MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > "Best of the Best" names Describing Dona...

"Best of the Best" names Describing Donald J. Trump! Updated 05/16/2024 - NEW! "Don VonShitzInPants""

I did not create these, but they are all humorous to me nonetheless:

Squirrelwig McRacistPants.
Cheeto Satan.
Coral Babyhands.
Fanta Fascist.
Dreamsicle Demon.
Orange Menace.
El Hombre de Tang.
Marmalade Mussolini.
Orange Anusmouth.
Don the Con.
Benedict Donald ======Recently added!
Sunkist Stalin.
Habañero Hitler.
Mandarin Orange Mugabe.
The Orange Peel.
Orange is the new Splat.
Tangerine Nutsack.
Angry Creamsicle.
Human-toupee hybrid.
Agent Orange.
Fuckface von Clownstick. I've heard Bill Maher use this one.
The Orange Shitweasel.
President Tang.
Persimmon Toddler.
Kim Jong Orange.
Pantone Beelzebub.
Hair Gropenfuhrer. This one he really lived up to at least in words.
Minute Maid Mao.
Clueless Orange Julius.
Papaya Batista.
Sweet Potato Saddam.
Doorknob Trundlefuck.
Tropicana Mussolini.
Mangled Apricot Hellbeast.
Pumpkin Pinochet.
Cheeze Wiz.
Lemonhead Elect.
Peach Nehi President.
Trump Brulée.
Short Fingered Vulgarian.
Orange Foolius.
Pumpkin Spice Satan.
Tang Tyrant.
Mandarin Manchurian Candidate.
Sunburned Stalin.
Babyhands McCheetodick.
Salmon Voldemort.
Candy Corn Kremlin.
The Nacho Nazi.
Toupée Fiasco.

All credit belongs to her, Awesomely Luvvie. 💕

McDonald Trump ==== New for 2023! From MuffCabbage.

Ex-President Dumb Donald
Former Democrat Donald
Failed President Delusional Donald
Deranged Donald
Twice Impeached President Donaldphobic
Ex-President Dumbfu€kistan
The Dude Who Liberals Still Obsess Over Years After He Was President, submitted by Whynotwriteme.
OrangeManBad submitted by Galilguy. 👍
Deadbeat submitted by Burk48917 aka "Living rent free in lefty snowflakes heads since 2016."
NorrinRaddie's daddy Submitted by Miyagido
The Lyin' King Submitted by Anonymous
The Orange Shit-Gibbon Submitted by Robocat893
Tangerine Tantrum Prisoner number P01135809
Bumbling, rumbling, stumbling, stuttering, mumbling, American Idiot: Submitted by JFZ.
Orange Turd submitted by Stormy Daniels. 👍
Don VonShitzInPants Made more popular by Michael Cohen 👍


I started calling him Benito Mushroomweenie to my friends, they liked it.


I need to add:


I will update that into the list as well as yours!! ✍️


That one's good.


Someone threw out the name McDonald Trump.

I added it to the list.


Submitted by [–] JFZ (926) a day ago: Bumbling, rumbling, stumbling, stuttering, mumbling, American Idiot - Long but pretty accurate!


Hasbeen-ito Mushroomweanie? ;-)


I wonder how Stormy Daniels is doing? She has seen the "Hasbeen"!


Trump 2024

Vote for Trump
Vote for America


Hmmmm, voting for a Liar, a criminal, a philander, a scam artist, a twice impeached politician, a financial fraud-er, what else, I seem to be forgetting something important?


You are forgetting to support the person you voted for, but I get it. He is an rtard of epic proportions and its easier to make fun of the previous President.

What are your thoughts about Trump winning in 2024?


Oh, thanks for reminding me Bubbathegut of what I was forgetting!! Yes, why would I vote for a "Loser"? Surely you wouldn't vote for a "Loser" now, would you? I don't poke fun at DJT because he is the previous president I am highlighting and amplifying his failures and foibles in not being a person of character and instead acting like a character, and acting like a wannabe tyrant, but in every sense of the word just being a low brow, low-information, low morals, "Loser".

DJT is and always was the very thing he railed against and outwardly voiced his disgust over. Being a Bonafide, "Loser". Yes, something that has haunted him his entire life both personally, professionally, and finally now politically. DJT is a "Loser".


Your welcome. We really need Trump back soon. Things are getting worse everyday.


Great assessment on your part. Things are getting "worse" every day for DJT as his corruption, malfeasance, and brazen lies are being highlighted the more he continues to be delusional and speaking at the same time.

Him being back on the campaign trails is the grift that keeps on "grifting".

Keep up the good work that you are doing in promoting his continued visibility as a failed politician and "Loser" of domestic and international renown.

You are indeed doing a wonderful service to the "De-Trumpification" of not only USA politics but global tranquility.

Your service has been recognized.🤗


Make Putin President Again.



I had no idea you were such a fan of VP??????!!!

Way to go!! The imprisonment of DJT would be accelerated under VP.


Victor Presidio? I dont think he will make a good president.


Hopefully you are NOT endorsing the actions of Putin?

90% of what you type is for attention and most of what you type to get attention is in support of Losers. Don't let Putin get such attention for you or from you.

Unless it is to demonize him further.


Putin is lowering gas prices in America. Thats something Joe Tard could never do.


I am not sure what a Joe Tard is but it would appear that President Biden took blame from you for causing rising prices you would think that you would give him credit for causing the gas price to fall? Yes? No?

As to the Jan 6th Hearing it does indeed appear that DJT's attempt to prevent the final act of certification resulted in the Nothing Burger that amounted to an Insurrection and a Coup-Attempt. Plus an almost hanging of the Ex-Vice President.

Way to go Loser DJT!! I'm sure the "Boys" are "Proud" of you "Keeping" your "Oath"!!! 🤣


Biden continued, "Make no mistake: The current spike in gas prices is largely the fault of Vladimir Putin. It has nothing to do with the American Rescue Plan," referring to the big coronavirus and economic relief package Biden pushed through Congress and signed early in his presidency.

“The second big reason for inflation is Vladimir Putin and gas prices,” Mr. Biden said. “We’ve seen the price of gas go up over $1 just since he put his troops on the border of Ukraine…. then Putin invaded.

“The current spike in gas prices is largely the fault of Vladimir Putin. It has nothing to do with the [$1.9 trillion] American Rescue Plan.”


Tangerine Tantrum Prisoner number P01135809


[–] Bubbathegut (10274) a month ago
Putin is lowering gas prices in America. Thats something Joe Tard could never do.
Sure seems like he has impacted "lowering" gas prices a teeny tiny amount. 👌


Putin is, that other guy isnt.


As of 2023 it sure looks like Dark Brandon has been doing more than just forgetting confidential documents in his garage. He governed.


If governed means singing happy birthday to blah blah, then Diaper Joe is doing a fantastic job.


Why yes it does!

Thank you for commenting on President Joe Biden forgetting the name Arndrea Waters King during his Happy Birthday serenade.

Yep!! That is all part of governing.


Are the walls still closing in?


[–] Bubbathegut (11674) 7 days ago
Are the walls still closing in?
Hmmmmm, if a "Wall" is equal to an "Indictment" in a criminal case, then the answer is yes.

Do you know or think otherwise?

Your answer to the next question is critical though.

If indicted and found guilty do you think he would ever be sentenced to jail time?


He wont be found guilty so the question cant be answered. At least the Gov is still wasting money trying to "get" Trump.


Trump has already been got. He will never be president again. Sorry for you.


[–] Bubbathegut (11681) 23 minutes ago
He wont be found guilty so the question cant be answered. At least the Gov is still wasting money trying to "get" Trump.
DJT just can't stop himself from "Criming" and
is doing everything in his mental capacity to get "Got".

The Gov = the people of the USofA. Just in case you didn't know.


Tangerine Tantrum Prisoner number P01135809


Now that Allen Weisselberg is back in Rykers Island maybe AW will exaggerate the size of his cell so that DJT will find the accommodations more to his liking? 🗽🤣


[–] Bubbathegut (14816) a year ago
Putin is lowering gas prices in America. Thats something Joe Tard could never do.
Still no credit or even partial credit to President Biden for effectively governing the country?



Remember when gas prices started going up in early 2021 and then in 2022 creepy Joe blamed Putin for inflation and high gas prices then a few months later sleepy Joe blamed gas station owners for high gas prices? Now sneaky Joe is taking full credit for gas prices coming down.

If the Ukraine war is responsible for high gas prices then why would prices come down? Why doesn't Putin use his magic and make them go up again?

Biden continued, "Make no mistake: The current spike in gas prices is largely the fault of Vladimir Putin. It has nothing to do with the American Rescue Plan," referring to the big coronavirus and economic relief package Biden pushed through Congress and signed early in his presidency.

“The second big reason for inflation is Vladimir Putin and gas prices,” Mr. Biden said. “We’ve seen the price of gas go up over $1 just since he put his troops on the border of Ukraine…. then Putin invaded.

“The current spike in gas prices is largely the fault of Vladimir Putin. It has nothing to do with the [$1.9 trillion] American Rescue Plan.”


Dang, mic drop and comment deleted. Talk about ownage on a colossal scale.


>[–] Bubbathegut (12394) 7 months ago
Remember when gas prices started going up in early 2021 and then in 2022 creepy Joe blamed Putin for inflation and high gas prices then a few months later sleepy Joe blamed gas station owners for high gas prices? Now sneaky Joe is taking full credit for gas prices coming down.
I stopped at a gas station and was surprised at the absence of this particular sticker!!

Did your Faux-Outrage peak too soon? Will you resurrect that particular talking point?


Hey Mr. the Gut, how is that Supreme Court Re-Instatement of DJT going? Any traction yet?


NorrinRad: Your post is so ironic and self-contradicting beeing that you voted for Hillary, Obummer and Brandon the kidsniffer. The most corrupted and deranged politicians in US-history.


[–] suprlite (300) a month ago
NorrinRad: Your post is so ironic and self-contradicting beeing that you voted for Hillary, Obummer and Brandon the kidsniffer. The most corrupted and deranged politicians in US-history.
To this day for those three politicians the total number of scandals, alleged scandals, investigations, criminally adjacent convictions pales in comparisons to those of DJT.

In truth it is a "false equivalency" to even place those three in the same sentence with DJT and the words scandal and corruption. DJT was a corrupt businessman, scandalous spouse, corrupt family member, failed AND corrupt politician and soon to be indicted former president.

Off the top of your head (not a trick question) who has sat for more depositions DJT or Hillary Clinton?

Second question (also not a trick question), who is more at risk of being "Locked Up", failed one term president DJT or Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton?


NorrinRad: you are suffering from the 5 big D's: Dumb Delusional Deranged Donaldphobic Democrat. How's the weather in dumbfu€kistan?


[–] suprlite (307) 5 hours ago
NorrinRad: you are suffering from the 5 big D's: Dumb Delusional Deranged Donaldphobic Democrat. How's the weather in dumbfu€kistan?
Dear Suprlite,
Thank you so much for responding.

I will indeed add the names and attribute the 5+1 Ds to you for posterity:

Ex-President Dumb Donald
Former Democrat Donald
Failed President Delusional Donald
Deranged Donald
Twice Impeached President Donaldphobic
Ex-President Dumbfu€kistan


Deadbeat aka "Living rent free in lefty snowflakes heads since 2016." submitted by Burk48917


I'd like to put forth a nickname, NorrinRaddie's daddy. NorrinRaddie's daddy lives in your head 24/7, NorrinRaddie's daddy is the first thing you think about when you wake up and the last thing you think about before you sleep. Your panties get moist over NorrinRaddie's daddy.


[–] Miyagido (2266) 14 minutes ago
I'd like to put forth a nickname, NorrinRaddie's daddy. NorrinRaddie's daddy lives in your head 24/7, NorrinRaddie's daddy is the first thing you think about when you wake up and the last thing you think about before you sleep. Your panties get moist over NorrinRaddie's daddy.

Okay then. I'll add NorrinRaddie's daddy. You'll get the affirmation from me that you so moistly crave. 🤣


OrangeManBad submitted by Galilguy. 👍


The Lyin' King Submitted by Anonymous


[–] TinaKimo (832) 2 hours ago
And they are lawyers. LOL
[–] Bubbathegut (15588) 39 minutes ago
Nice! MAGA shall prevail.
MAGA = Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


MAGA = My Ass Got Arrested

Mr. The Gut approves of this message. 👍🗽👍


Melania calls him Fat Donnie. All of his White House staff called him Dementia Donnie.


Yes. They are hilarious if you're 5.


Or rooting against America.


Most kids prefer the word "Loser", along with the thumb and Index-finger in the shape of an "L".


Well 'kid', hopefully when you grow up, you'll gain some sense.


[–] chilone (13189) 3 minutes ago
Well 'kid', hopefully when you grow up, you'll gain some sense.
I am currently six feet without shoes on, 190 lbs with nigh near perfect posture. Outside of using HGH I don't believe my physical stature will be getting larger. No sense needs be gained, and I also thoroughly celebrate being a "kid" at heart.


I'm with you about being a kid at heart, but unlike you leftists, I'm not a kid mentally.



Wow! You really told me! Did you come up with that all by yourself? You leftists sure have a way with words!


[–] chilone (16434) a year ago
Yes. They are hilarious if you're 5.

Clearly you don't know any 5 year-olds.

MAGA = Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


MAGA = My Ass Got Arrested

Mr. The Gut approves of this message. 👍🗽👍


Wow! Still obsessed and blathering away. Congrats.


There are always moments of clarity. 🗽


Hopefully you will eventually have one.


How about "The Dude Who Liberals Still Obsess Over Years After He Was President"? Sounds kinda catchy to me.


As we get ever so close to a formal accusation, I mean indictment, the question still stands.

What will be your choice of names for DJT if, that is a BIG if, he goes to prison?


How about "The Dude Who Liberals Still Obsess Over Years After He Was President"? Sounds kinda catchy to me.


DJT is an endless pool of comedic material.
He writes it, and we report it!


Benedict Arnold just added!


Don VonShitzInPants Made more popular by Michael Cohen 👍


[–] whynotwriteme (6273) a month ago
How about "The Dude Who Liberals Still Obsess Over Years After He Was President"? Sounds kinda catchy to me.
Donald (The Loser) J. Trump. That one is easier than your submission. But I'll add yours too.


As we get close to the "Walls Closing In" there is a site with Nicknames for DJT:

Wow! Just WOW!!


#394 Trumpty Dumpty!! from the list of 409.



The Orange Shit-Gibbon Submitted by Robocat893

Has been added to the ever expanding list. 👍


NorrinRaddie's daddy Submitted by Miyagido

Did that make you moist? 🤣


Dingus Con.


Fucking wow.
