MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Daily reminder: Thank God Fat Donnie is...

Daily reminder: Thank God Fat Donnie is out of the White House.

Thank you God.


Another day nearly behind us and another day to give thanks to God that the fat piece of shit, Fat Donnie, is out of The Wh.


Another day without Fat Donnie in The WH--Thank God.


Thank you, God, that Fat Donnie & Melanoma and their spoiled brats are no longer stinking up The WH.


Just another day to thank God that Fat Donnie is no longer making The USA the laughing stock of the world.


Thank you God, that Fat Donnie is gone. I am so fucking glad that fat piece of shit will never be potus again.


Another day to thank God that Fat Donnie, that fat piece of shit, is out of The WH.


Is this your only 'schtick' you have.....daily posts that highlight your (obvious) hang-ups in/with life?

The fact you're still bothered by Trump (despite being out of power for almost a year and a half) proves that 'The Donald' will forever continue to live in your head (rent free)
Whereas Biden, doesn't even live in his own head rent free (likely due to his own price hikes)

Good luck with your 'daily' revelatory, Benny-Hill-arious updates, though....


Fuck Fat Donnie and fuck you.


Snappy comeback (did James Corden help you write it?)


Yawnnnn . . . shouldn't you be out somewhere with Creepy Pedophile Jim Jordan (R Oh.) trolling for teenage males?


I've already gave you (and your 'plight') far more attention than you deserve....and your only response was (quote) "Fuck Fat Donnie And Fuck You"

You had the chance to destroy me with your (famed) acerbic wit .....but instead you fired back (like most exposed trolls) with the most basic mid/late noughties retort of vulgarity (and little else)

You're done here (and it's all of your own making) Sure, you'll be posting up endless 'thank God' posts, ad naseum (odd, because you clearly have nothing to thank God for) but deep down you'll now have to add me, alongside Trump as rent-free inhabitants in that hollow void you call a brain.

You could always try evicting us all with a bullet, perhaps?.....surely a win/win for everyone involved (including your relieved family)

Now, go 'google' a reply


Go away, you perverted pedophile.


No, I think I like it here (and will enjoy tearing you a new one, on a daily basis

Thank God for me, eh?


You seem triggered. You also seem like a pedophile.


Is that rule#2 in your troll book of Cop-Out excuses.....accuse others of being 'triggered' (after your own initial 'uber-serious' retort)

You seem to have gone from 'jovial commentator of the political world' to a defensive, projecting, crybaby (in the space of around three posts) with added bonus temerity points for now accusing ME of being triggered.....chortle!
You're also stretched your imagination, by imaginatively called me a paedophile (three times in three posts)

You couldn't make it up (primarily, because you have such a limited intellect, vocabulary and outlook)

But please feel free to go with your 'triggered' theory (it's likely the only amusing thing you've ever said)

Gotta' go to sleep now, see you tomorrow (look forward to it)


I wouldn't be surprised if the authorities haven't confiscated your computer by tomorrow due to kiddy porn.


You're slaying me


That line may serve you well when you are sword swallowing in a state penitentiary. I understand that child molesters are not treated well in prison.


Fat Donnie is not in The WH. Thank God.
