MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why Young Men of Color Are Joining White...

Why Young Men of Color Are Joining White-Supremacist Groups

So far the "Alt-Right" consists of racist Nazis who hate women according to the mainstream media.

A gay Jewish Greek-Brit who has a black husband is apparently a Nazi; Milo Yiannopoulos.

Now we have all these people of colour seemingly marching alongside the KKK and being included within their fold.

Or, and this one might blow some minds around here, are the "Fake news" networks trying to paint a version of events which doesn't match up with reality?

Is Libertarianism no longer the central tenet for some citizens of America? Are some people wanting a nanny state which distorts the truth and 'others' those who don't conform to the standards set by unelected groups?

This isn't a pro-Trump or anti-Democrats opinion being presented by me. I'm just curious to see if those who are politically minded on MC can agree that the media (On both sides) lie to them and try to shift their weight through intimidation and fear of being on the wrong side of history.

I certainly don't have any answers but I'm finding more and more questions to ask about how the US political system is being ran.

Feel free to share your thoughts on the matter.


Well stated. When kooks like antifa march you don't hear labels like socialist or far leftists tossed around.


There are many young black kids and a few older who regurgitate ws talking points, because they've never done proper research as a result of only having white friends and living on a daily dose of the blue pill thinking all white people, even the ones that smile in your face or even open their legs to you care that you're human, many do, but in reality historical ignorance remains.

Ignorance won't go away for sometime now.


I'm pretty sure everything you've said could be construed as racist Tutankhamun.

Milo Yiannopoulos was a paid journalist for the 'wrong' outlet and now he's branded a Nazi.

I'm sure he'd done his research prior to such labelling being applied to him.


Often, this subject matter is misconstrued due to irrational emotion.

Just the same as the meaning of racism is misconstrued. All due to ignorance, which leads to emotional, irrational, hatred. Ignorant irrational emotional people hate what they don't understand.

Idc about milo at all.


Journalists don't understand the working class and don't want to. It's bad for business.


re:Milo Yiannopoulos. I would need to see a certified marriage license. People lie.

Most news media (news and political commentary programs) has a point of view. There's nothing wrong with that. Just be aware of it and try to watch different sources in order to get a full picture and then make up your own mind.

The people who join hate groups seem to feel isolated, unhappy and want to belong to a cause. Too bad that they're choosing hate. It's more constructive to join a charity organization and try to help those less fortunate.


"The people who join hate groups seem to feel isolated, unhappy and want to belong to a cause. Too bad that they're choosing hate. It's more constructive to join a charity organization and try to help those less fortunate."

Thanx for exposing the Left! World's biggest hate group.


You've never heard anyone on the right say anything hateful?


I'm sure people on the right say hateful things all the time.

It doesn't exonerate the Left, the media bias, Antifa or how this apparent blind spot going unnoticed won't get the US 4 more years of Trump as president.

The media have been shown to be lying to everyone. Trust won't go back to them unless they do something massive to get it back.

The best they could do just now to get Trump out of office is root for him and make it look genuine.

That's how far public trust in the media has gotten Mark.


Yeah the media are the big liars. Look back at the past 10 days of Trump's twitter feed and see how many lies he's told just on Twitter in that period alone. Can you point me to some big lies told by CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS in the past few months? I hear the term fake news a lot but there are precious few verifiable lies told by the media provided.


Yeah, I'm not your secretary Mark and there are plenty of threads here which can supply that information for you should you chose to take off the blinkers.


Did you mean to type "Blinders" or are you suggesting that his left turn or right turn signal is on?

Maybe the warning flashers?

Oh the humanity!!!!


A horse's tack has a component sometimes referred to as you have Norrin.

I'll stick with blinkers as it's what I've always used and been understood by from using.


Fair enough. Would your preferred usage be dialectal or colloquial?

Let's try another phrase, "False Equivalency".

I'm sure people on the right say hateful things all the time.

It doesn't exonerate the Left, the media bias, Antifa or how this apparent blind spot going unnoticed won't get the US 4 more years of Trump as president.
The Left and the Right are neither Equal to each other nor are they Opposites. The tactics, strategies, alliances, history, ideology, genesis, social awareness, so called members, tools and even language for both are still nothing more than labels and poorly understood and oft misused concepts.


Hard to fight semantics with using any though.


"I'm not your secretary" is code for "I'm unable to back up my bullshit with any actual proof."

If you would like me to provide lies from Trump's twitter feed over the past few months let me know and I'd be happy to.


There are plenty of lies on the Twitter Trump feed and elsewhere from his lips.

I'm not disputing any of that.

Why don't you take the time you were happy to use to supply me with Trump's lies and look critically with the filter that the media is lying about all sorts of things to the public and are abusing their position of trust as the fourth estate.

I'll wait.


Because the burden of proof is on the accuser. You are making the accusations against the media, the burden is on you to back it up.

I'll wait.


Wait all you want.

There are screeds of it sitting on the very boards you are reading.


Otherwise don't expect me to continue conversing with you. I'm not against you being against Trump in any way. You choosing not to see a lying media though is all on you and your offsprings' future.

Choose wisely!


I don't expect anything from you. Actually that's untrue; you've given me exactly what I've expected so far which is no proof to back up what you say.

I asked for verifiable lies told by CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, CBS and you are telling me there are screeds on these about linking me to just one of those threads that you consider a verifiable lie told by one of these media outlets? I read so many of these threads but I'm just not seeing what you're claiming is everywhere.

One verifiable lie that one of the MNM outlets printed or broadcast over the past few months that they didn't offer an apology or retraction for...just link me to one and I'll read it, research it and give it every consideration.



Ahhh name you've given me exactly what I expected. Because that is the back up plan of everyone who is incapable of arguing from facts.

What media outlet stated she would win by 99.8% of the vote? I'm assuming you can't provide a link to that either?



I didn't follow up with expectations. I followed up with a request that I expected you to not accommodate (and you didn't disappoint).

It's so easily remedied that you can't just google it yourself and provide me a link that will show anyone reading this thread that you got the best of me. You are impotent when it comes to making a point because you make accusations and then when someone calls you on your BS by asking for proof you can't provide it. It's that simple.

I'm certainly not ruling out the possibility that Trump will get elected again as horrible as I think that would be.

So now I'm a bitch and an idiot. Keep calling shows how incapable of proving your case you really are.



Well if there's one thing I know for an absolute fact that you'll never be able to provide proof for it's that I'm in any way racist. Because I'm not. But it's nice to see the desperation you feel in scraping the bottom of the barrel to insult me lol.

PS, I don't get why calling someone a barista would be an insult. Honest work last I checked.


You dismiss the voices of people of colour.


No idea what the fuck your talking about.


The OP.

The whole point of this thread.


Righttttt.....and if you scroll up to our conversation it began with me questioning Satan over whether he sees any hate coming from the right. That's when you chimed in and we had a rousing conversation. Had nothing to do with the OP.

But facts aren't your strong suit so keep pretending that this conversation is me dismissing certain people based on race.


You didn't comment on the OP and therefore I must assume you think that those people who were not white supremacists on that march are actually white supremacists.

Good luck talking your way out of that one Markdown474!



And expectations?

Get back to me after you've served me coffee thanks.

Don't apply that critical thinking filter onto the slavery and oppression that is intrinsic in the coffee market though - that'll get you and your Marlboro Light smoking friends out of a job.


And I'm not a coffee drinker but one of those pumpkin ales with cinnamon around the rim of the glass sounds mighty fine to me!


I've nothing against a beer personally. I just like to let everyone in to try the varieties - I don't discriminate as some, like you seem to, do.


Again, no idea what the fuck you're talking about.


And yet you have an opinion to expect me to accommodate you free of charge having provided everything this conversation entails?

Shall I provide you with a link to the definition of privilege?

Or did Alinsky not have a rule for when his were used against him?


Again I didn't expect anything from you other than to fail to be able to back up your accusations with any type of proof. You lived up (or down) to my expectations.

And I'm familiar with the definition of privilege and you already made it clear you'll link nothing for me (and you threw in a "bitch" to boot).



Well I'm in my mid 40s so it's nice to be called a kid. But how much older do I have to get before you start making any kind of sense.

You won't provide any proof for your lying media claim so we'll just leave that one alone.

And you calling me bitch doesn't bother's such a lazy insult it's more embarrassing for you than it is for me.

Although at least it's clearly an insult unlike barista which I have no idea why it should be insulting. Like I mentioned, it's honest work and there's no shame in that.



I did. What's your point?


You can't conceptualise as a 40-odd year old seems to be the case is my point.

I kinda have a date with your mom. I hope that's not going to be a problem.


I kinda have a date with your mom. I hope that's not going to be a problem.

Not for me....maybe for you though. Use protection dude...that's all I'll say.

Seriously you're trying to get to me by saying you're going out with my mom? That is even lazier than calling me a bitch. You're really bad at this.



This one is hard to say much about because it involved ongoing litigation and the article you linked to states: "NPR spokesperson Isabel Lara told Current in a statement that NPR “stands behind David Folkenflik’s reporting. Millions of Americans trust NPR to provide accurate information about the world and their communities every day; we take this responsibility very seriously.”

The article doesn't seem to be definitive proof or admission of wrongdoing of anything but rather allegations in an ongoing litigation.

Honestly I never really considered NPR to be the mainstream media but I suppose they could be. This link is an interesting story that I want to know more about but I'm not sure it's applicable to our conversation. If I'm missing something on this one please let me know.



I think what’s noted in this article is probably a very fair criticism of the media coverage this incident received. I only use the word probably because I don’t know exactly what was said on air on any of these networks, but I remember hearing about this several places when it occurred and the story I read had a pretty misleading headline. When I read the actual story the full context was provided and at the time I remember thinking the headline was misleading. Of the many many things I think Trump can be criticized for regarding immigrants, this incident is not among them.

I think there are 3 things that everyone (left, right, center) could take from this:

1) It’s not only fair to criticize reporting like this, it’s important. We need to rely on the media to keep the government accountable. Items that they can rightly be called out on (like this) makes it that much harder for journalists that try to report honestly. Just like the media needs to keep the government in check, the people need to keep the media in check.
2) No one should be getting all of their information from any one source. We all should be using a variety of sources to form our world view. The devil is in the details so don’t rely solely on headlines (or worse memes) to draw a conclusion.
3) Be skeptical. If something sounds too extreme to be true (whether it’s good or bad) chances are it’s not. Or at least it’s most likely not the full truth you’re hearing. This is especially true with quotes. It usually takes less than a minute to fact check a quote from a politician. I’ve unfollowed a couple Instagram pages (after calling them out) that continued to post blatantly false memes about Trump because I honestly believe nothing harms a cause more than spreading lies.



The Daily Caller link you provided lists 10 items so I’ll be here all day if I were to break down each one exhaustively but I will go through my thoughts on each of them and think it’s important to distinguish a few things first. All media is ultimately the work of humans and by extension they will get things wrong. Items the media can get wrong fall into one of (at least) four categories:

1) Accurate reporting on items that later turn out to be false. For example I’ve seen the media take shit on these boards for predicting Hillary Clinton would win the election. But they were simply reporting accurately on what the available polls at the time were telling them. Trump shocked the world and won the election but the media didn’t lie about what the polls were predicting. The polls they were reporting on were simply wrong. I would include in this properly vetted sources that turn out to be wrong. The network is using a source in good faith but there will never be 100% accuracy from anyone.

2) Honest mistakes. More acceptable in broadcast journalism than in print (where everything should be checked and double checked) but when you’re broadcasting live, you are going to make mistakes. This is the most unfortunate consequence of the 24 hour a day news cycle we live in. What also has to be considered is what remedy the news outlet took to acknowledge their mistake.

3) Shoddy reporting. Reporting where there isn’t an intent to deceive but sources weren’t properly vetted and items weren’t thoroughly checked. IMO this is almost (but not quite) as bad as outright lying.

4) Wrong information with the intent to deceive (lying). This is the toughest to prove. I think the previous example about Trump’s animal remark would actually fit into this category. Using an accurate quote while leaving out key context info is deceitful and the media needs to be better than this.

Anyway, on to the list (continued in next post):


Item 1: CNN Accuses Don Jr. Of Wikileaks Collusion
My thoughts: I rate this as a combo of honest mistake and accurate reporting on faulty sources. If you scroll up on this thread I requested verifiable lies that “MNM outlets printed or broadcast over the past few months that they didn't offer an apology or retraction for”. The Daily Caller linked to a CNN article and in that CNN article it was noted: “CNN originally reported the email was released September 4 -- 10 days earlier -- based on accounts from two sources who had seen the email. The new details appear to show that the sender was relying on publicly available information. The new information indicates that the communication is less significant than CNN initially reported.”
CNN was wrong and acknowledged as much.

Item 2: 2. ABC Tanks Stock Market With Fake Flynn News
My verdict: I’m not sure if this is an honest mistake or a lie but ABC not only acknowledged the error, they suspended the journalist. Their statement as reported in the Daily Caller: ““It is vital we get the story right and retain the trust we have built with our audience –- these are our core principles. We fell far short of that yesterday. Effective immediately, Brian Ross will be suspended for four weeks without pay,” the network said in its statement.”

Item 3: The Mooch is NOT Under Investigation
My verdict: Shoddy reporting plain and simple. If the Daily Caller is to be believed CNN relied on a single source. But again CNN not only apologized, there were 3 CNN employees who resigned over this. Wouldn't this suggest they hold their researchers to a high standard? On a side note it’s not a very popular opinion on the left side of the aisle but damned if I don’t just really like Anthony Scaramucci. As abrasive as he was during his short stint in the White House he is one of the best and most rational Trump surrogates that shows up on talk shows in his defense.

(continued in next post)


Item 4: Bloomberg’s Dirty Deutsche Bank Scoop
My verdict: Most likely an honest mistake and when more information was available the report was corrected. If I were Trump I wouldn’t take too much comfort in the fact that they were subpoenaing the records of those connected to Trump but I agree it was an important correction to make and it was corrected.

Item 5: Sessions Exonerated
My verdict: Accurate reporting. The original article revolves around questions raised regarding Sessions’ contact with Russian officials and while it raises questions regarding his omissions regarding contact, it also fully reports on Sessions’ explanation for said omissions. When more information was available, CNN published that as well (both articles below). We may differ on this opinion but I believe it is right for news organizations to challenge government officials on items such as this, just as it’s right to challenge news organizations on errors. It’s part of keeping them in line.

Item 6: Russians Aren’t Just Hacking The Election – They’re Hacking Our Power Grid
My verdict: Shoddy reporting. The Washington Post did offer a full article of correction and on the original (now edited) article offered this Editor’s Note: “An earlier version of this story incorrectly said that Russian hackers had penetrated the U.S. electric grid. Authorities say there is no indication of that so far. The computer at Burlington Electric that was hacked was not attached to the grid.”
The Washington Post is better than this and they should be embarrassed that they jumped the gun on this story without knowing all the facts. I don’t see it as them intentionally deceiving the public, but it was very shoddy nonetheless.

(continued in next post)


Item 7: Republicans Funded The Dossier!
Can’t really rate this one because although this article states “A number of news outlets have consistently claimed that Republicans initially paid for the anti-Trump Steele dossier, failing to note that Steele wasn’t even contracted by Fusion GPS until after the GOP donors pulled funding.” When you click on the link which goes to another Daily Caller story, the only media outlet noted is New York Magazine which doesn’t really strike me as mainstream media. The dossier has been covered pretty exhaustively and I’m less concerned with who put it together and more concerned with whether any of the items in it are true.

Item 8: CNN’s Gets Comey Prediction Wildly Wrong
My verdict: Honest mistake based on an incorrect source. Ironically it’s the Washington Post (one of Trump’s favorite targets) that is reporting on the error and the subsequent correction by CNN. CNN was clearly wrong and owned up to it but I don’t think this amounts to intentional deceit.

(continued in next post)


Item 9: The ’17 Intel Agencies’ Lie
My verdict: Open to interpretation but I think it’s probable there was some intentional deceit here. The only article linked to in the Daily Caller does have a correction noted: “Correction: June 29, 2017
A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.”
Basically if someone keeps making an incorrect statement after several sources have pointed out it’s incorrect, plausible deniability is gone and it’s a lie. It’s impossible for me to know who knew what and when in this piece but I think most likely this is disingenuous. Although I would note that it’s not overly reassuring to Trump that the only 4 Intelligence Agencies that weighed in all concur that Russia was doing the hacking. But it certainly doesn’t sound quite as salacious as 17 lol.

(continued in next post)


Item 10. Manafort Notes Are A Nothing Burger
My verdict: Honest mistake based on incorrect sources. When you read the article there are only 2 possibilities: 1) The sources are incorrect or 2) The network is making stuff up. I don’t believe NBC is going to make something like this up so that leaves incorrect sources. The thing about reporting is that it’s always going to rely on sources, often anonymous for its information. News agencies will strive for sources that prove to be reliable. I’m guessing (and it’s only a guess) that when a source provides inaccurate information the news organization will think twice about using them in the future. It's in the best interest of both the source and the network to be accurate. I have no idea if a correction was issued in the future but I do find it disturbing that no correction was noted in the archived article. I would also note that the fact that these notes were a “nothing burger” is ultimately inconsequential to the bigger picture since Manafort is now a convicted felon still awaiting trial on additional charges.

This last one is good example of the checks and balances needed in the media. NBC had an article that turned out to be wrong and Politico was there to call them on it. Not only does this look good for Politico it looks bad for NBC. This (in theory) should lead to better reporting from NBC because they don’t want to be on the receiving end of Politico stories like this.

In closing I would say that while there was definitely some good food for thought in this article, I’d ask you consider the bigger picture. The title of this Daily Caller article is : The Definitive List Of Media Screw-Ups On The Trump-Russia Story

If this is in fact the "definitive list" of media screw ups regarding the Russia Investigation, that is actually very bad news for Trump, because there has been a lot worse revealed over the past year a half than what’s in this article.



Aww come on man, we were just getting to the good stuff with this dude doing my mom and you have to come in with a bunch of boring links, sigh! Haha thanks Burk, I'll look at these links tomorrow morning and give my thoughts.

As an aside, and I mention this only because someone showed me recently and I found it really helpful, that by using the formatting help at the bottom you can post clickable links as opposed to cut and paste web addresses.


You expect to not copy and paste given evidence into your browser now?

You can't accommodate the notion that someone might be in a situation where adding URL tags isn't an option?

And I'm sure you'll get back to these links and provide detailed insight to each example provided - not!

The reason I'm using schoolyard jibes is because I know you're acting like you're in a schoolyard and thinking being a wiseass will cut it.

It won't.


Way to ignore what I actually wrote in my response to him. So to clarify (although my post was pretty clear) no I don't expect to not have to copy and paste (happy to do so as I've posted dozens of cut and paste web addresses in the past). Burk and I have had many disagreements that are usually polite and sometimes friendly (and we even exchange thoughts on actual movies once in a while on this a movie website as well) so I was being polite and offering the same advice someone gave me not long ago that I found particularly helpful (that person I think was actually a Trump supporter). It's possible to disagree with someone and not hate them or call them names.

Burk posted 4 links that I did not have time to read last night but will have some time later this morning. Had you posted what you consider examples of media lying I would've given you the same courtesy (too late, I'm Burk's bitch now). 4 links will keep me busy but I will as I promised give him my thoughts.

It's ridiculous to say I'm acting like I'm in a schoolyard. Btw my mom really likes it to soon to call you dad?


Hey Burk I'll read up on this one later but you have my word I'll get back to you with my thoughts if not today, tomorrow. I'm supposed to be meeting my mom and her new boyfriend for lunch; he is AH THE WORST. She doesn't like how verbally abusive he is toward me but I guess when you're an 83 your old woman with syphilis you have to take what you can get.


I will confess to being less than exhaustive in reading up on this one but I will do what I rarely do and link to Fox News regarding this (pretty much the first thing that came up in my yahoo search (yes I use yahoo search) for "cnn lanny davis source"):

Lanny Davis himself is saying he is to blame for this misunderstanding. From the article:

“I can understand that they interpreted what I said as a confirmation, and have not blamed CNN,” Davis said. “I have blamed myself for not being more clear that, in my mind, I did not know the details about that meeting, and I should not have encouraged any reporter.”

Davis added: “I do think, for everybody who deals with the media in my position, this is a lesson, maybe a teaching moment. Don't even float stories on background, which is our expression for anonymously, unless you have a certainty of the facts, and you're asking reporters to go look to confirm those facts.”



I would think anyone who happily incorporates Satan as part of their internet name is happily part of a Really Big Hate Group, like the Legions Of Hell.


Thanx for exposing the Left! World's biggest hate group.

Coming from the troll who supported death threats against an American Judge and court staff.

You're a hypocritical POS, Satan. I'm going to call you out on your mindless, ignorant crap every time I see you post.


Antifa:The new brown shirts.

The brown shirts burned books in the NAZI regime.

The brown shirts (Antifa) of today stifle free speech.


They are not that different in what they are doing.

Add to that the removal of history via taking statues down and censoring people from having civil discourse in public settings, while rewriting Wikipedia and they are almost identical.


Those that forget history....

Civil discourse is a thing of the past with the Antifa thugs. They are no better than the KKK. They perpetuate violence against those they don’t agree with while masking their faces.

One organization who is against civil discourse and feeds lies is The Southern Poverty Law Center. It is a scam and a hate org. with tentacles everywhere.


I do have to agree that history won't look back on the SPLC's recent history favourably kspksp.

But, as you say, masked people attacking others on nothing more than their wish to be heard, not that different from the KKK whatsoever. And like the KKK they have the media on their side right now. Who knows what 50 years from now will look like and who will put their hands up to say they fought for Antifa?


Antifa called for the heads of networks to be fired?

Antifa called for press conferences to be cancelled?

Antifa made his staff sign NDAs?

Antifa calls anyone who disagrees with him and doesn't kiss his ass "fake", even if there are recordings?

Because that would make Trump the King of Antifa.



If you don’t intend on discussing Trump...maybe one of the literally THOUSANDS of other boards here ASIDE from the Donald Trump one would be a wiser decision?

I suspect Bob the Builder is more your speed.

But I guess your just lost without infowars having a presence anymore....


Sorry, I was on the wrong board. I had followed a link from GD which landed me here. I was not aware I was where I should not have been. Still no reason to get snarky with me. I will delete the previous reply.


A handy liberal media reference card for most crime related stories and causes

White and White crime = criminality the underlying cause
White on Black crime = racism the underlying cause
Black on White crime = historical injustice the underlying cause
Black on Black crime = societies fault the underlying cause
