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Muh Russian Collusion vs Racist Voter ID laws

Democrats are so upset that Russians exposed Hillary Clintons Emails to wikileaks and calls it "Russian Meddling of our election" but isn't this the same party that wants to make it so you don't need an ID to vote for the explicit purpose of allowing illegal immigrants to vote?

You have to choose one or the other libbies sorry. You can't claim "Muh Russian Meddling" while simultaneously trying to get rid of Voter ID laws. Without Voter ID laws nothing is stopping Russians from coming over here and actually directly voting in our elections


Is this post recycled from 3 years ago. At least troll with current events, oh wait, you can't.


"The Root" made a video calling for the end to Voter ID laws just a month ago


Without Voter ID laws nothing is stopping Russians from coming over here and actually directly voting in our elections.
Russians coming over and directly voting in USA elections sounds intriguing. Tell me how that would work with some specificity.

Wouldn't these Russians have to lie when asked if they are US Citizens?


You go into a voting poll, you lie, you vote. Not too hard to follow


We absolutely know democrats find a way to make illegal immigrant votes count and republicans can do the same for Russian votes until we find that Americans have absolutely no voting power left


What you "absolutely know" isn't shared by anyone guided by reasons and facts. That's why you can't cite any.


So falsifying information to an election judge has always been going on? I am SHOCKED if this is true according to your statements.

But how does the Russian gain entry into the USA? Are they sneaking in to vote fraudulently or are they just ignorant of the laws?

Why would just Russians? Why not Hispanics? What about Asians namely Chinese?


Well you see that's the thing it won't be illegal Russians voting in our elections it will be illegal mexicans which the left knows will vote democrat which is the only reason Racist Voter ID laws is a thing. The Left doesn't want Russia to expose their candidates thus influencing elections because it swings right but are doing everything in their power to allow illegal mexican votes to count because they swing left


It's fantasy vs reality. Libbies live in a fantasy world where Trump only won because of Russian collusion but the reality is the left are fighting to allow illegal immigrants voting rights to tamper with our elections


So apparently the Russian State and Russian Oligarchs want to influence the elections to benefit their money interests, disrupt the democratic process, diminish American power on the world stage and to punish American industry because they can't compete?

Hispanics want to vote because they are looking for jobs?

Got it.


Looking to take the black man's jobs. So where do you stand?


That's also the funny thing. The "Woke" Blacks are the ones pushing Voter ID laws the hardest and using normal blacks as their scapegoat for an end game that results in Mexicans taking over their jobs and neighborhoods but the "Woke" Blacks will be ok because their Liberal Masters will take care of them. In my day we called them Uncle Tom's

By the grace of God Donald Trump is here to stifle their plans for the mean time and Black unemployment is the lowest it's ever been


AMEN...preach it brutha!!


You really need to haul your tent away from that toxic landfill.


I guess you are like Hillary Banks on Fresh Prince like "That CD is so last week" Politics don't exactly work like that numb nuts


Voter ID laws have an effect on the poor community way more than they do on any other. It's not that common for low-income individuals to have a copy of their birth certificate, and in some states it can cost up to $20 to get a copy.

Since voter ID laws suppress votes from poor legal citizens more than it suppresses votes from illegal Russians and Mexicans, it's obvious that is the intent.

It sure is interesting how the one time republicans decide to create a solution before the crime appears is when it involves decreasing the amount of voters in democratic counties.


I'm a low income individual and i've never had a problem getting an ID and in fact i have no idea where my birth certificate is


That's good and all, but your situation doesn't pertain to everyone. Copy of birth certificates is quite commonly needed for a voter ID. Otherwise, it can't really do what republicans claim it does.


Yes my situation doesn't pretain to illegals who want to vote themselves into the country to steal the jobs of poor and black americans for half the wages and these greedy corporations and business owners are more than willing to accomadate them ensuring the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and your party is doing all they can to help achieve that goal because "Muh Globalism"


Muh globalism. Muh illegals takin er jebs. Muh deep state. Muh Soros. Muh Bilderberg, Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Muh reptilian overlords of the Illuminati. Muh life-extension technology.


Check your country of origin from which you emigrated from - I bet you your birth certificate is there.


I'm just a suburb boy...Born and raised 10 minutes South of Detroit...Took the Trump train going anywhere.


Don't stop. Your meming. Hold on to that feeeeling.




"Without Voter ID laws nothing is stopping Russians from coming over here and actually directly voting in our elections" Why on Earth would they bother to do that when they can manipulate our elections from the comfort of their homes?


You really think $100k worth of fake ads on facebook swayed an entire election, seriously? That is conspiracy nut level stuff right there.


Yes, it did. Gen draftdodger flocked to the voting booth to support one of their own.


Hahaha, maybe it worked on you. The rest of us smart people aren't fooled by fake news.

She lost, get over it.


Keep in mind that only about 80,000 people had to be swayed to make Hillary's 3 million lead not count. Trump won the election by 10k votes in Michigan, 27k in Wisconsin, and 40k in Pennsylvania.

With Russia's little troll factory in St. Petersburg using Cambridge Analytica while working around the clock, to completely deny the possibility that it could've helped is proving you are indeed not one of the smart people.


They use these weak arguments to insist it didn't influence the election because they know the alternative is indefensible; Trump's victory is illegitimate and she lost because he had the help of a massive influence operation by a foreign adversary that Trump went along with in order to line his own pockets. All the evidence points to this. But that invalidates everything they've been crowing about the last two years since she would have won absent Russian active measures.
