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When will the left admit that there is an attack on white males in our culture?

Bias and prejudice are real against all groups. There will always be shitty people in our culture, and they will always find a way to hate groups different from themselves. Unfortunately, there has been a long time implication that white males are exempt from discrimination. This is clearly not the case, and moreso, lately there has been a focused attack on the credibility of white males that are complete fabrications. We see the news mishandle and falsely cover a story about young white males "attacking" a native American. The true story was actually African Americans started the issue, and this aspect of the story was barely covered after discovered. The native American man was barely chastised over his actions, but at least it was admitted that he was in the wrong. A woman admits to lying about sexual assault because she doesn't want a white man on the Supreme Court. And now this week, we discovered that a Hollywood actor lied and planned an assault on himself and used Trump's slogan and racial slurs to strengthen his lie. As anyone knows, if something is proven multiple times, it means it's happening many more times and going undiscovered. This can be said about almost everything. How can anything be credible anymore,and how much is this hurting the case of supposed oppressed groups, except that lies are needed to back up something that is supposedly widespread,but not enough so that they need to fake it to have examples. I'm disgusted by the left and they way they are perpetuating hate that isn't a true representation of real life. How do other liberals feel about continuing to back a party that is willing to debase themselves to get ahead?


They won't. Because the white males they demonize don't whine and complain. We just go on about our business. Because we don't blame others or make excuses for our own circumstances, we do something about it.

It's undeniable fact that the straight white male is the most discriminated against demographic in the nation. We are blamed for everything that's wrong in everyone else's lives. Maybe that's what they want. All I see are whining crybabies that learned that life isn't fair and they want someone to blame, other than themselves. The truth doesn't matter any more, nor does history. Only the narrative.


I'm trying to understand what the OP meant about prejudice against white men. Under what circumstances does this happen, when and where? I know a lot of white males and nothing like this has happened to them.


once the communists and lefties are thoroughly outrooted from the elite
which I don't see happen
the only way for whites to survive in the future is to make a homeland somewhere
