MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Looks like Ronald McDonald is threatenin...

Looks like Ronald McDonald is threatening a "very long shutdown" if he doesn't get his precious little border wall

PS: I apologize in advance for the ugly, orange, fat head you're going to be shocked by at the top of the article. Be sure to turn the orange down on your screens.


Thanks for the warning.

Let Mexico pay for it. Or his followers can donate to the Gofund page.


I definitely agree with that.


Remember, he knows tech better than anyone else! lol.

So he wants a border to put "tech" on, but the tech won't work without a wall? I assume he's talking about the line-of-sight tower idea, but you don't need a 10-ft high wall to put them on.

Just make a dang sidewalk and put the towers on it. Hell, you could even build that kind of thing in the more treacherous areas of Texas where people are starting to sneak in more often.

Building a high wall is just giving idiots an expensive false sense of security.


If the Republicans don't go along with what the Dems want, it's THEIR shutdown, and Obama does things out of the ordinary -- like close national monuments and throw WWII veterans in wheelchairs out of them. If Dems don't go along with Republicans, it's still a Republican shutdown. But my guess is that Trump won't play Grinch and throw little old men out of war memorials or keep families from viewing Mt. Rushmore -- if he listens to his advisors. Don't get me wrong; I don't think he's got better instincts or morals than Obama had, it's just that he's had the world fall in on him lately, and I don't think he's going to invite more if his advisors explain it to him in one syllable words. If Trump does behave as badly as Obama, he should be as roundly vilified as Obama was in certain quarters, only from every quarter. Wrong is wrong no matter which side does it, and I expect better out of my side. But I would like a little consistency in the criticism.

BTW, if you enjoyed seeing the Obamas called names, it only makes sense that you'd call others names. But if, like me, you find one of Trump's least attractive aspects his penchant for calling people childish names, again I wish you'd show consistency. Of course, if you find that an attractive trait and loved it when Michelle Obama was called "Moochelle," then, by all means, carry on with the Trumplike behavior....


It's the Trump Shutdown.

1. Both Republicans and Democrats negotiated a good deal which gave him reasonable funding and a DACA solution to sign. He refused to sign it last minute because his racist advisors Miller and Bannon were against DACA.

2. By his own words in 2013, the president is responsible for a government shutdown.

3. He said Mexico would pay for the wall. Let them!

"...if his advisors explain it to him..."

1. His "advisors" have conflicting advice. There are conflicting factions who have been fighting with each other since Day 1: mainstream Republican, alt-right and Democrat. Also factor in influence coming from Russia, Saudi Arabia and Turkey related to Trump's personal finances.

2. He usually doesn't listen to his advisors. Or did you miss the Mattis resignation this week?

"Trump's least attractive aspects his penchant for calling people childish names"

What goes around comes around therefore I have no problem with people calling him names. I just came up with a new one, King Trumphrey because he's both crazy and stupid like King Joffrey.


All fair points. Trumphrey and Donald Joffrey Trump are definitely fitting.


1. Both Republicans and Democrats negotiated a good deal which gave him reasonable funding and a DACA solution to sign. He refused to sign it last minute because his racist advisors Miller and Bannon were against DACA.
We should send all the illegals to your neighborhood. My bet is you won't like it.


I have plenty of legal immigrants in my neighborhood and county and it's great! They open plenty of stores which create jobs and they remain open practically all night and even during emergency situations like a blackout or blizzard.

Plenty of great food from various restaurants they have opened and excellent service from diverse shops and their workers.

As for illegals, I don't have a problem with them either. They mind their own business and work hard in jobs that nobody else wants.

Speaking of which, your pal Trump hires many illegal immigrants in his businesses so I bet he'll back me up as to their strong work ethic.


Shut down the entire government; DemocRATS and their brain dead federal unionized works need to feel some pain.

If they don’t like it they can move to a sanctuary city; then we can build fences around them.


Federal workers are mainly middle-class people trying to support families like all other Americans. Our military are federal workers. People who keep you safe like those who work at the CDC and supply our weather information. Inspectors and air traffic controllers. Workers in VA hospitals and our national landmarks. Our Federal courts, social security and medicare offices. Postal workers, various law enforcement agencies, passport services, bankruptcy and banking regulators and countless other job categories in many other agencies.

And when they don't work, surrounding businesses that service them lose money too. Furloughs are bad for the economy and are costly.

I'm not sure what your problem is with unions, but they help to keep workers from being exploited. Teachers had to strike in several states (all red) for a decent wage. They finally realized how important unions were and joined them asap.


I hate...HATE...democRATS and anyone who associates with them. They are all leftist-socialist traitors and in my opinion deserve firing squad treatment.

Just read thru this thread for my reasons why.

Filthy leftist scum would rather have the government be shut down than to simply fund a border wall for national security. The same scum is perfectly fine with spending billions to fund abortions and welfare programs for illegals.


Lol! You’re funny. We needed some humor in this thread, and your imitation of a Fox News host was spot on! Thanks for that.


Save yourself some time and look in the mirror next’ll laugh and cry at seeing such a pathetic rat staring back at you.


Lol! Good imitation of Jeanine Pirro! Keep going - you’re on a roll.


Careful! Kingswood's armed with "But what about Hillary and Obama?" replies and he's not afraid to use them!


Ah, the Alt-Right...aka: American ISIS.

Drag your knuckles back into your trailer, Jim-Bob, and cry your tears into your Confederate flag tonight. :)


Awwww, am I getting under your panties with my comments?

Sorry about that pussy tits.


LOL! Why is it that every Trumper I've ever encountered online sounds like uncouth, poor white trash? XD


Why does every snowflake I encounter online come across like a brain dead beta male using his mommies computer?


In other words you're a dogmatic ideologue.

Just a reminder that it takes at least TWO parties to make a democracy otherwise you have a totalitarian state. You should be happier in corrupt Russia, China, North Korea or any other country with one party.

As for the wall, Trump promised Mexico will pay for it!!!

If you want the wall so much, here is the link to the Trump wall Gofundme page. Pay your $$$$$$$$ instead of just paying lip service.


He never said they would pay for it upfront though....dumbass.

Such a typical leftist socialist TDS response.

You filthy traitors are the worst; you love you some illegals and you love welfare spending.

I wish you and all 'RATS nothing but the worst; you are nothing but a cancer on this country.


"Trump Has Said Mexico Will Pay for the Border Wall at Least 20 Times Since 2015":

Trump awaits your much needed $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to build the wall:

5 days until January 3, 2019.


People say Trump is insulting and mean, but he's not even half as mean as leftists are.

Trump's Presidency has been pretty crappy, but if there are two things he has done is a) he has exposed liberals AND conservatives, but liberals moreso. Leftists are FINALLY being shown to be the hypocrites they are and b) More Americans (percentage-wise) are interested in politics than literally the entire history of the USA.


I'm pretty sure more Americans were interested in politics during the American Revolution, Civil War, WW2 and turbulent 60s.

At least liberals have a backbone instead of the Republicans who have allowed draft dodger heel spurs Trump to spit on the American Constitution, cozy up to dictators, insult allies and have a love fest with neonazis.
