
Yatzo (1523)


Steve Bannon Wall grift How come Biden didn’t pardon Hunter? “Lock her Up” Save some fireworks for July 11! Trumps cabal of convicts Trump booed and heckled by raucous crowd at Libertarian convention Trumps says he’ll testify - do you believe him? Felons or dupes? Treatment of Trump’s fake electors has varied wildly by state Trump the family man Pecker & Trump View all posts >


They will mute Trump when he goes off topic, starts insulting Biden or begins lying uncontrollably Unlike yr delusional unverified conspiracy theories, here’s some real 2016 election interference by DJT https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/national-enquirers-help-for-trump-broke-norms-even-in-the-tabloid-world/ Tell me again what Trump said? He’ll lose in November then be in court for five years then House arrest at mar a lago then a reality show Project 25 is your new Republican party Yes it did One conviction and a million indictments later Ask David Pecker Take your hands out of your pants and go find a good dentist But their not Republicans, they’re psychopathic MAGA Republicans Give it up Trumps been lying every 30 seconds his whole life LOL! View all replies >