MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What are Trump's chances of being the Re...

What are Trump's chances of being the Republican nominee for president in 2020?

I'm thinking it's not looking too rosy for him.


difficult to run from prison


Now there's a question for Google.


You can impeach a sitting President, remove him, then indict him and send him to prison, but all that is a lot of "if"s. Would Trump have a second term? I would agree it's not looking too rosy, but lots of things can happen between now and then. Problem is, we're dealing with Trump, who's likely to have even more skeletons in his closet than we've heard about so far.


Clinton was impeached but never removed from office or sent to prison.


I know. That's why I put it as a separate thing, just as once he's removed from office would be the only time he could be indicted and sent to prison. Each is a separate step, and a separate "if" -- IF he's impeached, IF he's removed from office, IF he's then indicted, and finally IF he's sent to prison.

I could have worded it better, I guess.


True, but its a big "if". A sitting President has never been jailed before so I don't think that will ever happen. Nixon was caught red handed and he just resigned with no consequences. Mueller has been investigating Trump for nearly 2 years and still nothing pertinent has been released.


They can't jail him if he's still a sitting President. He has to be removed from office first, or finish out his term(s). Nixon got a pardon from his successor and the fellow he'd picked as Vice President, Gerald Ford. Some people are actually suggesting that Trump could pardon himself. Personally, I doubt it.


Been hearing that for over 2 years. Get a new playlist.


Good point!


The chances of him being nominee in 2020 has definitely gone down the past week.

With the ramping up of House investigations with real subpoena power set to uncover all sorts of corruption the GOP congress had been zealously trying to bury these past couple years, these next two years should be a real spectacle. This administration is so corrupt, Dems just need to barely scratch for the swamp to come oozing out of any one thing they set their sights on investigating.

It almost doesn't even matter what. When the guy at the top is setting new standards for sleaze as the office bearer, you can be assured the levels of grift going on just beneath the surface are epic.

His quagmire does pose a fascinating existential question for republicans and an entertaining primary spectacle for the rest of us. Assuming he isn't impeached or hasn't tendered his resignation by this time next year, will the GOP base really choose to re-nominate such a toxic and scandalous candidate for the presidency again? If so, he'll be carrying baggage into the general election that should make the 10,704 out of 137 million votes spelling the razor thin victory margin by 0.2% in Michigan, 0.7% in Pennsylvania, in 0.8% Wisconsin all but insurmountable for him to repeat.

The caveat of course is the Democrats who are always their own worst enemies. No chance Trump could win, but plenty of ways Democrats can figure out a way to lose.


I really think Bernie would have slaughtered Trump and still could very possibly beat any Republican candidate.


I think so too.

But there are still quite a few bitter Hillary supporters that hold him responsible for her loss and have vowed they would never support him. It sounds crazy I know, but I encounter these types all the time. They put the loss on him for attacking her over corruption and close ties to Wall Street during the primaries, an attack line Trump picked up and continued in the general election.

So as usual, democrats are their own worst enemies.


Well that's pretty hypocritical of the Hillary supporters, given that the primaries were rigged in her favour.


Exactly, that's why it's such a crazy position to take. They're completely blind to the DNC shenanigans and write them off as the earned advantage of DC insider incumbency she was entitled to.


Interesting. That reminds me of a conversation I had with one of her supporters. He openly acknowledged that Bernie had been bamboozled by the DNC but he couldn't have cared less.


Same here. The momentum and energy Sanders and his supporters had back in '16 was something else. I fear we will not see it again.


I think that momentum really got amped up from 15 on. We're still two years away and more fed up than ever.


Yeah I was on the Bernie train in 2015 too. Bernie will be 2 yrs older. I think it was then or never.


He's not young but hey, look at Warren Buffet. He's 88 years old and still going strong. Bernie mentioned him the other day:


Well he's the President so probably pretty good. Can't make these posts up anymore.


Will he be President in 2020 though?


