the president himself, so I'm honestly not sure what that has to do with these facts Woodward revealed about the president.

Trump's propensity to lie is sui generis in the annals of American presidential history. This isn't controversial among historians. His biggest enablers are Republicans in congress too craven to criticize his commonplace dishonesty.


It's funny how you set the goal post standard of acceptable behavior at the presidential level and dismiss other politicians behavior because they aren't president. That seems damn convenient considering ALL of the upcoming democratic candidates for presidency come from other elected positions. Liberal logic: "it's ok to be a sleezebag running a city of millions of people,but not muh' president because I don't like him".


Burk logic: It's okay to say Froggy lies half the time because he didn't answer a question in the exact way I wanted to.

Then the big badass freedom fighter Burk puts me on ignore because he couldn't stomach taking responsibility for his stupid ass temper.

At least you're laying off the politics lately. It was really pulling our your inner douchebag. Other than that, you seem fine.


Wow oh wow!

The extreme right has really worked their wonders on you.

That the President of the United States should be held to higher standards by virtue of the office (much less compared to a small town mayor of a half million population in 1994) isn't even controversial except to the most wack-a-doodle partisan. I'm sorry to see you fall into this latter category.

To be clear, it's pity and sadness I feel as witness to your extreme right sloped brainwashing, not spite.


So,just so I'm clear, you're saying that any behavior is acceptable in public office until you become President,who happens to be Donald Trump? Add to that the notion that to disagree with anything not extremely left means someone is indoctrinated to the right(I'm as moderate as it gets,fyi), and you think I'VE been brainwashed? Lol, good one.


I keep having to remember most people on here were not born and raised in NY and mostly know Trump from his stint as a game show host. Nothing in any of those books is a)shocking or b) news to NY'ers. He's had a DECADES long reputation of shady dealings, failed businesses, a creepy relationship with his daughter and more interest in self-promotion than is healthy.


Please, people will forget about it as fast as any other loser who wrote trash about Trump's White House. It's just gossip with a hard cover instead of being sold at a supermarket checkout line.


Some people aren't fiction fans.


Which is why they didn't vote for Trump. Only desperate fantasy fans would vote for such a poor piece of fiction.


Yes, wouldn't want Trump saying ANYTHING under oath because he'd tell a lie there somewhere.


That's all he does is lie, lie, lie! How do the Trumpistas deal with him?!


Can't even talk about where his dad was born without lying.
